
i'm trying to use php with postgres on win32 i have found some problems
with php 4.3.1 (same for php 4.3.0) and php_pgsql.dll.

When i try to load php_pgsql.dll extension in php.ini i get error notice

PHP Warning:  Unknown(): Unable to load dynamic library
'C:\Program Files\php\extensions\php_pgsql.dll' - The specified
procedure could not be found.

file php_pgsql.dll exists. I have found on internet that this problem can
be caused by missing libpq.dll from postgres distribution so i downloaded
postgresql-7.3.1 and compiled with VC5.0 interface libpq and copied
libpq.dll and libpq.lib and copied it to winnt/system32 folder (i tried php
dll extensions dir as well) but i still have same warning and pg_*
functions are not avilable.

Your help is very appreciated

Peter Kmet


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