OK then, here goes.

Hi, I'm Larry Garfield. You may know me from such projects as "GoPHP5" and "Drupal 8: Wait, what?"

== About Larry ==

I first started writing PHP in 1999, back when PHP 3 was still the new hotness. (I feel old now.) I freelanced on and off through college and grad school before going full time in 2005. Around the same time I got involved in Drupal, back in the 4.6 days.

I didn't really have a presence in the PHP community until 2007 when I led the GoPHP5 project. GoPHP5 was the first major cross-project collaboration that I'm aware of in PHP history, and succeeded in assassinating PHP 4. All it took was a series of large projects and hosts collectively agreeing that the time had come to embrace PHP 5, and once the avalanche started the market moved very quickly.

I then went on to write the Drupal 7 database abstraction layer, which was the first OOP subsystem in Drupal core. With that beach head in place, for Drupal 8 I was the "Web Services and Context Core Initiative" (WSCCI) Lead. The goal was to make Drupal more web-service-y, by making the core of the system less page centric. The net result was moving most of Drupal to OOP, and pulling in first Symfony's HttpFoundation, then a growing number of Symfony libraries, then libraries from other projects. Today Drupal 8 includes over a dozen libraries from 3rd party sources, via Composer, and the list is likely to increase in time. I don't take credit for all of the work that went into it, but I do claim to be the instigator of that transformation. :-)

Although my experience for the past decade has been mostly Drupal, as part of the Drupal 8 cycle I also contributed to Symfony and co-authored the Symfony CMF Routing component, which is now used by Drupal and others as well. I've also built headless/API-only projects using both Symfony and Silex.

In the last few years I've become a regular presenter at PHP conferences, despite constantly feeling like I need more new material. :-)

After 10 years in PHP/Drupal consulting earlier this year I moved to Platform.sh to manage both (portions of) product and developer relations.

== Larry and FIG ==

I was one of the original people objecting to the "PHP Standards Group" when it was first announced, as it was trying to be a closed, cool-kids-only group. After it moved off PHP.net to this list I was invited to join as the Drupal representative in late 2009, a position I've held ever since.

In that time, I have been an Editor on PSR-6 and PSR-13 (plus the all-important PSR-8), and a significant contributor to PSR-3 and PSR-7, among others.

In 2012, I co-authored the Editor/Sponsor model along with Phil Sturgeon that FIG used for a number of years (retroactively dubbed "FIG 2.0"). A year ago, based on discussion on this list I developed a framework for what eventually became the FIG 3.0 structure.

I've also spoken on FIG at various conferences, and was the de facto organizer of many FIG meetings at various conferences before we finally hired the Secretaries to handle that for us.

== Larry's Philosophy ==

I am a firm believer in collaboration and cooperation and coopetition. I consider myself more of a Free Software person than an Open Source person. I believe FIG is well-positioned to help the PHP community continue to move forward and build a more integrated ecosystem, where competing/coopeting projects can use common conventions and plumbing to reduce overhead for themselves and for users and focus on what makes them awesome and unique rather than doing things differently for lack of a better alternative.

I am also very detail-oriented. I have a nit-picky mindset that can ferret out ambiguity and inconsistency early (most of the time), while emphasizing explicitness and clarity.

I'm a bit fan of scalar types in PHP 7. :-)

What I bring to the table includes:

* 17 years experience with PHP
* 10 years experience in large-scale Open Source community development
* A long history of working to bring the PHP ecosystem(s) together in a more collaborative and integrated fashion.
* A detail-oriented approach to problem solving
* A stylish Vest that's more famous than I am

Any other questions?  Feel free to ask.

--Larry Garfield

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