
How stable is aggregation considered to be for PHP 4.3.0 release?  I've been
getting crashes with apache 1.3.27/php 4.3.0/Win98SE in certain cases when
calling a overriding method of an aggregated class.

class A
  function display()

class B extends A
  function display()

class D
    function test()

class C
    function aggtest()

The code above works on my system, and demonstrates the general principle
that I'm using.  In some cases, just adding a flush();exit; causes an apache
crash.  In others, adding a call to a function crashes things.  There is
absolutely nothing consistent.  I would like to attach a sample script that
causes a crash, but I can't find anything smaller than the 25 files I have
which will cause one.

Has anyone else experienced this bizarre behavior?  What can I do to find
the bug or help others find it?  I don't even know if it has anything to do
with aggregation.  The only consistency is that when I call an aggregated
function from another class's aggregated function after deaggregating and
then re-aggregating, it seems to get unstable.  I can't find anything else
that when I add it in causes a crash, and stops when I take it out.


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