OK, I've been using PHP since about six months after
Rasmus decided to share his brainchild with us. Can
someone PLEASE point me to the appropriate mechanism
to contribute my own modules? I'm sure it's out there,
but hours of perusing the PHP site and Google don't

At present all I have is a tiny module that groks
tzfile(5) files to get you historical offsets from
UTC, and another one that exposes about 80 or so
low-level routines from the OpenSSL library (so you
can actually talk SSLv23/TLSv1 - including
line-buffered I/O - to port 443/whatever on a
webserver without PHP streams), but I'd like to cast
them upon the waters (as part-payment for the bread
that has already returned to me an hundred-fold). Can
someone help? From what I understand, PECL is the best
codespace for this. If so, cool (I don't expect my
work to hit PHP core - it's itch-scratching code). But
how do I contribute it?

Best Wishes

David Gillies
San Jose
Costa Rica

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