So, as of now, do we restrict PHP script to use only advisory file locking?


>>> George Schlossnagle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/30/03 06:54AM >>>

On Wednesday, January 29, 2003, at 07:11  PM, Marcus Börger wrote:

>> The real question is why you need mandatory locks and not advisory 
>> locks.  If everyone is playing on the same team, advisory locks 
>> should provide all the semantics you need (and are very portable).  
>> Mandatory locks (on linux at least) require not only special mount 
>> options, but special perms to the file (g-x, g+s, I believe).  That 
>> seems like a lot to require inside an extension.
> The dba solution so far is based on flock() and where not appropriate 
> use fctnl().
> I tried to have the lock stuff working on as many systems as possible.

Right.  Both of these are pretty portable, one being present on all 
BSD-style systems and the other on POSIX systems.  They are also 
advisory locks.  Mandatory locks actually prevent read and write calls 
from _anyone_ else succeeding on that file.  On linux, mandatory locks 
are set with fcntl, but it's not part of the standard POSIX standard.

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