On Thu, 30 Jan 2003, pierre-marie mouliere wrote:

> Please attached find the patch 

We can not accept this patch as we can not allow:
1.  having /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */ on every line you touched, 
2.  using the prefix _ai_ to functions you changed
3.  indentation with spaces, and totally ignoring the Coding Standards



 Derick Rethans                                 http://derickrethans.nl/ 
 JDI Media Solutions                             http://www.jdimedia.nl/
 PHP Magazine - PHP Magazine for Professionals       http://php-mag.net/

< static void _clean_ii_plink(zend_rsrc_list_entry *rsrc TSRMLS_DC)

< {

<       II_LINK *link = (II_LINK *) rsrc->ptr;

<       IIAPI_AUTOPARM autoParm;


> /* Create this function so it can be called by the close function */

> /* (calling parameter is link) */

> /* May be not the best way to do it */

> static void _ai_clean_ii_plink(II_LINK *link)                 /* ARC INTERNATIONAL 

> {                                                                                    
>                                                         /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>   int ai_error = 0;                                   /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>   IIAPI_DISCONNPARM disconnParm;                      /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>   IIAPI_AUTOPARM autoParm;                                                           
>                 /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>   /* if link as always been marked as broken do nothing */

>   /* This because we call this function directly from close function */

>   /* And it's called by ZEND garbage at end of script */

>   if (link->connHandle == NULL) {                                                    

>        return;                                                                       
>                                                 /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>   }                                                                                  
>                                                 /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>   if(link->stmtHandle && _close_statement(link)) {            /* ARC INTERNATIONAL 

>     php_error(E_WARNING, "Ingres II:  Unable to close statement !!"); /* ARC 

>     ai_error = 1;                                     /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>   }                                                                                  
>                                                 /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */


<       if (link->autocommit) {


>   if(link->autocommit) {                                                             
>                 /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */


<               if (link->stmtHandle && _close_statement(link)) {

<                       php_error(E_WARNING, "Ingres II:  Unable to close statement 

<               }


>     autoParm.ac_genParm.gp_callback = NULL;                           /* ARC 

>     autoParm.ac_genParm.gp_closure = NULL;                            /* ARC 

>     autoParm.ac_connHandle = link->connHandle;                        /* ARC 

>     autoParm.ac_tranHandle = link->tranHandle;                        /* ARC 


<               autoParm.ac_genParm.gp_callback = NULL;

<               autoParm.ac_genParm.gp_closure = NULL;

<               autoParm.ac_connHandle = link->connHandle;

<               autoParm.ac_tranHandle = link->tranHandle;


>     IIapi_autocommit(&autoParm);                                                     
>         /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>     ii_sync(&(autoParm.ac_genParm));                                          /* ARC 


<               IIapi_autocommit(&autoParm);

<               ii_sync(&(autoParm.ac_genParm));


>     if(ii_success(&(autoParm.ac_genParm))==II_FAIL) { /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>       php_error(E_WARNING, "Ingres II:  Unable to disable autocommit");       /* ARC 

>     }                                                                                
>                                                 /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */


<               if (ii_success(&(autoParm.ac_genParm)) == II_FAIL) {

<                       php_error(E_WARNING, "Ingres II:  Unable to disable 

<               }


>     link->autocommit = 0;                                                            
>                 /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>     link->tranHandle = NULL;                                                         
>         /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>   }                                                                                  
>                                                 /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */


<               link->autocommit = 0;

<               link->tranHandle = NULL;

<       }


>   if(link->tranHandle && _rollback_transaction(link)) {                              
>                         /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>     php_error(E_WARNING, "Ingres II:  Unable to rollback transaction !!");    /* ARC 

>   }                                                                                  
>                                                 /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>   /* Assume link is broken , close, and mark as broken with conn Handle NULL */

>   if(ai_error) {                                      /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>       disconnParm.dc_genParm.gp_callback = NULL;      /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>       disconnParm.dc_genParm.gp_closure = NULL;       /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>       disconnParm.dc_connHandle = link->connHandle;   /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>                                                       /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>       IIapi_disconnect(&disconnParm);                 /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>                                                       /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>       link->connHandle = NULL;                        /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>   }                                                   /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

> }                                                                                    
>                                                         /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */


<       if (link->tranHandle && _rollback_transaction(link)) {

<               php_error(E_WARNING, "Ingres II:  Unable to rollback transaction !!");



> static void _clean_ii_plink(zend_rsrc_list_entry *rsrc TSRMLS_DC)             /* ARC 

> {                                             

>   II_LINK *link = (II_LINK *)rsrc->ptr;

>   _ai_clean_ii_plink(link);                                                          
>         /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */


< }


>       /* Unfortunetaly NO !!!*/

>       /* Ingres api does'nt reconnect */

>       /* Have to reconnect if cleaning function as flagged link as broken */

>       if(link->connHandle == NULL) {                   /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>         php_error(E_WARNING,"Ingres II:  Broken link (%s),reconnect", db); /*ARC 

>         /* Recreate the link */                        /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>         connParm.co_genParm.gp_callback = NULL;        /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>         connParm.co_genParm.gp_closure = NULL;         /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>         connParm.co_target = db;                       /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>         connParm.co_username = user;                   /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>         connParm.co_password = pass;                   /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>         connParm.co_timeout = -1; /*-1 is no timeout*/ /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>         connParm.co_connHandle = NULL;                 /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>         connParm.co_tranHandle = NULL;                 /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>                                                        /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>         IIapi_connect(&connParm);                      /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>                                                        /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>         if(!ii_sync(&(connParm.co_genParm)) || ii_success(&(connParm.co_genParm)) == 

>                 efree(hashed_details);                 /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>                 php_error(E_WARNING,"Ingres II:  Unable to connect to database 
>(%s)", db); /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>                 RETURN_FALSE;                          /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>         }                                              /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>                                                        /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>         link->connHandle = connParm.co_connHandle;     /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>         link->tranHandle = NULL;                       /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>         link->stmtHandle = NULL;                       /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>         link->fieldCount = 0;                          /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>         link->descriptor = NULL;                       /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>         link->autocommit = 0;                          /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

>       }                                                /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */



> /* Seems to be a little bug here ? */

>   link_id = (int) ii_link;                    /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

> /* Call the clean function synchronously here */

> /* Otherwise have to wait for script ending before ZEND garbage occur */

> /* This way we can reuse the link in the same script */

>   _ai_clean_ii_plink(ii_link);        /* ARC INTERNATIONAL */

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