> Aside from renaming the php-dev list, we should remove the 'PHP and Zend

    Sounds good.

> Then another item that might be considered if it is not already done,
> allowing posts only from those that have cvs access.  A second
> conditional list of allowed posters can be added that are people who do
> not have cvs access, but we want to allow to post.  Otherwise, the list
> can be readable by all.  A post rejected message could tell them to try
> a different email list, but if they really feel the email is for the dev
> list, send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and

    This however sounds too restrictive to me.  I'm convinced
    that the main php development list should stay as open as
    possible.  The issue of a few misdirected emails should not
    serve as an excuse for closing down the main development
    list.  We should not become an ivory tower.

> it will be reviewed by someone when they get the time.

    This manual review effectively implies censorship which is
    undesirable in an open environment.  I doubt it would serve
    the PHP community in any way.

    - Sascha

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