PHP 4 Bug Database summary -
Num Status Summary (1031 total including feature requests) ===============================================[*Configuration Issues]======== 13561 Assigned --without-pear prevent install of php-config,phpize,... 19282 Won't fix Place php4ts.dll into \sapi 20490 Analyzed enable versioning not supported on OSX 20689 Won\'t fix php_admin_value disable_functions not working as it should ===============================================[*General Issues]============== 20195 Open make install doesnt set permissions 20604 Feedback PHP CLI exists always with Segmantation Fault 20775 Open Silent install (/s) does not work 20806 Feedback display of rows in browse incorrect due to field names 20849 Feedback POST data submitted by UNIX Netscape 4+ (Mozilla 1+) won't fill *_POST array 20896 Verified php -w hangs indefinitely at 100% CPU 20946 Suspended php_ingres.dll missing in the php 4 zip!!! ===============================================[*Graphics related]============ 21010 Open typo in tag name and some identifiers ===============================================[*Languages/Translation]======= 11975 Won't fix mix of hebrew & english 13014 Won't fix hebrevc () 20166 Open Unicode (Slovenian) characters are not displayed correctly ===============================================[*Network Functions]=========== 15639 Suspended detecting end of UDP packets ===============================================[*URL Functions]=============== 20989 Feedback URL variable without = affects other URL variable ===============================================[Apache related]=============== 14409 Open request for nonexistent file does not return 404 error 15529 Open ap_cleanup_for_exec not used when creating 17837 Won't fix PHP 'handles' permission problems rather than letting Apache do it 19113 Feedback HTTP status 200 returned on HTTP CONNECT when mod_proxy not in use 19292 Critical random error: open_basedir restriction in effect. File is in wrong directory 20104 Feedback unhandled exception with multiple requests 20190 Critical Random mem corruption: zend_get_executed_filename() mismatch 20551 Open Output compression causes segfaults (ob_gzhandler) 20643 Feedback long POST fields get truncated 20665 Feedback Memory leaks on SIGHUP 20986 Open PHP causes Apache to leak semaphores ===============================================[Apache2 related]============== 17098 Analyzed apache sending 304 - not modified header 17414 Open Segfaults on restart 17566 Feedback phpinfo() causes load of 2+ 17868 Verified Doesn't work two and more <!--include--> directives of PHP code on different OS 18648 Feedback Single entry form POST gives incorrect variable content 18957 Won't fix multiple definitions 19739 Feedback php-4.2.3 fails to Install with Apache 2.0.42 on AIX 5.1 ML2 19787 Won\'t fix Can not load module 19918 Open no produced 20569 Feedback Apache fails when restarting 20910 Open Default for AcceptPathInfo "changed" 20929 Open Problem in handling big5 characters from HTML form 20954 Feedback Serious problem , unknown reason ===============================================[Arrays related]=============== 18829 Won\'t fix array_pop, array_shift, array_push... functions very slow with large arrays 20251 Won\'t fix Can't assign values to array in loop. ===============================================[BC math related]============== 13551 Open BC functions apply decimal places argument also on arguments ===============================================[CCVS related]================= 10447 Won\'t fix ccvs_*() functions segfault when given invalid session ID ===============================================[Class/Object related]========= 15675 Suspended get_class() returns only lower chars 17637 Analyzed constructors in classes (Back to PHP3) 20520 Feedback Nonsymetric data syncronization with references 20531 Open Object property association broken 20676 Verified Reinitialization of a reference ===============================================[COM related]================== 15771 Suspended cannot pass value to image field by ado 16375 Suspended Feature: Support for VARIANT multi dimensional arrays 19150 Open Overloaded COM Property Set Leaks Memory 20100 Open Com Performance/Memory issues 20282 Open COM memory leak ===============================================[Compile Failure]============== 1298 Verified need to use -taso with Netscape LDAP libs 7643 Open APXS compile fails with "not a DSO" 10108 Open cc 1501:218 file XXX contains an incorrect file suffix 14245 Verified make install fails on apxs 17820 Won't fix php.ini-dist not copied 18358 Won't fix Recode doesn't compile with apache2 19555 Feedback GNU pthreads issue? 19973 Open compile zlib and pcre as shared fails 20444 Won\'t fix Various compile warnings and one error. 20747 Feedback Comile of flock_compat.c fauks 20752 Analyzed Seems like it has something to do with ZEND_API(?). 20768 Won\'t fix MySql temp file error 20827 Open stat macro 20904 Feedback duplicate -l options in EXTRA_LIBS cause link error 20970 Feedback Fatal error: Nesting level too deep - recursive dependency? in Unknown on line 20977 Feedback Cannot compile both yaz and imap options ===============================================[Compile Warning]============== 20563 Won\'t fix GCC 2.96 warning ===============================================[cURL related]================= 20263 Suspended feof doesn't work with --with-curlwrappers 20748 Feedback Compile Errors w/ cURL 20987 Open Problem with curl_setopt and client certificates ===============================================[Date/time related]============ 13142 Verified strtotime() returns -1 for "M d H:i:s Y" format 16429 Verified strtotime fails when crossing Daylight Saving Time 17123 Won\'t fix mktime(), localtime(), strtotime(), etc. are broken for dates <1970 in Win32 17472 Won't fix mktime(), localtime(), etc. broken in Windows 17928 Verified daylight saving time 18101 Assigned strtotime() can't handle certain timestamp format 18289 Suspended strftime totally buggy!! 18670 Assigned strtotime() bug 20382 Verified strtotime ("Monday", $date) can produce incorrect output 20805 Feedback day of the Month output incorrect ===============================================[DBM/DBA related]============== 14383 Assigned using postgres with DBA causes DBA not to be able to find any keys. ===============================================[Directory function related]=== 20488 Verified is_dir(), Warning: Unable ... 20813 Feedback opendir() returns errno22 with UNC path ===============================================[Documentation problem]======== 6513 Open get_browser() and register_globals 7741 Open [feature request] Document about every predefined variable 11940 Open ill side effect of open_basedir 13439 Open unbound .* patterns don't work properly 13549 Open Checking if query result columns have NULL values with *sql_fetch_row functions 14283 Open printer_create_dc - Example has errors in manual 14298 Assigned PUT method not supported in PHP 4 14447 Open Thread Safe 14645 Open Problems assigning by reference to globals 14663 Open Empty packets as result of serialization 15110 Open Sessions are not saved unless the session contains data 15166 Open preg_replace issue when \\1 is followed by 1 15461 Open configure fails for extension samples 15637 Verified (bughun if using URI, ldap_connect() returns resource ID when server does not exist 16000 Open fpassthru and timeouts 16111 Open IIS/CGI only gives "Security Alert! PHP CGI cannot be accessed directly." 16217 Open syslog functions and exit functions are buggy 16228 Assigned XSLT file path issues 16234 Open important language features only mentioned in passing 16242 Verified (bughun Problems with case sensitivity german letters 16366 Open bit shifting error 16426 Analyzed $HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'] returns "n" 16479 Open var declaration in class has no meaning? 16660 Open conspiracy continues - Documentation bz2 archive format is not appropriate 16685 Analyzed safe_mode_include_dir check is not correct 16745 Open HTTP_Compress should auto detect if output_handler = ob_gzhandler is in php.ini 16790 Assigned Installation instructions is outdated 16917 Open apache2.0.35+php-4.2.0 17002 Open Unable to load php_oci8.dll ONLY in command line mode 17164 Analyzed please group sections in the functions reference 17180 Analyzed Operator Precedence 17214 Open MING SWFBitmap Wrong Example 17324 Open charset in polish chm is wrong 17386 Open Associativity of assignment operators listed wrongly 17419 Open Complex objects not correctly stored in ssession 17436 Open objects don't persist in sessions 17458 Open Can't compile with IMAP support 17556 Open switch() and continue odd behaviour 17653 Open "Contains no Data when I use GD Functions" 17713 Analyzed Request Reverse Lookup Reserved Variable 17752 Verified get_object_vars behaviour changed 17784 Open fopen() 4th parameter not document 17794 Open Setting a reference and value on one line 17795 Open PostgreSQL documentation should have entry for deprecated function name 18286 Open UPLOAD_ERROR_X constants differ from documentation 18293 Open mkdir does not give any explanation of mode parameter 18403 Open ini_set documentation outdated in other languages 18527 Open Misleading info: imageCopyMerge(), imageColorTransparent(), and true colour 18566 Open comand line argument parsing with + 18705 Open More info in strstr() 18747 Assigned pg_result_error is complete useless 18756 Open August Edition Format Poorly Designed 18816 Open results of ip2long and crc32 differ on different os/architectures 18914 Open Where are PNG pictures? 18990 Assigned [chm] general layout comment 19011 Won't fix Documentation code errer 19068 Open $_SESSION behaves like session_register(), but doesn't call session_start() 19077 Analyzed dba_open fails 19196 Open Explanation of "magic constants" not included in documentation 19208 Open get_meta_tags appropriate for strings functions? 19464 Assigned "Oracle Collections" functions (ocicol*) in manual are not documented for ages. 19466 Open Improve dll explication 19491 Open Missing part of PWS 4 installation steps 19506 Open some functions are not visble from "get_extension_funcs" 19568 Open Chinese version PDF PHP manual is corrupted 19578 Analyzed php_master_value not changeable with php_value 19638 Open setcookie and the null value for the value argument 19657 Open confirm that auto_pre/append causes a disk read for every script invocation 19692 Open register_shutdown_function documentation unclear about output 19699 Open 'array_walk()' violates recommended 'allow_call_time_pass_reference=Off' 19836 Open setlocale LC_ALL separator 19862 Open online documentation is bugged... 19959 Open fgets, fgetc 20077 Open Image missing on online doc page 20160 Suspended php_manual_zh_cn.chm 20189 Open pcnt_signal does not work 20216 Open is_callable needs documentation 20247 Open Configuration: memory_limit -1 value 20384 Assigned magic_quotes_sybase = on sorta turns magic_quotes_gpc off 20394 Open prev(), next(), current(), end() should say 'value' rather than 'element' 20437 Open static $m=1|2; 20447 Open Register_shutdown_function - connection still open while registered shutdown... 20453 Assigned $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] not set on 404 redirect 20481 Open preg_replace_callback() incorrect documentation 20521 Open pdf_set_font: Deprecated function in use (Examples) 20522 Open german+spanish translation: $HTTP_ENCODING instead of $HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING 20557 Open pg_lo_export will not take 3 parameters 20570 Open description of MAX_FILE_SIZE should be clear 20572 Open recommend of move_uploaded_file should be also remind in "handling file uploads 20597 Open [chm] bug on function.shm-detach.html 20601 Open A simple syntax parse error 20610 Open sendmail_path does work in Windows too, not only in Unix 20644 Open Incrementing/Decrementing booleans != boolean+1 20663 Open trigger_error silently truncates the error to 1024 chars. 20667 Open Manual does not report removal of SIG* signal number constants 20694 Open html not properly going to browser 20705 Open openssl_pkey_new does not seem to generate a new key 20726 Open 'foo'==0 cast on comparison 20739 Analyzed parentheses surrounding return()'s arguments do seem to matter 20760 Open strange behaviour regarding $this 20794 Open xsl:output not affecting output correctly 20836 Open sybase_fetch_assoc & mssql_fetch_assoc missing 20842 Assigned No explanation of object comparison and copying 20850 Open str_shuffle needs documentation 20851 Open Problem with the example in file-upload.xml 20855 Assigned chmod can't display correctly (french chm) 20869 Open money_format needs documentation 20878 Open IIS Server setup to run php code imbeded in html files 20888 Assigned Installation instructions for Apache CGI mode missing/misleading 20905 Analyzed exec() vs file() with newlines 20930 Open Description of string functions in online manual 20966 Assigned CHM search index includes irrelevant words 21007 Open html_errors off text-only output in phpinfo ===============================================[DOM XML related]============== 17638 Suspended set_attribute_node doesn't work 20899 Won\'t fix DOM Objects saved in current session can't be accessed after the initial page 20948 Won\'t fix DomElement->get_elements_by_tagname is now recursive ===============================================[Dynamic loading]============== 2220 Won't fix dynamic module memory leaks cause SIGSEGV under DEBUG mode 14870 Analyzed Some modules break SIGUSR1 and SIGHUP 19937 Open dynamic extension loading fails ===============================================[FDF related]================== 14877 Open HTTP_FDF_DATA not available (php_fdf.dll crashes) ===============================================[Feature/Change Request]======= 979 Open [PEAR] Openmarket Transact support 1658 Open Enhance Sybase-ct to fetch limited rows 2328 Open I would like animated gif support within php. 2352 Analyzed Create subgroup of database functions 2807 Open LOB descriptors with Fetch/Result and FetchInto 3066 Open Parameter for dns functions to select different DNS 3275 Analyzed [PEAR] ICQ support 3276 Assigned Add PGP support 3367 Open PHP code callback during file upload 3462 Won't fix foreach behavior on a non-array 3799 Suspended default_charset brings small incompatibility 3830 Open Function to timeout/break off a function 3928 Open shorthand notation for filling associative arrays, please 4089 Suspended No bug, only a suggestion 4426 Open php when run w/ binfmt_misc does not work w/ apache 4612 Suspended Too much of $this 4875 Open array_merge() is unable to merge arrays with numeric keys 5007 Analyzed enable no-resolve mode for here docs 5050 Analyzed $php_errormsg not changed on errors inside functions 5169 Open Missing recursive behavior 5301 Open cosmetic change in phpinfo() output 5311 Analyzed implement checkdnsrr() and getmxrr() on windows 5435 Open Request to update eval() or create new function. 5563 Analyzed Change session.cache_expire value to be in seconds 5575 Open open_basedir to ~ 5601 Analyzed @function() should not turn of error reporting for critical errors 5748 Open use 'App Paths' registry key to specify path for supporting dlls 5804 Open parser error if any spaces follow indentifier in with here doc syntax 5883 Assigned --enable-trans-sid modification request 5889 Analyzed pack() does not take arrays 5919 Open stri_replace() to compliment str_replace() 5954 Open Informix can't reliably figure if a text result column is NULL 5960 Open Output buffering and headers 5975 Open version of strip_tags() that specifies tags to strip (instead of tags to keep) 6019 Analyzed document precision of floating point values 6082 Open User defined error handler should be avare if function was prefixed with @ 6107 Analyzed increments are magic, decrements not 6118 Open Can not supress runtime warnings on foreach 6193 Analyzed new object makes a shallow copy 6238 Analyzed var_dump() param for deactivating reference following 6268 Open ternary op return only by value 6305 Analyzed when string contains "at", wrong time returned 6339 Analyzed invalid Sybase-link resource - problem with last opened link 6343 Open enable pass by reference to be optional 6399 Open checkdate should be able to validate a time as well as a date (timestamp) 6418 Open Multiple class extends ordering error 6427 Open func_get_arg() does not support references 6503 Open no support for multiple resultset query? 6512 Analyzed sort() Does not sort stings as expected 6563 Open OCIPLogon should check the connection 6574 Open SMTP functions via IMAP c-client library 6584 Open SNMP "get-next" function is missing 6680 Open regexps (ereg*) ignores locale settings 6701 Open Use of http_proxy for fopen("http:// ... 6746 Open Support for Sybase bcp and large result sets 6771 Open Import LIB files needed in Win32 distribution 6893 Assigned feature request - makelinks() function 6911 Open Problem with array_merge(_recursive) 6927 Suspended 6932 Open Filesize / File_exists and include_path 6982 Open disable_functions option don't works in Apache config 6993 Open uninstalling is a pain in the ass 7006 Open preg_replace ( string pattern, array replacement, string subject ); 7028 Analyzed xml=shared and wddx do not work together 7095 Open Unwanted content-type header 7121 Open fopen() doesn't owerwrite files opened via a FTP connection 7132 Open fsockopen doesn't report dns lookup failure 7220 Open Error Report on Function Arguments 7354 Open Feature Request: sort on single element arrays 7398 Open Stored procedure error return values not passed through 7440 Open Print function calling stack 7507 Open Better ODBC error reporting/fetching 7535 Analyzed Entities missing in get_html_translation_table ( HTML_ENTITIES ); 7541 Open please consider also support HPUX shl_* 7553 Open RFC: Uplevel Block structure 7559 Open zend_hash_get_current_key_ex returning persistent strings 7568 Open 64-bit integers, 32-bit unsigned and 64-bit unsigned 7578 Open next() and current() do not return referenceing arrays 7782 Assigned Cannot use PATH_INFO fully with php isapi 7805 Open Add optional parameter 'class' to mysql_fetch_object() 7808 Open variable value triggerd by function 7869 Open parse_str produces no trapable value 7923 Analyzed htmlentities doesn't work for ISO 8859-2 7930 Open List() constructor reference assignment 8006 Open raw_mail() function 8070 Open wish list: oci8.max_persist in php.ini 8074 Open IPTC parse 8100 Assigned extract(), extra feature 8108 Analyzed implement trans-sid as output handler 8187 Open Partial FTP Downloads 8194 Open Need for a "const" qualifier. 8217 Open long2ip gives result instead of correct value 8218 Open str_replace() with count of replacements 8295 Open absolute path in extension= directive in php.ini not recognized 8325 Open numeric strings used as keys are converted to longs 8328 Open ucwords and ucfirst misbehaving with quotes 8395 Open register_shutdown_function() error 8397 Open Multi-results sets are not suppported 8427 Open Unwanted references 8428 Open continue doesn't pass thru a switch statement 8595 Open More effective parsing of list() (+other) 8640 Open enumeration type 8644 Open Include Signal catching for parse errors 8685 Open heredoc: remove column 1 closing identifier requirement 8796 Won't fix "$foo->bar->baz" ambiguity in double quoted strings 8797 Open There is no way to use REC_VERSION transaction parameter 8809 Open Cookieless session with Header redirects 8817 Suspended $foo->getbar()->getfoobar()->method() 8827 Open PHP_AUTH_PW stores password when using External Authentication 8855 Open session_start should return also FALSE 8879 Open iPlanet: setting doc_root etc. for virtual servers 8897 Open Significant portions of the InterBase API have no PHP representation. 8948 Open readline_completion_function enhance 8963 Open using shared PHP libraries in safe_mode 9035 Open Need a PHP_AUTH_REALM built-in variable 9095 Open colon/semicolon delimitd extension_dir ? 9117 Assigned output_handler = ob_gzhandler 9173 Open getline 9195 Analyzed Default class function arguments 9211 Open URL and PHP Info/Options functions NEEDED 9212 Open fpassthru ignoring output buffering 9262 Analyzed Inconsistency in the implementation of here-docs 9266 Analyzed Unable to load 14 of php's extensions 9308 Open Allow Unix to use Win32 only mail options 9331 Suspended No operator overloading available 9397 Open odbc_setoption() cannot accept string value (patch included) 9417 Open zend_eval_string() doesn't work like eval() :( 9441 Open New feature for foreach control structure 9515 Open PHP misbehaves when run as a script with SERVER_NAME environment variable def'd 9516 Open No trivial way to bypass safe mode when running as a shell 9517 Open No settings for OCI8 module regarding persistent connections 9622 Open Support for mime_header_encode 9654 Open is_type consolidation 9676 Open Feature request for set_time_limit 9750 Open Informix Fetch Array 9751 Open WANTED: Informix RESET 9777 Open Function/Class prototypes? 9928 Open Feature rqst: timeout in readline 9969 Open Feature request: persistent FTP connections 9976 Open No DTD support in DOM functions 10055 Open strtotime() doesn't work on MSSQL standard dates 10102 Analyzed need a better error message when argument to empty() isn't a variable 10104 Open Feedback 10141 Analyzed $HTTP_USER_AGENT 'breaks' in a URL-included file 10203 Analyzed foreach weakness 10310 Open feature request 10350 Open OCIResult doesn't return time for an Oracle Date field 10351 Open Parsing problem with nested ? : structures 10359 Open opendir enhancement 10429 Open Improving substr() 10519 Open $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS spoofing 10524 Open register_shutdown_function request 10527 Open Declare variables as constants 10546 Open extract() to work with objects 10549 Open Performance problem with Openlink ODBC drivers 10596 Suspended Suggestions for new functions 10657 Open settype() with larger than 32bit values 10677 Open Session lifetimes beyond browse on per session basis 10700 Open unlink() doesn't like win/unc names 10743 Open class functions & PHP core functions inconsistently clash ;) 10863 Open serialize/unserialize doesn't handle references 10885 Open Add result type to mssql_fetch_array 10916 Open (Feature Request) OS-independent path parsing 10937 Open Interface to execl() library call 11060 Open 64 bit integer support 11063 Suspended $var = function_returning_array(args)[0]; doesn't work 11067 Open dumpmem() does not ident, or even make new lines when called 11077 Open two new array functions 11100 Open session_garbage_collector function 11262 Open Sybvase-ct: suppress "command aborted" messages 11352 Open HTTP server internal redirect 11457 Open limit for str_replace() 11537 Open We need an operator for prepending a string to a string. Something like =. 11549 Open open_basedir/include_path security improvement 11558 Open Sybase-CT functions not found. 11592 Analyzed need for an a SIGALRM based timeout mecanism 11596 Open More ways of passing by refrence 11615 Open change/modify parent syntax 11626 Open additional oci function for quoting 11651 Open Need something like a __LINE__ constant to show the line in *main* file. 11812 Suspended mail function 11836 Suspended Require nor Include works inner a class file 11894 Open want posix_getgrent() function 11982 Analyzed session_expires() 12023 Open mysql_result moves the data pointer forward one row. 12028 Open array_sum changed 12066 Open Enable transparent Session IDs for a whole Domain not only relative Links 12192 Open case insensitivity for in_array 12204 Open support for cache database ( 12214 Open Additional param to ereg/eregi/ereg_replace/eregi_replace 12256 Open Error tracking:pass the line number of the function call instead of fun.defin 12257 Open list() can't handle associative arrays 12284 Open negative limits in explode() 12312 Open array_mt_rand() ? 12321 Open ftruncate poorly named, suggest alias 12405 Open The result of create_function should be accepable to the parser 12442 Assigned optional linenumbers in show_source 12486 Assigned fgetcsv - Why not a getcsv (string not file) version? 12501 Open authen/authz handler capability 12512 Open E_INFO/E_USER_INFO 12513 Open Automatic Rollback of open transactions in persistent links 12526 Open additional functinality to get_html_translation_table 12548 Open session_set_save_handler() with php internal session storage 12568 Open Feature Request for function is_subclass_of 12595 Open $argv passing 12630 Open BUG: cannot return 12649 Open error tracing 12669 Open Utterly Global Variables - What Zeev was talkin about 12712 Open named function parameters 12739 Open strtolower/strtoupper and special characters 12771 Open new_object_array() 12779 Open Quote operators 12802 Open gethostbyname/gethostbyaddr timeout 12809 Suspended function calls, default arguments and passing references 12819 Open variables and constants in classnames 12833 Open Would be nice to have better transaction support 12856 Open dynamic default function parameter not possible 12857 Open get_html_translation_tabele() and non HTML_SPECIALCHARS 12969 Analyzed No output with %V 13011 Open formatting numbers 13048 Open libical / iCalendar support 13161 Suspended make delete() as alias of unlink() and unset(), not as just dummy. 13162 Open php_value & php_admin_value is better to accept "" (null value) 13195 Open Support for OUT parameters from Stored Procedures in ODBC wrapper 13199 Open Punctuation of month abbreviation in date() 13261 Analyzed More restrictive File-system access 13280 Open suggestions about variables scope, warnning 13359 Open Formating php.ini 13429 Open Real reflection API 13462 Open Error Logging 13475 Open Patch For Sybase stored procedure return values and and output params 13512 Open The backtick operator only returns stdout, not stderr 13533 Open new function 13534 Open tab-width for highlight_* functions 13547 Open String position of preg_match_all 13623 Open support ESMTP AUTH 13670 Open floating point number display 13725 Open --disable-assert to disable assert() completely? 13730 Open StrPos is deficient 13810 Open Per directory php.ini overrides 13825 Open sort functions 13833 Open disable_functions does not work when set from httpd.conf 13843 Open add the execv functionality to PHP 13906 Open Oracle OCI Non-Blocking mode 13907 Open Oracle Fetch row by row number 13944 Assigned in a function, I want to know the file/line that CALLED the function 13993 Open eval() parse errors not using error_handler 14069 Open Need function for Informix 14071 Open 'admin-values' php.ini also for CGI-binary 14097 Analyzed Add option to file() to strip \n 14166 Open patch for mail() to use sendmail_from on Unix 14192 Open Disable Error Control Operator 14208 Open shm_put_var problem and new shm functions 14210 Open Can we have ZEND_HANDLE_STREAM? 14231 Open c-function select() please 14246 Open dns operations don't allow picking resolver 14263 Open Don't free each allocation in cgimode 14285 Open Forcing variable declaration 14306 Open Need a something to pass to use default function values 14316 Open Incorrect upload_max_filesize causes problems 14369 Analyzed ftp_* functions do not respect safe mode 14393 Open Function calling filename built-in access 14399 Open eregi_replace does not handle upercase scandinavian characters 14403 Open $obj->eval() 14404 Open scope notation 14405 Open strict type control ability 14406 Open typeof operator 14412 Open ucwords() new parameter 14428 Open range-based regrouping and import ability 14473 Open strtotime wont parse date 14523 Open Additional parameter for str_repeat 14561 Open strtotime() bug 14562 Assigned dBase: Unable to obtain dBase file structure 14564 Open Trusted Connections Not Supported 14613 Open Implement Function/Feature Conformity Tests 14615 Open PHP log does not contain proper CRLF's 14640 Open Support "{@$foo}" and "{@$foo['bar']}" syntax 14643 Open wordwrap() only for long words 14694 Open GNU fmt-like linebreak algorithm as PHP function 14705 Open func_get_args(): return references to params? 14715 Open suggestion:mapping session file into dirs 14736 Won\'t fix about error_reporting for $_GET 14770 Won't fix phps truncates long sources 14794 Open xml_set_object() should take object by-reference 14813 Open the list of bug categories should be stored in a database table 14816 Open providing a password for every bug report shouldn't be necessary 14820 Open GD: ImageColorLeastUsed 14845 Open var_dump sometimes crashes after array stringitem is overwriten with arrayitem. 14853 Open escapeshellarg should return '' for empty argument list 14896 Open Multi threaded support 14901 Open Add a new language construct which prints to stderr by default 14918 Open Need function to explicitly set a hash's internal pointer to a certain key pos 14920 Open Internal pointer stack for arrays, to solve pointer problems 14924 Assigned The POSIX access(2) function is not available 14949 Open fprintf function 14980 Open "Illegal or malformed form data." is a terse message 15013 Open String length restriction in mssql functions 15036 Open PHP should be able to control module load order. 15078 Open --trans-sid doesn't work with Header("Location: ...."); like redirects 15095 Open use of references in arguments with defaults 15098 Open func_get_args_by_ref() 15101 Open eval() in other context 15128 Open php_java array access 15133 Open SSI 15135 Open improving eval() with context 15180 Won\'t fix _POST --> HTTP_POST_VARS (refrences!!! not) 15184 Open Calculate the quarter with date('Q')? 15208 Open .phps file additional feature 15211 Open println? 15216 Open Number of weeks or parts thereof in a month 15230 Verified (bughun memory_limit not obviously disabled for windows binary 15232 Open Need a possibility to compare two references 15233 Won\'t fix Possibility to make include() from within functions with global scope 15242 Analyzed PHP functions as extensions for libxslt 15259 Open PHP fails if RLimitMEM directive is used 15347 Open strtok multiple string handling 15367 Open open_basedir = "~" (cgi mode) 15376 Open Can't exit an include file from function 15459 Open milter interface 15465 Open magic_qoutes_gpc without control of php.ini 15520 Open array_slice destroys numeric keys 15523 Open Line Number 15599 Open functions returning references, oddity(?) 15606 Open Parent instance by reference in objects 15662 Open iptcembed FotoWare 15663 Assigned add foreach reference values 15677 Open quoted array index in string should be possible 15689 Open more variable type should be added 15734 Open get_defined_constants() feature 15810 Open superglobals does not work with dynamic vars in functions 15857 Open Object Overload __set __get allow set by reference 15872 Open php_admin_value disable_functions does not work when set in httpd.conf 15881 Open a new format char for sprintf kind function 15886 Open rfc1867 file uploads should consider Content-length header 15920 Open range() with a step parameter 15972 Open strip_tags should allow restricting the attributes on tags that are kept 16073 Open Cannot unserialize() a string serialized with serialize() 16079 Open Allow '.' (concat) operator on static strings 16119 Open Swapping two elements of an array 16138 Open .htaccess / httpd.conf and error_reporting constants 16143 Open MSSQL 2000 support 16162 Open Custom FTP-Commands 16303 Open file() MUCH faster than fsockopen() + fgets() but we should be able to set th 16330 Open There is no E_NONE constant. Patch included. 16349 Suspended no way to tell if a session exists without starting it 16367 Open No way to get O_EXCL 16410 Open array function request 16437 Open Reference to function namespace variables 16456 Open "resume" of ftp downloads 16464 Open func_get_arg(), func_get_args() should be reference proof 16480 Open strings should remember whether they are magic_quoted, htmlized or neither 16487 Open error_reporting change 16495 Won't fix return last selected databasename 16539 Open Cannot determine error status 16591 Open class loading in unserialize/session_decode 16618 Won't fix more mysql module info in phpinfo(); 16620 Open Ingres_II: Don't get two connects in one script 16621 Open different ?: operator precedence then in C 16681 Open Request new words() function returning no of words in string 16705 Open SASL support with LDAP 16758 Assigned Configure "Libraries have been installed in" and where they really are 16913 Open sem auto release should be to be disabled!!! 16966 Open convert form item names to "_" only for $GLOBALS, not for $HTTP_POST_VARS 16979 Open nested function in functions within a class 16991 Open wordwrap should respect html tags 17001 Open enhancement for addslashes() 17055 Suspended Must declare function before referencing when in the scope of an if statement 17057 Analyzed substr with pretty output 17075 Open Prevent cookies being rawurlencoded 17076 Suspended Omitting defaulted arguments 17077 Suspended Negative string indexing 17090 Open Getting slices of associative arrays 17101 Open Parse errors involving control structures should indicate the start of it 17179 Open evaluation constants 17204 Open getallheaders() not available in all SAPIs 17207 Open call_user_func_array does not bind array keys to params 17250 Analyzed Extend detection capabilities of getimagesize 17279 Open array_recurse_safe() 17396 Open xslt_set_base 17400 Open getting ip for eth0 17488 Open upload_tmp_dir not automatically added to open_basedir 17513 Open Default Additional command of mail() 17545 Analyzed getallheaders - changed to return text of headers 17565 Open optional ORDER parameter for range() 17609 Open Ingres config file only works in unix-text-mode 17617 Open levenshtein() param for faster return 17624 Open Euro monetary symbol not encoded with htmlentities() 17819 Open gethostbyaddr 17860 Open Suggestion: auto detect whether session changed 17900 Suspended Unset() for function and class namespace 17902 Open Group Membership Checking in LDAP 17925 Open PHP should have a separate gd.fontpath ini setting and honor safe_mode 17943 Won't fix Customized PHP 17983 Open mkdir does not do recursive directory creations (-p) 17987 Won't fix require() not permitted within class definition 17988 Assigned strtotime fails to parse timestamp type from postgresql 18003 Open trim() to accept arrays as argument 18052 Open getimagesize() should not trust the header info in gifs 18094 Won't fix Multiple MySQL Statements per Query 18183 Open [RFE] Configurable "User-Agent" in php_fopen_url_wrap_http() 18187 Open Consequent implementation of array referencing to user method 18200 Open xpath_eval should return a reference to the DOM node and not a copy 18209 Open gmtime() function requested 18214 Won't fix Request: strict mode option in PHP 18223 Open Extended ease of if () / elseif () and is_null() bug (?) 18235 Open season parameter for date() 18283 Won't fix Changing auto_append_file option within script is useless 18296 Open verify if a odbc field is nullable or not 18332 Open is_readable/is_writable/is_executable support under safe mode 18335 Open phpinfo() should sort extension order 18355 Open add imap_getacl() 18370 Open More than one php.ini files are required 18400 Open allow setting of proc title in CLI mode 18407 Open Request of new configuration directive for safe_mode 18451 Open php4-pgsql should have a way to create a new database connection 18517 Assigned PicoSQL access module 18530 Won't fix Request for Delphi style "inherited" call 18554 Won't fix highlight_string 18563 Won't fix Problem with Session ID as hidden POST Variable 18599 Open tar.bz2 and tar.gz for binary releases 18605 Won't fix on_session_destroy functionality 18675 Open aborting scripts when user hits "stop" in browser 18686 Open Additional parameter for crc32 18881 Open $_FILES order is not logical 18910 Open Suggestion to highlight_string 19057 Open Please provide an MSI package 19119 Open curl_exec called twice 19151 Open Checking for a valid PHP file from PHP 19225 Open nanotime() 19236 Open Need $php_errorLineNumber $php_errorScript in addition to $php_errormsg 19244 Won't fix set_time_limit() and safe_mode 19245 Open Alter error message for execution time exceeded 19277 Open Shortcut to receive the latest PHP Version 19300 Open $_POST vars lost chars when parse form 19411 Analyzed Pre-existing classes defined WHERE? 19431 Open Stopping include execution from within a function 19449 Open fork, multi-threading 19454 Open A way to run php auto_prepend_file before not-to-be-parsed files would be nice 19538 Open No way to identify source of email sent by mail() 19545 Open Clipboard functions 19574 Open Quoted printable encode 19583 Open Remove is_dst parameter from gmmktime? 19607 Open Fourth argument for htmlentities() 19610 Open define() defined() usage of constants -> handler 19640 Won\'t fix [phpweb] Make mirrors not crawlable 19645 Open Extended functionality for parse_ini_file 19654 Open function to call class methods 19674 Analyzed Session security enhancements 19680 Open mail 5th parameter in safe_mode 19687 Assigned ociexecute calling procedure with boolean out parameter 19694 Open Persistent Global Variable 19706 Open thttpd 2.23beta1 gives errors with PHP 19766 Won\'t fix dl() support for Apache 19777 Won\'t fix We need mysql_fetch_all($mysql_result,[TYPE]) 19778 Open Provide a way to remove http headers - like f.x. header("Pragma:") 19801 Open Imap_getacl() 19817 Open ImageCreateFromGD2() doesnt recognize uncompressed .gd2 images 19874 Open Case-insensitive strpos() 19905 Open add timout to flush() 19917 Open link 19974 Open force close persistent SQL connections 19994 Open Extracting information from Helix/Real Media 19998 Open IIS 6.0 Configuration 20000 Won\'t fix Classes: extend from more than one parent 20017 Open File png.gif should be distributed in PNG format, php.png 20026 Open http Authentication w/ IIS 20058 Won\'t fix include not allowed within class definition 20072 Open set_error_handler doesn't accept Class::function() 20081 Won\'t fix return type of mysql_stat 20118 Open aggregate() having no parent:: 20181 Open No way to compile static binary 20196 Open PEAR in include_path 20204 Open $var_classname::function(); returns a parse error. You need to use eval(). 20208 Open Wanted: a pearinfo() function analogous to phpinfo() 20213 Open Add a CC: feature to PHP bug reporting system 20226 Open can't do "foo.php/path.inf" via cgi (with patch) 20230 Open getacl 20231 Open \v C-style escape sequence in double-quoted strings 20244 Open Multiple cmdline args for mail()'s fifth parameter 20281 Open Extend the Sybase CT module 20293 Open --with-tsrm-pth not required 20310 Won\'t fix print_r should apply htmlspecialchars 20331 Won\'t fix parse_ini_file() doesn't parse multiple keys 20339 Open Magic functions __wakeup & __sleep 20344 Open select a temp dir and filename that is diffrent than the one in php.ini 20421 Open Would come handy: session_abort() 20459 Open functions contained in if/else 20474 Open Loging 20516 Won\'t fix RFC: C-style string concatenation 20544 Won\'t fix set function arguments by name 20549 Won\'t fix register_global and scoping vars 20574 Won\'t fix Cannot report bug 20650 Open Change of Read($sess_id) to ($sess_id, $maxlifetime) 20656 Open Feature Request: mysql_fetch_object as user defined class 20680 Open php references - error reporting 20681 Open array_search(:object, :array) fails 20685 Open UTF-8 encoding as ISO-8859-15 20690 Open fopen should check with uploaded_file not only open_basedir 20702 Open strtoupper 20706 Open skipping an optional argument 20719 Won\'t fix HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA 20730 Won\'t fix PHP language needs to evolve 20742 Open function to check if dir is allowed through open_basedir-directive 20789 Open Produce a php4apache_eapi.dll with Windows Binaries 20799 Open Able to call function when reaching a certain line in a certain file 20835 Open Why can't I keep php.ini in PHP's directory? 20859 Open request: declare(ticks) should carry over into functions 20875 Open function to fix path names 20881 Open strip_tags() option to change brackets 20883 Open get_included_files() addition for md5 hashes.. 20893 Open Strings as Arrays... 20902 Open Function needed to return name of current script independent of O/S 20914 Open Extending get_browser () function 20960 Won\'t fix Checkdate very illogical ===============================================[Filesystem function related]== 20215 Open fputs(); (Line Feed / Carriage Return) 20895 Verified dirname() behaviour changed ===============================================[GD related]=================== 20472 Open Flood Fill problem after changing to 4.3.0RC1 20503 Assigned [chm] bug on function.imagesetbrush.html ===============================================[HTTP related]================= 20759 Feedback fopen sometimes hangs 21004 Feedback Header Location Fails 21009 Feedback default character set always added to content-type header ===============================================[IIS related]================== 15333 Feedback strndup access violation 17788 Feedback service hangup 19634 Open Mapping of .html and .htm files fails 20111 Feedback IIS crashes 20629 Feedback Exception 20630 Feedback IIS does not create session first time 20832 Feedback Access Violation 20845 Open ftp_rawlist, ftp_nlist still not working 20951 Open PHP shell functions always call cmd.exe - potential security issue 20979 Open sendmail_from,SMTP and other valuse in php.ini not being read... ===============================================[IMAP related]================= 15630 Open imap_utf7_decode appears to be broken 19001 Analyzed "c-client built with SSL" - claim may be a red herring 19716 Feedback imap_headers() returns wrong number of items 20254 Feedback imap_header() crash with bad Reply-To 20763 Feedback PHP crashes with signal 11 while trying to parse message with uncommon headers 20871 Open Apache restarts with no output ===============================================[Informix related]============= 18534 Feedback ifx_close() leaves open session 19219 Open Cannot build with-informix for Apache DSO 19416 Open unproperly use of the ESQL Library? ===============================================[InterBase related]============ 6976 Assigned ibase_query can't execute SQL statements that can't be prepared 7014 Assigned ibase_query (rest of php_interbase.dll?) 11924 Open problem with ibase_execute called through call_user_func_array() 18744 Feedback blob_add has max limit of 64k 19915 Open ibase_query() fails but returns true 20641 Feedback Numeric type returns invalid result using ibase_fetch_row/ibase_fetch_object 20962 Feedback ibase_query don't work with varchar character set win1251 ===============================================[iPlanet related]============== 13971 Open OleMainThreadWndName end task windows appears while logout 19683 Open I can't configure php+Solaris 2.6+iplanet ldap. 20109 Verified iplanet 6 core dump w/NSAPI load 20274 Feedback failed to create stream: Too many open files in Unknown on line 20653 Open It works for a short time and then gives warning message ===============================================[Java related]================= 9507 Suspended Java objects as session variable 14754 Open java.* configuration values from php.ini lost on subsequent executions 16690 Open Java support in PHP with Apache2 multithreaded server doesn´t work 18600 Open Unable to create Java Virtual Machine 19327 Open java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no php_java in java.library.path 19775 Open PHP crashes when trying to access 2d int matrix returned from java 19901 Open Cannot use ssl functions of java within php 20408 Open doesn't work in $make install 20505 Analyzed configure --with-java fails 20853 Open getting objectarray with 90 or more objects back from java produces a crash 20958 Feedback PHP engine hangs ===============================================[LDAP related]================= 19438 Open Return value inconsistencies with LDAP 19928 Open ldap_get_entries() hides data for attribute "count" ===============================================[Mail related]================= 19307 Open ASCII control char injection "fix" in mail() 20761 Feedback undefined funcion mail() 20864 Feedback Cc/Bcc fields don't seem to work ===============================================[mbstring related]============= 20529 Open Bad subject line when using JIS encoding 20721 Won\'t fix mb_split not splitting ... 20755 Verified exif relocation error ===============================================[mcrypt related]=============== 20926 Feedback libmcrypt error in configure ===============================================[MSSQL related]================ 15632 Feedback MSSQL querys cause major problems 16277 Feedback Multiple statement in a query cause subsequent queries to fail 16411 Feedback CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of 16496 Feedback Stored Procedure Parameters is_null issue 17302 Feedback can't pass result sets between functions 17563 Feedback PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 77XXXXX 18169 Analyzed Driver cannot deliver UCS-2 unicode to SQL Server 18271 Feedback Page load hangs accessing certain MSSQL data 18429 Feedback mssql_query() crashes on stored procedure using a cursor on query that contains 19541 Feedback mssql_connect fails under stress 19588 Feedback Problems with smallmoney datatype 19734 Feedback PHP crashes on the REAL data type in a MSSQL query 19916 Feedback PHP hangs after querying certain MSSQL data 20704 Feedback reproducible crash 20797 Feedback 4k text limitation can be adjusted by INI_SET 20810 Feedback truncated field name 20911 Feedback Trailing null character after mssql datetime field 20920 Open mssql.datetimeconvert=0 doesn't work for smalldatetime 20935 Feedback mssql_query causes segfault 20964 Feedback Error when open timestamp field using sybase function ===============================================[MySQL related]================ 14860 Assigned PHP segfault in mysql driver 15375 Open safe_mode wrappers fail for MySQL (other exts?) 16619 Assigned mysql module build-in binary-release doesn't support GBK charset 16906 Assigned Warning: MySQL: Unable to save result set in ... 19030 Won't fix performance issues with mysql extension ===============================================[OCI8 related]================= 13151 Open /usr/lib/ Can't shl_load() a library containing Thread Local Storage 15390 Open Persistent OCI8 Connections Get Poisoned 15858 Open Unable to load dynamic library 16502 Open OCIPLogon does not reconnect to restarted Database 17381 Open OCI fetch routines not working with UTF8 DB 17397 Feedback PDF and Oracle 9i support don't seem to want to play together. 17448 Open if return value of oci function is OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, php assumes it error. 17908 Analyzed Can't retrieve info using OCIColumnIsNULL() 19434 Open oci8 + ldap -> crash 19670 Feedback 64bit Oracle installation fails 19714 Assigned Using default user in OCI8 functions 19735 Verified Oracle - kgepop error OciNewCollection 20006 Analyzed cannot use 2 database connections 20022 Suspended OCI8 Recursive call! 20782 Open Segmentation fault using oracle 8.1.7 ===============================================[ODBC related]================= 12962 Won't fix odbc field name too long 13809 Assigned Openlink 3.2 and 4.0 odbc_do and single quotes 13838 Open Default ODBC statement concurrency option does not allow some queries on MSSQL 14262 Won't fix AccessViolation: oci-Problem 19045 Open SELECT DISTINCT with just ONE table doesn't work 19349 Open odbc_longreadlen() does not work 19528 Open odbc_fetch_row() doesn't returned true if there is one row only 20203 Open odbc_do() or odbc_exec() Always produces a segmentation fault core dump 20298 Open odbc.check_persistent not working 20677 Feedback Compile fail w/DB2 on AIX: Macro cannot be redefined 20715 Feedback IBM-DB2 don't compile 20786 Feedback Missing Sqlcli and parse error 20852 Open Why Can't insert chinese into MS-ACCESS by COM 20873 Open DSN with space will not work 20928 Feedback Static compile of PHP module with IBM DB2 doesn't work right with apache ===============================================[Oracle related]=============== 11486 Won't fix Oracle connection resource disappears in nested connections 17015 Open Ora_Error/Ora_ErrorCode 17063 Open Can't able to insert long datatype into oracle8 database 17245 Open persistence connection problem(ociplogin) 20079 Open return valuse of ora_logoff() error ===============================================[Other web server]============= 19613 Verified putenv("VAR=") does not empty VAR on win32 ===============================================[Output Control]=============== 18874 Won't fix Certain Japanese characters break PHP's $_GET and $_POST 19286 Won't fix header() Control Char Injection 20015 Won\'t fix session.auto_start diables flushing output 20037 Won\'t fix flush not working after setting session id 20791 Feedback Strange output of values in array through form (Japanese) 20800 Open ob_and_clean crash 20918 Feedback fgetss() does not work 20943 Open header("HTTP/1.1 nnn xxx") not working under Apache ===============================================[PEAR related]================= 18494 Open DB::query leaks memory 19667 Open xml-tree 20066 Open [Feature] PHPDoc dependency on *'s 20068 Open PHPDoc short line is confusing 20080 Open PHPDoc: class files not correctly recognized 20265 Open PHPDoc and NULL variables 20633 Open '_decodeBody()' of PEAR/Mail/mimeDecode.php is processed by case-sensitive. 20671 Open make install failure 20731 Open MySQL dependency 20879 Open incorrect PEAR::DB::getRow function signature in manual 20912 Open tableInfo() method apparently closes result set 20959 Open PEAR documention not available for download 20978 Open /opt/php-4.3/bin/pear installed as world writable 20999 Open memory leak when using DB interface ===============================================[Performance problem]========== 9407 Won't fix Memory Problem while using self referencing objects... 13649 Assigned IBM DB2 memory leak 14237 Open reference calls in some cases very slow 19749 Open shouldn't mmap() files larger than memory_limit in _php_stream_passthru ===============================================[PHP options/info functions]=== 20377 Verified php_admin_value affects _only_ .htaccess 21000 Feedback can not set register_globals=off ===============================================[PostgreSQL related]=========== 16895 Won't fix Bad char encoding ===============================================[Program Execution]============ 11546 Analyzed Register_Shutdown_Function doesn't happen after shutdown 15642 Open system() with background execution hangs due to bogus filehandles open 18291 Verified exec() arguments (+suggested solution) ===============================================[PWS related]================== 16329 Assigned HTTP/1.1 500 Server Error ===============================================[Recode related]=============== 17154 Verified Trailing garbage 19776 Analyzed recode is "silent" ===============================================[Regexps related]============== 17856 Won't fix quotemeta() does not escape all correct meta characters ===============================================[Reproducible crash]=========== 8471 Won't fix Crash on infinite recursive calls. 17945 Won't fix (inifinitive) recursive function call causes segmentation fault 18074 Won't fix class method infinite recursion causes SIGSEGV 18336 Won't fix Loop in PHP code causes crash in Apache2 instead of PHP error message 19102 Won't fix Crash in a recursive function with a buged return value 19400 Open Apache crash with w32api_register_function 19919 Critical segmentation violation in sapi_apache_header_handler, mod_php4.c line 208 20352 Open PHP-GTK apps crash with corrupt argc/argv error 20658 Feedback segfault after calling array_walk 20961 Feedback session_decode causes the script to crash 20983 Open cmd line option -dextension_dir not correctly honored 20985 Feedback heavy load = Segmentation fault ===============================================[Scripting Engine problem]===== 745 Analyzed <input type=image> and array variables 6685 Won\'t fix %20 mis-converted in GET mechanism 11354 Suspended docs allocated by xmlParseFile need to be freed 13455 Won\'t fix Using include() with Apache ErrorDocument directive can crash the webserver 14066 Suspended Can't suppress warnigns on accessing invalid string offset 14134 Suspended Literal -2147483648 should be an int, not a double. 14251 Analyzed register_shutdown_function bug 14542 Verified register_shutdown_function() timeout problem 15025 Won\'t fix Copy of array is affected by reference 15209 Verified Under Apache, register_shutdown_function() broke between 4.0.x to 4.1.x 15438 Verified include_once fails when comparing output to a value 16548 Feedback exec or system a daemon will catch the port for this session 16820 Open hangs in multithreded environment (ZTS) 17088 Feedback GET/POST variables not registered 17959 Feedback array reference problems 17997 Verified got wanning when combing switch & reference 18294 Won't fix May be "Type Juggling" problems 18413 Won't fix Cobination of nested IF statement fails 18927 Won't fix foreach corrupting array contents 19376 Won\'t fix Class inheritance problem 19399 Feedback Problem with method call - please report this bug 19439 Feedback reference to $this issue warning 19943 Analyzed Ragged array returns undefined results 20054 Analyzed safe_mode_include_dir not being used correctly 20064 Verified print_r is still incorrect with referenced objects 20175 Won\'t fix Array key -1 can crash PHP 20302 Open Leaked Descriptors 20486 Open register_tick_function crashes apache 20548 Verified Decrement ("$x[$y]--") doesn't work on uninitiated variable 20567 Won\'t fix Segmentation fault 20599 Won\'t fix DoS PHP/include... 20607 Open function included from parent script gets lost 20618 Assigned juggling with type juggling 20670 Won\'t fix Object reference with global variables bug 20795 Feedback Memory_limit not respected 20802 Critical memory limit crash 20814 Verified reproducable, freaky parse error in 'here document' structure 20887 Suspended /php.ini 20924 Open Functions inside declare(ticks=1) cannot be used prior to definition 20945 Feedback Parse error is not deteced by PHP 20953 Feedback error when combing ?: and return by reference 20993 Suspended Element value changes without asking 20994 Feedback int/long confusion in 64bits machine 21008 Won\'t fix When initialising an undeclared instance variable no error is shown ===============================================[Servlet related]============== 16402 Open UnsatisfiedLinkError: send when loading any php file 18939 Feedback Access violation in php4ts.dll running as a servlet 20608 Open phpsrvlt.jar without servlet.class ===============================================[Session related]============== 11886 Suspended bug #8908 is still alive in 4.0.6 17857 Won't fix Suggestion: able to transid event session not started 18404 Open Session data being lost 19122 Open session.use_trans_sid doesn't take effect if zlib_output_compression is enabled 19768 Open Expires header incorrectly set, cannot be overwritten 20142 Open Session and EscapeShellCmd problem 20358 Verified Apache is "Segmentation fault" by session_start() with libmm 20449 Open sessions randomly fail 20720 Feedback ps_files_cleanup_dir 20728 Feedback $_SESSION can be broken with "global" 20825 Feedback browser's get confused with session's id 20862 Open registered objects are not saved with the session 20940 Feedback After upgrading from PHP 4.2-dev to 4.2.3, garbage collection no longer occurs 20950 Feedback unset($_SESSION['value']) does not unregister value from session 20965 Feedback Urgent - Users getting same session id? ===============================================[SNMP related]================= 20857 Open snmpset does not work ===============================================[Sockets related]============== 12360 Verified fsockopen timeout doesn't work 20014 Open SSL w/ fsockopen not working 20033 Feedback Echoing/fputsing ~11k+ of data to STDOUT causes problem 20232 Open php.exe causes errors when using socket_create 20553 Open socket error codes are not initialized upon socket creation 20745 Feedback socket_accept() in blocking mode doesn't handle signal interrupts 20874 Feedback socket_read on Multihomed Windows XP crashes PHP 20922 Feedback socket_select() blocks for some reason ===============================================[Strings related]============== 14655 Assigned ucwords failing randomly with international characters 18680 Open Logical OR fails if value is a string 20980 Feedback Strings stopped being read in at certain capital letters... ===============================================[Sybase (dblib) related]======= 14354 Open sybase_query returns 1 regardless of delete success 17291 Open mssql_query does not update get_last_message 19841 Open RPC stored procedure with many columns return null value ===============================================[Sybase-ct (ctlib) related]==== 13763 Feedback SQL Compute 18158 Open sybase session storage causing data corruption 20430 Feedback Missing libs for Solaris sybase-ct compile ===============================================[Unknown/Other Function]======= 16772 Open printer_create_font does not properly resolve regular fonts nor opentype fonts 18015 Open Printer Function printer_open, no default printer found 18408 Open printer_list crashes PHP 18412 Open PRINTER_ORIENTATION 19927 Open Printer error after several pages print 20048 Won\'t fix mktime() returns -1 for dates < 1970 ===============================================[Variables related]============ 14669 Won't fix print_r inconsistancy with newlines 15678 Won't fix isset fails for 4.1.1 and CVS version 18651 Won\'t fix echo 09 echoes 0, echo 07 echoes 7 20583 Feedback Variable values inconsistent with assignment statements. ===============================================[WDDX related]================= 19857 Open wddx_deserialize Does Not Work Properly with Complex Data Types 20311 Open Apachechild ends with Memory-Read-Error if using session.serialize_handler=wddx ===============================================[Website problem]============== 13311 Open status, severity, and category should be distinct in bug database 14378 Won't fix Search for "this" or "$this" = no results 15007 Won't fix New superglobals not documented 15393 Won't fix Cannot get text to fit browser window @ 800x600 16813 Won't fix suggestion to category selector in php bug ssytem 16878 Won't fix Website is not resiazable 16958 Open Bug site asks you to vote on bogus entries, but you cant 17644 Open move function indexes out of specific function files 18231 Open Function search returns incomplete result 18508 Open Events calendar should be more reasonable with years 18529 Open Bug reports with status "Won't fix" return an error when updated by users 18843 Open Search Result flaw 18897 Open Erroneous 404 and others cache-unfriendly headers 18904 Won't fix search does not allow *all* words 19134 Open php docs on - left menu and text input boxes unusable 19148 Open Search for import in function List does not list import_request_variables 19535 Open broken links from lxr to bonsai 19622 Open additions to Unified ODBC page on 19644 Won't fix is still using global vars! 20003 Feedback MySQL error appears after search results return nothing 20105 Open on why key shorcuts ? 20173 Open Text in new Search Bar (Moz) too big 20342 Won\'t fix Extra slash in screen 20386 Assigned No links displayed on mirror page with opera 20427 Open Presntation Fonts Not Working 20501 Open New shortcuts for bug reporting 20668 Open sends invalid last-modified 20870 Open phpweb, relative urls, and search.php 20955 Feedback Bad Language Setting in RSS news feed ===============================================[XML related]================== 18033 Verified Leading white space is lost inside processing-instruction data ===============================================[XSLT related]================= 20640 Assigned xslt_set_encoding not implemented ? 20722 Feedback Bad return with xslt_process 20939 Feedback PHP stops executing script when using sax handlers ===============================================[Zend Engine 2 problem]======== 12775 Open Incorrect result using references and objects 18125 Open Cannot use :: operator when defining child classes 18590 Verified Fatal error: Cannot redeclare upon reload 18872 Verified Improper handling of class constants used as default function argument values 18926 Open cannot call self::method() or parent::method() via call_user_func_array() 19463 Open Returning from __construct() 19859 Verified __call() does not catch call_user_func_array() calls 19980 Feedback Static method call from non-statiic method fails. 20155 Open xmlrpc compile problem with zendengine2 20182 Open Importing symbols from one class to another 20240 Open order of destructor calls 20242 Verified Method call infront of class definition 20268 Open PHP (module or CLI) crashes with Bus Error on startup 20320 Open _call() crashes with bus error in some circumstances 20373 Feedback T_OBJECT_OPERATOR parse error should not happen 20882 Open error_reporting and overload 20933 Open isset of string offset is always false Assigned bugs: (reminders sent) ssb 13561: --without-pear prevent install of php-config,phpize,... derick 18101: strtotime() can't handle certain timestamp format derick 15663: add foreach reference values derick 17988: strtotime fails to parse timestamp type from postgresql derick 20618: juggling with type juggling rasmus 18670: strtotime() bug yohgaki 14383: using postgres with DBA causes DBA not to be able to find any keys. yohgaki 18747: pg_result_error is complete useless yohgaki 3276: Add PGP support yohgaki 14924: The POSIX access(2) function is not available hholzgra 14298: PUT method not supported in PHP 4 hholzgra 12486: fgetcsv - Why not a getcsv (string not file) version? hholzgra 14655: ucwords failing randomly with international characters royhuggins 16228: XSLT file path issues imajes 16790: Installation instructions is outdated imajes 16329: HTTP/1.1 500 Server Error goba 18990: [chm] general layout comment goba 20966: CHM search index includes irrelevant words thies 19464: "Oracle Collections" functions (ocicol*) in manual are not documented for ages. philip 20384: magic_quotes_sybase = on sorta turns magic_quotes_gpc off philip 20453: $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] not set on 404 redirect jmcastagnetto 20842: No explanation of object comparison and copying 20855: chmod can't display correctly (french chm) 13944: in a function, I want to know the file/line that CALLED the function betz 20888: Installation instructions for Apache CGI mode missing/misleading sas 5883: --enable-trans-sid modification request tal 6893: feature request - makelinks() function jmoore 7782: Cannot use PATH_INFO fully with php isapi andrei 8100: extract(), extra feature andre 9117: output_handler = ob_gzhandler nicos 12442: optional linenumbers in show_source nicos 20386: No links displayed on mirror page with opera zak 14562: dBase: Unable to obtain dBase file structure zak 14860: PHP segfault in mysql driver zak 16619: mysql module build-in binary-release doesn't support GBK charset zak 16906: Warning: MySQL: Unable to save result set in ... sniper 16758: Configure "Libraries have been installed in" and where they really are samjam 18517: PicoSQL access module maxim 19687: ociexecute calling procedure with boolean out parameter maxim 19714: Using default user in OCI8 functions edink 20503: [chm] bug on function.imagesetbrush.html edink 20640: xslt_set_encoding not implemented ? jah 6976: ibase_query can't execute SQL statements that can't be prepared jah 7014: ibase_query (rest of php_interbase.dll?) ahill 13809: Openlink 3.2 and 4.0 odbc_do and single quotes kalowsky 13649: IBM DB2 memory leak -- PHP Development Mailing List <> To unsubscribe, visit: