On Fri, 2003-03-07 at 08:50, Moriyoshi Koizumi wrote:
> It works for me. See the attached example. Anyway, you don't have to 
> crosspost your question to [EMAIL PROTECTED], which is for developing 
> php internals and irrelevant for such user questions.

ditto for php-xml-dev, a list _for_ developing of the xml extensions in
PHP and not _with_. 

Your issue looks like a Sablotron problem and not a php at all, by the
way ;)


> Hope this helps
> Moriyoshi
> "Michel Sahyoun" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Does anyone have an example of using XSLT with Sablotron to transform and
> > XML document containing Shift-jis encoded characters?
> > 
> > I keep getting the following error message: Illegal Character for Encoding
> > 'Shift-jis'
> > 
> > I am using the latest from snap.php.net and sablotron 0.97 FullPack with
> > iconv, and Javascript.
> > 
> > In my php file, I call xslt_set_encoding($xsltHandle, 'Shift-jis');
> > My xsl file has <xsl:output method="xml" omit-xml-declaration="yes"
> > encoding="Shift-jis" />
> > My XML file has: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Shift-jis" ?>
> > 
> > Am I doing something wrong? Is the encoding name misspelled? Anything else I
> > could check?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > Michel
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
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Christian Stocker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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