*Third-party PSR-7-compatible packages - A, my package - B. Package B can 
use any package A and *
*doesn't depend on the implementation of package A. *
*PSR class implements PSR interface (ex: class Stream implements *

For beginning: I read the recommendations/meta and understand why PSR team 
came to this decision.

But in real: this recomendation works only for only for well-known package 
A whose structure you know. I will not be able to use* any* package A in 
package B. 
"PSR-7-compatible" does not imply that package A also implements PSR-17. 
statistics: at least half of packages A not PSR-17-compatible.
I can't create new (or reset) PSR classes (in package B) from not 
package A i.e I can't realize Prototype, Factory patterns.

I see a solution to these problems in merging PSR-7 and PSR-17 in new PSR 
as in PSR-12. This will allow:
update current interfaces: 
   add return type declarations for methods where it need
   add methods and fix current docBlock's: 
     UriInterface::withQuery($query) @param iterable $query, 
@param string $queryand + getters
   add constants: constant with request methods, protocols
add interface/class exceptions

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