Sure — here’s an example.

Let’s say you have a UploadBlogPost and a ViewBlogPost request. Let’s say the 
UploadBlogPost request takes an unique id and the post’s body and sticks it 
into a database. And let’s say ViewBlogPost takes an id, and returns the blog 
post associated with that id.

The UploadBlogPost request shouldn’t be sent in by just anybody. And what if 
the unique id isn’t so unique after all? So we write up, let’s say, an 
AuthenticatedRequest decorator and a TransactionalRequest decorator. The 
ViewBlogPost request, however, can be sent in by anybody, and it is read-only, 
so it doesn’t have to be transactional, either.

So for UploadBlogPost, you’d have the dependency injection container return a 
new AuthenticatedRequest(new TransactionalRequest(new UploadBlogPostHandler))); 
and new ViewBlogPost(); respectively. That’s what I meant by fine-tuned — you 
do not want none of that if ( $request instanceof UploadBlogPost) { … } else if 
( $request instanceof ViewBlogPost ) { … } nastiness.

On the other hand, we want to log all requests that comes in, right? And what 
if that AuthenticatedRequest decorator throws an UserNotAuthenticatedException? 
We’d want to handle that before that thing bubbles up beyond the router, right? 
So those are things that apply to the application in its entirety — no matter 
what request comes in, we’ll always need those middlewares ready for action.

That’s where PSR-15 may make more sense. Let’s say we have this in the 
index.php file — a simplified example, not necessarily correctly implementing 
PSR-15, but you get the idea:

$stack = new Stack();
$stack->add(function ($request, $response) { */ does the logging goodness */});
$stack->add(function ($request, $response) { */ sends the request off to its 
handler. If the handler doesn’t like it, catch the exception and… */ });
$stack->add(function ($request, $response) { */ … send it to here, where the 
exception is handled. */ });

It wouldn’t make sense for a framework to provide fine-tuned middleware 
support, but a ‘one-size-fits-all’ middleware inter-op does make sense. PSR-15 
allows a framework to “run” any middleware you may build without a mess of 
if-else statements.

The above example is probably not how I’d write it ‘in the real world’, but I 
hope you get the idea of what I’m trying to say :)


On Apr 21, 2017, at 1:41 PM, Rasmus Schultz 
<<>> wrote:

I'm not sure what you mean by "fine-grained" middleware?

This "fine-grained" middleware performs request-to-response processing the same 
as "general" middleware - they have the same method signature.

This is pretty abstract, so can you support this point of view with 
code-samples or scenario/use-case descriptions to illustrate?

On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 7:07 PM, Rivera, John 
<<>> wrote:
This is exactly how I handle most of my middleware as well — I have a project 
that uses the CQRS architectural pattern, and I decorate each command handler 
using this exact pattern.

I build the dependency graph in my dependency injection container, and use a 
mediator to dispatch commands to their (decorated) handlers.

This is excellent for fine-tuned control over specific command handlers and 
their aspects.

However, I can see a use for the PSR-15 style middleware — I see two different 
kinds of middleware: fine-grained middleware (some requests needs to be 
authenticated, some needs to be within a database transaction, maybe one or two 
requests result in an event that you need to fire off, etc), and the general 
middleware (you want to log all requests, you want to catch any exceptions and 
handle them appropriately, etc).

I think the approach we are discussing here is ideal for fine-grained 
middleware — it makes the dependency graph explicit and easy to configure and 
maintain separately. PSR-15 is ideal for general middleware, which you can take 
a more functional approach to — there would (or should) only be a few layers, 
and they would apply to the application as a whole.

Just my two cents.

On Apr 21, 2017, at 12:40 PM, Beau Simensen 
<<>> wrote:

On Friday, April 21, 2017 at 10:42:11 AM UTC-5, Rasmus Schultz wrote:

$kernel = new NotFoundMiddleware();
$kernel = new RouterMiddleware(new Router(...), $kernel);
$kernel = new CacheMiddleware($kernel);
$kernel = new ErrorHandlerMiddleware();

Off the top of my head, it feels like this would be difficult to automatically 
wire with a DI container since each middleware will need to be constructed with 
the previous middleware already instantiated. Especially given you cannot have 
consistent known arguments, this will be difficult to automate.

return $this->container->get($id)->process($request);

I think you tried to address this with the ContainerProxyMiddleware but it 
skips the construction part. How would the container know which $kernel to use 
in the constructor for the object at $id? This looks nice, API-wise, but it is 
ignoring how this object would actually be constructed.

One of the things we did with Stack was required the first argument to always 
be the kernel and any additional arguments (if any at all) would have to follow 
after that. We used Stack Builder to help try and solve those problems. It 
still seemed messy and I was never very happy with it.

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