I was asking myself -- I had assumed that __construct() would be
searched for first. I was /am under the impression __construct() is a
special function that the engine wouldn't allow you to use  in PHP5 in
any other context than its intended purpose. 

I don't know what Zeev plans on doing with this, but perhaps an option
would be to issue a notice or warning if both A::A() and __construct()
exist in a single class A and call __construct() in those cases... 

Just a thought.

>Perhaps i may be mistaken, but it seems logical to search for 
>the old-style constructor first in order to be backwards 
>compatible with old-style scripts.  Putting __construct in old 
>style classes would yield a classname of  '__construct', an 
>ugly and unlikely name for a class.  Seeing as A::A() would be 
>much nicer, i can see the logic behind parsing the old-style 
>first, rather than the new-style.
>That's just my two cents, feel free to correct me otherwise..
>~ Andrew Heebner
>> >__construct is the new method of defining a constructor, but the 
>> >'bug' you suspect is not a bug.  The parser will search for a 
>> >function of the same name in the class as the constructor for 
>> >backwards compatibility with Older scripts, etc...
>> But shouldn't __construct() be searched for and used prior to the 
>> old-style constructor? Intuitively it seems it should.
>> John
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