Please let me disagree :

20828 is about a bug of new locking scheme with nfs
20858 is not bogus nor a duplicate : letting dba_open managing lock by
default BREAK current scripts :

If db was meant to be opened read only (by all httpd process) and
filesystem have appropiate rights for that (read only), automatic locking
will fail (and dba_open too by the way)

I have undestand that by adding the new "-" flag, it will behave as
previous release.
But why breaking BC ??

By enabling it you may fix existing bugged php script but you may also
break working ones.
I think it would be better to fix bugged scripts by adding a "l" or "d" and
keep BC.


PHP Bug Database wrote:

> ATTENTION! Do NOT reply to this email!
> To reply, use the web interface found at
>  ID:               20858
>  Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Reported By:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -Status:           Duplicate
> +Status:           Bogus
>  Bug Type:         DBM/DBA related
>  Operating System: Linux 2.2.16
>  PHP Version:      4.3.0RC2
>  Assigned To:      helly
>  New Comment:
> Please do not submit the same bug more than once. An existing
> bug report already describes this very problem. Even if you feel
> that your issue is somewhat different, the resolution is likely
> to be the same. Because of this, we hope you add your comments
> to the existing bug instead.
> Thank you for your interest in PHP.
> Previous Comments:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [2002-12-09 12:08:10] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I added '-' modifier for that now. And marked this one duplicate. See
> bug 20828 for more.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [2002-12-07 09:11:03] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> This was intended and the documentation is bad on this. 'l' and 'd' are
> only to force one of the two.
> Maybe i'll add a new modifier to skip locking...
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [2002-12-06 08:57:30] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Already reported in comment on #20828. I make a separate bug report
> since it's another bug.
> Opening a db with <? dba_open("E.db", "r", "db2"); ?>
> create a lock file (note that the "l" attribute is not used)
> This script will fail on a ro directory!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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