It is easy if such interface already extends some kind of iterator...

interface Stream extends IteratorAggregate
     * @return Item[]
    public function getIterator();


interface Stream extends Iterator
     * @return Item
    public function current();
} IDEs have no problems with inferring actual type that variable of 
type `Stream` iterates over...

/* @var $stream Stream */
foreach ($stream as $item) {
    $item->... // works, *Item* class methods are suggested

...but what if we want to delay the decision of iteration mechanism? Like...

interface Stream extends Traversable
{} later on we can do this:

class InMemoryStream implements Stream, IteratorAggregate
    public function __construct(Item ...$items)
        $this->items = $items;

    // rest of the code goes here

     * @return Item[]
    public function getIterator()
        return new ArrayIterator($this->items);

class DatabaseStream implements Stream, Iterator
    // rest of the code goes here

    public function rewind()
        $this->statement = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT * FROM items'
        $this->current = $this->statement->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        $this->key = 0;

    public function next()
        $this->current = $this->statement->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    public function key()
        return $this->key;
    public function valid()
        return false !== $this->current;

     * @return Item
    public function current()
        return new Item($this->current);

Unfortunately IDEs, as can be expected, can't handle this.

/* @var $stream Stream */
foreach ($stream as $item) {
    $item->... // not enough information for IDEs to suggest type that 
$stream iterates over.

AFAIK at this moment the only solution for such case is to annotate 
variables in user-land... every time.

/* @var $stream Stream|A[] */
foreach ($stream as $item) {
    $item->... // works

// or worse

/* @var $stream DatabaseStream */
foreach ($stream as $item) {
    $item->... // works but annotation specifies actual implementation 
which violates Design by Contract principle

It bugs me personally, but I would like to hear your opinion on this and 
possible solution.

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