Has the new function been created yet and if not when?

We have just spent 2 weeks investigating why our pages started dragging to
find out that register_shutdown_function is BROKE.  I am a little
discouraged from what I have read on this.  It seems that BC is only a
concern when the right person likes the old way it worked.  When the right
people don't like the way things work, BC is thrown out the window and code
is broken.  fgetcsv is broke and has been broke IMO.  It causes segfaults.
Read the archives.  But because it would break BC (and the orig author likes
the way it workds) it stays unchanged.

As for the new function,If we are creating a new function, we should create
a new one for the NEW behavior.  This is the same thing that happened with
mysql_fetch_array.  At first, it returned an associative array and
mysql_fetch_row returned a numerical array.  Then someone said, "I want both
in one call", so, someone decided that mysql_fetch_array should return both.
Well, people complained (me included) and the solution was make it take an
optional param to designate the array type with both being the default.
Now, we all know that assoc should have been the default. So, i wrote
mysql_fetch_assoc, got it commited and never looked back on that one.

Thanks for the time.

Brian Moon

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