
> On Aug 29, 2016, at 03:56, Michael Cullum <m...@michaelcullum.com> wrote:
> The intention of the vote is that it will resolve contention, not create it; 
> and this should be the case so long as people don't intend to create drama as 
> a result of the vote.

The proposal, and the vote, themselves create "drama." I assert there can be 
nothing *but* "drama" as the result of this proposal, and the ensuing vote. Of 
course, if avoiding drama is a key point, the proposal can be withdrawn at any 

> Right now there is contention of ideas as to what the FIG is about and FIG 
> 3.0 is a proposal to resolve that, as are other proposals.

The contention arises from you and Larry (and perhaps others) who want to 
re-constitute the FIG *in toto* and *in situ*, to conform to a new vision of 
your own, rather than to incrementally perfect an expression of the existing 
founding vision. Without the proposal, there is no contention. You and Larry 
are the ones who have brought the contention here.

> It is up to the member projects to decide if they wish the FIG to transition 
> into FIG 3.0 or not.

You, and Larry, and any member projects that agree with you, can "transition 
into FIG 3.0" right now, by resigning and starting a new group with a new name. 
Doing so will leave here all those who support the founding vision, to pursue 
that vision unperturbed. You all, for your part, can pursue your 
new-and-different vision in your new-and-different group in any way you like.


Paul M. Jones

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