At 03:59 AM 12/26/02 +0100, Mattia wrote:

First, this list is for the development _of_ PHP, not development _with_ PHP, so further discussion of this and similar subjects should appear on the php-general list.

I have a site in wich user can register, but everyone can navigate as
Guest, even if he/she is nt registered.
The problem is that I need session for registered user, but I don't
need them for unregistered ones!
So I tried to check if they already have an opened session (they are
registered), but to check it I have to do a session_start(), and this
will OPEN a session if it's not opened! So I'll have an opened session
for every guest I have in the site. This is difficult for me because I
would like session to last very long, and many empty session waste a
lot of space!
Try something like:

if( isset( $REQUEST[ 'PHPSESSID' ] )) { # User is registered/logged in

This is based on looking for the cookie or get value for PHPSESSID, the default session name. If it is set, then either a cookie with the session ID is set, or the session is being passed in the URL.


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