I think it's great that you're coming around to the idea, Woody :-)

But I am no longer trying to view this as an alternative to PSR-15,
because, assuming we standardize on that handler-interface first, there is
nothing about PSR-15 that prevents us from exploring other options.

Middleware developers can ship packages with middleware and handler
implementations if and when that makes sense. So this doesn't need to be an

I can see the handler-interface having 3 uses in the context of PSR-15:

1. As the common interface of middleware dispatchers.

2. As the type-hint on delegates.

3. As type-hint for the "final" handler supported by many dispatchers.

That interface has an endless number of uses, and I'm sure we'll provide
interop on a lot of points we haven't even thought of yet.

Now, one could debate whether PSR-15 has anything to do with interop in the
first place, or is it mostly a "framework in disguise", given that PSR-15
middleware doesn't work without a dispatcher.

I don't stop much care anymore. There are already a lot of people using
PSR-15 and depending on it, and there is no good reason to disrupt that
more than necessary.

I do think it's in everybody's best interest to disrupt it a little, to
make sure it does what it does _and_ is itself interoperable with a wider
ecosystem. I think that standardizing on the handler interface will do that.

Let's push for the standardization of the handler interface ASAP so we can
finalize PSR-15 and bring it to a close? :-)

On May 17, 2017 03:29, "Woody Gilk" <woody.g...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I reviewed what Rasmus and Michael (et al) are saying about different
> kinds of handlers and I _think_ I'm starting to understand what they are
> talking about. It goes way beyond what is proposed in PSR-15. I would even
> say that's an entirely different way of thinking about middleware. (Please
> correct me if any of the following is wrong. ;)
> For the most part, we have thought about middleware as being basically a
> list of things that the request drops through and something inside the list
> will produce a response:
> req -> [set-client-ip, require-auth, parse-body, handle-req] -> res
> And if something goes awry during that sequence, the rest of the
> middleware will be skipped by returning early:
> req -> [set-client-ip, require-auth (failed), parse-body, handle-req] ->
> res
> This works perfectly well for simple systems and not so well for more
> complex systems. For instance, if we have a complex application where there
> is a "user" part and an "admin" part, the admin part needs a different
> sequence:
> req -> [set-client-ip, require-auth, *require-admin-role*, parse-body,
> handle-req] -> res
> In the case of something like Slim Framework, this is accomplished at the
> routing level, where any route can have middleware attached to it:
> https://www.slimframework.com/docs/concepts/middleware.
> html#route-middleware
> What Michael seems to be thinking about is these sorts of complex
> scenarios where having the same sequence of middleware executed for every
> request is insufficient. Instead, the middleware becomes more of a tree
> structure, where each middleware might do 3 possible things:
> 1. modify the request
> 2. generate a response (possibly by delegating to another middleware
> chain!)
> 3. modify the response
> Now, to be clear, there's nothing in PSR-15 that says this is not
> possible. In fact, several dispatchers already support nested middleware.
> From what I can tell, Michael's objection (and maybe Rasmus' too) is more
> about that fact that the three possible actions are not distinct. With
> distinct interfaces for the three actions, this becomes a thing:
> (Side note, I am using my own made up interfaces here, not the ones that
> Michael has proposed.)
> $foo = new FooMiddleware(); // implements ModifyRequestInterface
> $request = $foo->modify($request);
> With just one interface, this is impossible because the middleware has to
> return a response or delegate to something else that does. So rather than
> having a dispatching system that runs X middleware, one of which is assumed
> to return a response by handling the request, it becomes possible to use a
> simple routing system that just points at a handler class:
> class AdminCreatePage implements ServerRequestHandlerInterface
> {
>     public function __construct(
>         SetClientIp $ip,
>         RequireAuth $auth,
>         RequireAdminRole $admin,
>         ParseBody $body
>     ) { ... }
>     public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $req)
>     {
>         try {
>             $req = $this->ip->process($req);
>             $req = $this->auth->process($req);
>             $req = $this->admin->process($req);
>             $req = $this->body->process($req);
>         } catch (Exception $e) {
>             return $this->errorResponse($e);
>         }
>         // do whatever domain stuff
>         return $this->successResponse();
>     }
> }
> This a pretty contrived example and the various modifying middleware would
> probably be wrapped into a single class, but I think it illustrates the
> difference between PSR-15 and what Michael is proposing.
> Honestly, I see a lot of value in this approach. It works better for
> complex applications and is much more flexible. It also makes it easy to
> share various kinds of middleware as stand alone components, or even
> collections of middleware grouped into a single class that implements one
> of the three interfaces. With variadic declarations and some functional
> tricks, it could be a really powerful approach. Is it middleware? Not by
> the definition that we have been using. Is it interesting? Definitely. I am
> definitely coming around to the idea.
> --
> Woody Gilk
> http://about.me/shadowhand
> On Tue, May 16, 2017 at 12:27 AM, Geert Eltink <geert.elt...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Monday, May 15, 2017 at 4:00:53 PM UTC+2, Michael Mayer wrote:
>>> Can we achieve the same by using only MiddlewareInterface and simply
>>> ignoring $next/$delegate? Matthew wrote:
>>> ```php
>>>> $app->route('/api/blog', [
>>>>     Authentication::class,
>>>>     Authorization::class,
>>>>     Blog::class,
>>>> ], ['GET', 'POST']);
>>>> ```
>>>> …
>>>> Now, does innermost middleware need to receive the delegate? No, but by
>>>> having a
>>>> single interface to describe any link in the chain, versus two
>>>> interfaces (one
>>>> for middleware that delegates, one for the final dispatched "things" --
>>>> controller, action, what have you), we simplify how application
>>>> stacks/kernels
>>>> are built, as everything can be injected exactly the same.
>>> Honestly, I cannot image how implementing Blog::class as middleware
>>> would _simplify_ anything. Neither for applications nor for users.
>>> For applications it would be bad, because:
>>> 1. if the stack runs empty, the application must provide a
>>> mechanism/convention to deal with that
>> In Expressive 1 there was a mechanism (FinalErrorHandler) to deal with
>> empty stacks. It was confusing for users. In Expressive 2 this got changed
>> and the last middleware on the stack is always a NotFoundMiddleware.
>> Basically if the stack runs empty and it gets to the NotFoundMiddleware it
>> means no Response is returned and you can return a 404.
>>> 2. the application must create a delegate object to call Blog::class,
>>> even if it is not used
>>> For users it would be bad, because:
>>> 1. it is easy to misconfigure your stack: either by _forgetting_ to add
>>> Blog::class or by adding middlewares after Blog::class
>> 2. it would be confusing if Blog::class is called with a $delegate, when
>>> it is not allowed to use it
>> Isn't this where PHPUnit comes in? If you create the right tests for this
>> you know your stack is configured correctly and that the url
>> `/blog/some-post` actually can return a blog post.
>> I think it's more confusing if you have a lot of different middleware
>> interfaces. Why is the Blog::class not allowed to use the delegate? I've
>> actually seen people doing it. I can't remember the use case or if it was a
>> good solution, but they had 3 ActionMiddlewares stacked. If some conditions
>> were met the next one would be executed and otherwise it would return a
>> Response.
>>> If Blog::class implements HandlerInterface (or DelegateInterface)
>>> instead, then things will become simpler IMO:
>>> 1. the stack can be verified earlier; thus the app can fail before
>>> creating middlewares or at least before Blog::class is called
>> 2. the last Middleware will be called with the Blog::class as $next – no
>>> EmptyStackHandler/Delegate or similar is needed
>> So let's say you have a RouterMiddleware. It takes care of parsing the
>> url and redirect to the configured Action::class. However that Action class
>> needs some specific middleware as well which are added to the stack when
>> the route is determined. So you can't check for a valid stack until all
>> middleware before the RouterMiddleware is executed and the RouterMiddleware
>> itself.
>> I'm getting the impression that people want to regulate to much with
>> interfaces and that would restrict how an application (could) work. And at
>> the end of the day you end up with 10 middleware frameworks which do all
>> the same thing in the same way.
>> --
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