Make a backtrace and then we will have a clue about what is happening...


On Thu, 2 Jan 2003, Tobias Schlitt wrote:

> Hi everyone!
> Today i compiled 4.3.0 on my Laptop (Redhat 7.3). Compiling
> works fine. Running Scripts works (until now) fine. Except,
> that i'm getting the same error, with every file i parse (even
> with whole empty ones).
> The Error is: "Fatal error: Nesting level too deep - recursive
> dependency? in Unknown on line 0".
> I have no auto_prepend oder _append settings defined inside my
> php.ini. The error occurs with the apache SAPI and with the
> CLI, too.
> Does anyone know about this error or / and know how to fix
> that? Or may it be a bug??

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