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On Wed, 12 Mar 2003, Bev wrote:

> Hi,
> ============
> I am looking to create a series of Certificates and Brouchures etc and then
> using the products Print/Acrobat Distiller option save the documents as
> PDF(with some pre-built in <<Name1>>, <<address1>>, <<address2>> variables
> that can be automatically resolved
> "on-the fly" using a PHP script using a PDF_REPACE(see below code) option or
> something similar. This then allows me to Create Nice looking
> Brouchures/Certificates etc with "variable <<abc>> markers" before
> converting to PDF so my online user can have "personalised stationary"
> without the need for them to EDIT any of the documents.
> My attempts using PHP -> PDF on the fly....
> ===================================
> I am looking for guidance on whats the best method and am I on the right
> track without using the long winded PDFLIB functions..
> I wonder if you could help(I'm going round in circles!), I a looking to use
> PHP -> PDF, probably with PDF templates instead of actual PDFLIB coding
> techniques.
> I have tried to create a simply script(before I move on)which will process a
> "PDF pre-written" template and resolve variables on the fly(without using
> any PDFLIB functions etc). I created a simple script to do this using
> Microsoft RTF but obviously this would only work on PC's where users have
> WORD etc...(I assume)
> I have tried myself but keep getting the error msg "The file is damaged and
> could not be repaired" when it trys to load the "amended " PDF file(see the
> sample script below).
> By the way, the script works fine if I comment out the PDF_REPLACE option. I
> assume these are causing some type of error?? I tried updating the Acrobat
> prefences/options to not load in a Browser but that just downloaded to my PC
> and the same error message appeared after I double clicked on it...
> The PDF template small script is attached as an example.
> Rgds
> Bev
> <?php
> set_time_limit( 180 ); // this script can be very slow
> //create short variable names
> $name = $HTTP_POST_VARS['name'];
> $score = $HTTP_POST_VARS['score'];
> function pdf_replace( $pattern, $replacement, $string )
> {
> $len = strlen( $pattern );
> $regexp = '';
> for ( $i = 0; $i<$len; $i++ )
> {
> $regexp .= $pattern[$i];
> if ($i<$len-1)
> $regexp .= "(\)\-{0,1}[0-9]*\(){0,1}";
> }
> return ereg_replace ( $regexp, $replacement, $string );
> }
> if(!$name||!$score)
> {
> echo '<h1>Error:</h1>This page was called incorrectly';
> }
> else
> {
> //generate the headers to help a browser choose the correct application
> $date = date( 'F d, Y' );
> // open our template file
> $filename = 'PHPCertification.pdf';
> $fp = fopen ( $filename, 'r' );
> //read our template into a variable
> $output = fread( $fp, filesize( $filename ) );
> header( 'Content-type: application/pdf' );
> header( 'Content-Disposition: filename=cert.pdf');
> fclose ( $fp );
> // replace the place holders in the template with our data
> $output = pdf_replace( '<<NAME>>', strtoupper( $name ), $output );
> $output = pdf_replace( '<<Name>>', $name, $output );
> $output = pdf_replace( '<<score>>', $score, $output );
> $output = pdf_replace( '<<mm/dd/yyyy>>', $date, $output );
> // send the generated document to the browser
> echo $output;
> }
> ?>

                                        "my other box is your windows PC"
 Derick Rethans                                 http://derickrethans.nl/ 
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