
Here at Johns Hopkins we use Apache+PHP to drive the user interface to
our Hubble Space Telescope image archive.  Using PHP has been one of the
best decisions we have made.  One of our new features is an mosaic image
browser.  In some cases a PHP script will run a custom command line
program (via passthru) that reads FITS format images or manipulates them
and then passes them to the client as PNG.  These images are often
greater than 4000x4000 and with floating point precision have a fairly
large memory footprint.  Our servers have sufficient memory but only if
the httpd processes exit after serving such a request.  The
apache_child_terminate function
<http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.apache-child-terminate.php> seems
perfect for this application.

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be implemented for Apache2

Other solutions such as setting MaxRequestsPerChild=1 have undesirable
effects on performance when serving many smaller files.

Does anyone know what the status of this bug is?  I searched the list
archives and could find any references to it.  

Thank you,

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