
Somehow this is starting to annoy me -- sorry for the unnecessary "noise" I
am causing on this list. I just thought people who are having the same problem
would be looking on marc.theaimsgroup.com or google and find a possible fix.
I'm not forcing anyone to use it.

> Setting Return-Path is useless. It's stripped by sendmail, unless it's allowed
> in the cf file explicetely. Same for postfix version of sendmail.

This also applies to qmail-smtpd, however, I'm talking about qmail-inject.

> You simply need to setup your mailserver correctly and php accordingly, ie:
> let the webserver user be allowed to use the '-f' sendmail flag and provide
> this in the arguments of mail() or via ini_set.

I'm not using mod_php. And the -f switch is a nice quick-fix, but it would
force me to hardcode a Return-Path and how can I be sure that
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> really exists? It is just more intuitive that
if a user supplies a "From" header, not only human-generated responses
will get back to him, but also machine-generated bounces.

> In no way, should mail() by default equal the RCPT TO user to the From: 
> header - if I would host users,

And I'm sure my users don't want me to read their mails. But I HAVE to
read bounces. I never touch people's personal stuff otherwise.

> I would like to know, if they start spammin' or have buggy scripts. 

That's why logfiles exist.

> What ever the reason - the final control of this option should
> remain with the mailserver administrator, not the mail user.

I'm not hardcoding Return-Path. 


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