Late on this one, but in most of the projects I've seen have migrations in 
their own directories. If your project is similar, you might consider 
simply excluding that directory from any automated tools that might be 
doing checks for style issues. You can either ignore those directories 
outright, or tweak the rules for to fit your constraints for that 
directory, like "PSR-1 but [exceptions here]." You'd essentially have two 
separate checks, then.

This probably isn't required in your case, though, as my understanding of 
PSR-1 is there is no problem with having underscores in any part of the 
fully qualified classname. The example in PSR-1 that you linked is showing 
that you should not use _'s for the purpose of namespacing for PHP 5.3+ 
code. Code written for PHP 5.2.x doesn't have namespaces so it can only 
rely on _'s for the purpose of namespacing.

Specifically, the rule for PSR-1 states "*Code written for PHP 5.3 and 
after MUST use formal namespaces"* but does not say anything about *not 
including _'s in namespace or class names*.

There is some ambiguity between PSR-0 and PSR-4 in how _'s are treated in 
resolving the final path to the file that contains the code for a given 
class name, so _'s might be tricky unless you are explicitly using PSR-4. 
However, a lot of projects (like Laravel, for one) don't actually keep the 
version / date / number information in the class name itself and relies on 
something like Composer's classmap autoload functionality.

PSR-4 itself actually includes an example of a class with an _ in the name 
( \Acme\Log\Writer\File_Writer ):

Hope this helps. :)

On Thursday, October 17, 2019 at 1:17:34 PM UTC-5, Anton Komarev wrote:
> How would it help? Class names should be unique, and uniqueness achievable 
> by adding version numbers to it. Even if we'll move version numbers to 
> directories - it wouldn't do the trick because same issue will appear in 
> namespace.
> четверг, 17 октября 2019 г., 19:57:35 UTC+3 пользователь Asmir Mustafic 
> написал:
>> On Thursday, 17 October 2019 18:31:12 UTC+2, Anton Komarev wrote:
>>> For example migration `from 10.11.2 to 10.11.3` version will look like: 
>>> From10102To10103
>>> This variant will be much readable: From10_11_2To10_11_3
>>> How to deal with version numbers delimited with dots in class names?
>>> Probably this does not answer directly your question, but projects as 
>> doctrine migrations allows you to place classes in sub-directories (this 
>> namesapces) grouped by year/month. In this way the number of classes in the 
>> same folder is really lower.
>> Asmir

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