To make something that is compatible with unknown third-party 
implementations of PSR, I would do something like this:

class MySpecialRequestHandler
    private $streamFactory;
    public function __construct(StreamFactoryInterface $streamFactory)
        $this->streamFactory = $streamFactory;
    public function handleRequest(RequestInterface $request): 
        $newBody = $this->streamFactory->createStream('New body!');
        return $request->withBody($newBody);

This way the user’s dependency injection can take care of providing the 
correct StreamFactory implementation. Alternatively you could use something 
like middlewares/utils <> which 
includes a Factory class <> 
that tries to find the currently available implementation without the need 
for injection by the user.

There are a lot of reasons why you would want to switch out the body 
completely. You can for example not guarantee that a truncate() or 
withContents() method will work on every Stream implementation. How will 
you hande read-only Streams? Are unseekable Streams a problem? (There are 
also numerous discussions about cursor placement that may or may not make 
things hard, just search through the mailing list.) Instead of trying to 
change the contents of a Stream, it is much better to initiate a new Stream 
and use that through the withBody() method. This is especially true if you 
do not know the underlying Stream architecture!

Also note that you can use *any* StreamInterface implementation. It does 
not have to be the same implementation as the third-party code is using. If 
you cannot get access to a StreamFactoryInterface implementation and you 
cannot detect the constructor of the StreamInterface implementation, you 
can always chose to supply your own StreamInterface implementation instead. 
PSR-7 allows full mix-and-matching of implementations.

On Saturday, 12 October 2019 15:01:36 UTC+2, Anton Fedonjuk wrote:
> These  are not copies of the current StreamtInterface implementation 
> returned $this->request->getBody()
> I am trying to create a class/method that works with any third-party 
> RequestInterface implementation.
> I do not know the architecture of StreamtInterface implementation used in 
> the RequestInterface implementation.
> class Stream implements StreamtInterface
> {
>     protected $handler;
>     public function __construct()
>     {
>         $this->handler = tmpfile();
>     }
>     public function write($str)
>     {
>         fwrite($this->handler, $str);
>     }
> }
> class FilteredStream extends Stream
> {
>     protected $filter;
>     public function __construct(callable $filter)
>     {
>         parent::__construct();
>         $this->filter = $filter;
>     }
>     public function write($str)
>     {
>         parent::write(($this->filter)($str));
>     }
> }
> $request->withBody(new Stream());
> $myAbstractObject->setRequest($request);
> // in other case
> $request->withBody(new FilteredStream('myFilterFunct'));
> $myAbstractObject->setRequest($request);
> I think need add "truncate" or/and "withContents" methods to the 
> StreamInterface:
> interface StreamInterface
> {
>    /**
>     * Truncates a stream data to a given length.
>     *
>     * @see
>     *
>     * @param int $size The size to truncate to.
>     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException Size not integer or less zero.
>     * @throws \RuntimeException Not seekable.
>     */
>     public function truncate($size);
>     /**
>      * Returns new instance with the specified contents.
>      *
>      * @param string $str New contents.
>      * @return static New instance.
>      * @throws \RuntimeException On failure.
>      */
>     public function withContents($str);
> }
> class Stream implements StreamInterface
> {
>     public function truncate($size)
>     {
>         if (intval($size) != $size || $size < 0) {
>             throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Size must be not 
> negative integer');
>         }
>         if (! $this->isSeekable()) {
>             throw new \RuntimeException('Stream not seekable');
>         }
>         ftruncate($this->handle, $size);
>         if ($this->tell() > $size) {
>             // Fix cursor position
>             $this->seek(0, SEEK_END);
>         }
>     }
>     public function withContents($str)
>     {
>         $clone = clone $this;
>         $clone->rewind();
>         $clone->write($str);
>         ftruncate($this->handle, strlen($str));
>         // or $this->truncate(strlen($str));
>         return $clone;
>     }
> }
> суббота, 12 октября 2019 г., 2:42:32 UTC+3 пользователь Matthew Weier 
> O'Phinney написал:
>> On Thu, Oct 10, 2019, 6:42 PM Anton Fedonjuk <> wrote:
>>> Class contains method setRequest(RequestInterface $request), his abstact 
>>> code:
>>> Request body already sets: $request->getBody()->write('...');
>>> I want send this request with other body content, but dont know how:
>>> 1. StreamInterface don't have methods as PHP ftruncate()
>>> 2. Constructor not defined in StreamInterface: can't use 
>>> $request->withBody() because dont know how create clone of that Steam 
>>> object without contents.
>> To provide new contents, you provide a new body to the request, which 
>> means using a new StreamInterface instance. 
>> To get a new StreamInterface instance, you either instantiate I've 
>> directly, per the PSR-7 *implementation* you have installed, or you use a 
>> PSR-17 StreamFactoryInterface instance to create it. This is something you 
>> would compose into your class as a constructor dependency. 
>> In each case, you need an *implementation* of one or both of the specs 
>> installed, which is already likely the case. 
>> In the first case, if using Diactoros, your code might look like this:
>>     $request = $this->getRequest()
>>         ->withBody(new \Zend\Diactoros\Stream('php://temp', 'wb+'));
>> In the second, it would look like this:
>>     $request = $this->getRequest()
>>         ->withBody($this->streamFactory->createStream());
>> From there, you can call on the stream's write() method. Alternately, if 
>> using the factory, create the entire stream *with contents* to save 
>> yourself the step. 
>> Regarding your point that there is no StreamInterface constructor,
>> the constructor is not defined in any of the interfaces because:
>> - We did not want to restrict how implementations wrote constructors.
>> - PHP ALWAYS allows classes implementing interfaces to override the 
>> signature of a constructor. 
>> As such, you always have to look at how the *implementation* to determine 
>> the signature of constructors. 
>> This is one large reason PSR-17 exists - to standardize how instances of 
>> psr-7 interfaces are created. 
>> Regardless, each of the above examples give you an instance with an empty 
>> body. 

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