At 18:42 12.03.2003, Derick Rethans wrote:
On Wed, 12 Mar 2003, Andrey Hristov wrote:

>  Few minutes ago I found the following behaviour somehow wierd for me :
> <?php
>     $a = 1;
>     $b = $a==1? 4:$a==2? 5:6;
>     printf("a[%d]b[%d]\n", $a, $b);
> ?>
> Prints :
> a[1]b[5]
> Similar C program :
> main()
> {
>     int a,b;
>     a = 1;
>     b = a==1? 4:a==2? 5:6;
>     printf("a[%d]b[%d]\n", a, b);
> }
> Prints :
> a[1]b[4]
> -=-=-=-=-=-
> I think that the behavior of the C program is the right

It's just a different operator precedence; it's not really wrong, just

Where is the different precednece here? I can only find an error.
Lets support parantesis:

ALL BUT PHP) '==' has higher precedence than '?:'

((a==1) ? 4 : ((a==2) ? 5 : 6)) => (1) ? 4 : ((0) ? 5 : 6) => 1 ? 4 : 6 => 4

PHP?) '?:' has higher precedence than '=='

(a == (1 ? 4 : a) == (2 ? 5 : 6))

( a == (4) == (5))

Now what? Assume order left from to right: ( (a == (4)) == (5) => (0 == 5) => 0

Or right to left (which contradicts rest of PHP behavior): ( a == ((4) == (5))) => (a == 0) => 0

Result: This is (to say it in german "mumpitz") wrong.

So lets fix it.


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