Hi Larry

Sounds good. There's been a bit of discussion in the Discord as to possible 
vendors to talk to. so I'll see if I can get in contact with a few people!
I will follow up if/when the time comes to seek a sponsor.

Nb: Not entirely sure how to handle bottom-posting when it comes to google 
groups webUI, as I don't seem to be receiving replies in gmail.
Happy to discuss more on Discord if that works for you :)


On Tuesday, 15 March 2022 at 16:21:46 UTC Larry Garfield wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 15, 2022, at 10:04 AM, Adam Allport wrote:
> > Hi Larry,
> > Thanks for your response.
> >
> > 1) Differences to PSR-3
> > Whilst PSR-3 (Logging) does improve observability within an 
> > application, it is just that, logging.
> > Tracing (sometimes referred to as application performance 
> > monitoring/APM) takes it a step further to answer the questions When is 
> > my application doing *x*, and why
> >
> > 2) Rough Sketch of what the spec might look like
> > Yeah! I think we should consult the methodologies set out by 
> > 
> https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/main/specification/trace/api.md
> > I believe bringing the interfaces into a PSR could provide the needed 
> > encouragement for adoption & standardisation
> >
> > I will note, opentracing has been adopted as a standard by various 
> > large players for other languages.
> > The lack of a standard for PHP may be holding it back
> >
> > This would allow developers to integrate various parts of their 
> > application to OT systems like Zipkin and Jaeger. In a standardised way.
> > *An* implementation could look similar to how Sentry have implemented 
> > the tracing section of the library: 
> > https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-php/tree/master/src/Tracing
> > There is an OpenTracing PHP SDK available, however, I do not feel it's 
> > appropriate for framework/library developers to add this as a 
> > requirement, since it would increase the inherent size of the 
> > application.
> > The PSR would naturally form an interop layer for libraries to 
> > contribute to an applications traces, should a TraceProvider be 
> > available/provided
> >
> > The motivation behind this is due to how there are currently (for 
> > Laravel projects as an example) 3 distinct ways to handle insights for 
> > what an application is doing, each of which have their own, very 
> > similar, methods for adding traces to a project
> > - Tools like Sentry 
> > <https://docs.sentry.io/platforms/php/performance/instrumentation/>
> > - Tools like Clockwork <https://underground.works/clockwork/>
> > - Tools like Laravel Debugbar 
> > <https://github.com/barryvdh/laravel-debugbar> 
> >
> > 3) Members who could form a working group
> > You've rightly identified Sentry, I have not contacted them directly, 
> > however, their other implementations do confirm to the OpenTracing 
> > spec, which would suggest they would be interested.
> > There will almost certainly be PHP Developers from the CNCF who may be 
> > interested (although not contacted)
> >
> > Please let me know if this raises any further questions!
> > A
> That all sounds reasonable. Your next step would probably be to speak to 
> various vendors and see if you can get them on board. If 3-4 vendors showed 
> up and said "hey, we want to standardize a PHP version of a known 
> cross-language spec that we all use", I expect FIG would respond with a 
> loud "yes please!" :-) You'll also need a CC member as a sponsor; I don't 
> have the bandwidth but you can probably find one who does.
> (Also, please stick to bottom-posting if someone bottom-posts a thread. It 
> makes it easier to track. Thanks.)
> --Larry Garfield

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