> A single API is probably sufficient but I can understand that extension 
> writers might want to use ints. The INI flag might have nothing to do with 
> an internal zval and an int might be more than enough.
> I don't really mind but I wouldn't introduce OnUpdateInteger.
> I guess we should either move everything to OnUpdateLong() and nuke 
> OnUpdateInt() in ZE2 or we change OnUpdateInt to work with ints and fix the 
> whole code.

> It might be less confusing to just have one.

I agree about the confusing part. My suggestion is:

 *  we leave OnUpdateInt as is currently for BC, deprecating it now, removing it in (? 
php 5.x == ZE2 ?)

 *  convert everything in the code base to OnUpdateLong, which means I change the 
arguments passed into the call where needed (yipee I get to do another code sweep :-) 
This fixes the symantic problem and sets the stage for how to proceed in the future.

 * update the documentation with a note reminding people that int and long are not the 
same thing, both for OnUpdateInt and for zend_parse_parameters (I found 
zend_parse_parameters in the docs but not OnUpdateInt, any hints ?)

I *think* this would work with all of the comments I have seen on this issue. I will 
start coding today, and if people are ok with it I will commit on Friday (to allow 
time for comment) so that Jani can move on 4.3.2. 


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