Hello all,

Pardon my cluelessness, but I'm trying to teach the apache2* SAPI's about PHP's xbithack setting per the following bug (which Jani has pointed me at):


I believe I have the logic for that bug corrected in my tree. (As an aside, this particular bug description is not really an XBitHack situation, but the modules for Apache httpd 2.0 don't support XBitHack right now - I have added the right logic back in.)

However, I'm encountering a problem where I'm not sure how to control the xbithack option. My impression was that I should be able to place 'xbithack = on' (or 'off') in the php.ini file. This seems analogous to the 'engine = on' directive already there.

Yet, looking at the code, it seems that the only way to do it would be via an httpd directive which I don't think is what the original intent was. I *believe* it should be controlled by the php.ini file - the docs tend to agree based upon my reading.

Upon further review, setting 'engine = off' in the php.ini file isn't respected either by the SAPI. So, I think there is a disconnect in the config logic used by this particular SAPI.

So, I pursued under the assumption that the INI handling code in apache2* SAPI's is just broken. So, I went back to trying to figure out how it was done by the 1.3 module. I figure if it works anywhere, I think it should be working there.

The apache SAPI module seems to use REGISTER_INI_ENTRIES and PHP_INI_BEGIN and so on. So, I took a pass at tossing the config code in the apache2* SAPI's to match the 1.3 SAPI. No luck. None of the registered callbacks are called, so I don't think the Zend INI code is even parsing the engine or xbithack options. (I do know my REGISTER_INI_ENTRIES is being called at the right place.)

I feeling I'm missing something here. Anyone able to point me in the right direction? Is it just that all SAPI modules will ignore the php.ini file?

Perhaps it'll just take someone with the requisite PHP knowledge to say, "Aha!" after looking at the apache2{filter,handler} code. But, I have to admit that I'm stumped.

Thanks in advance! -- justin

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