Hi, all!

This proposal has been a long time coming: formal addition of parameter and
return type declarations for PSR-7.

I'd like to thank GitHub user @stilch for creating the patches and being
patient enough to wait almost two years for me to get around to testing,
reviewing, and creating the proposal.

In sum, this a proposal following our PSR Evolution bylaws (
https://www.php-fig.org/bylaws/psr-evolution/) to update PSR-7 to:

- Create a version 1.1 of the interfaces that adds parameter type
declarations (see https://github.com/php-fig/http-message/pull/94)
- Create a version 2.0 of the interfaces that adds return type declarations
(see https://github.com/php-fig/http-message/pull/95)

The PSR-7 spec changes can be found here:

I have tested the changes against the PSR-7 integration test suite,
Diactoros, and a variety of real-world applications. For consumers,
generally no changes are necessary; applications I had "just worked". For
implementers, the primary change is that a fair amount of code used to
validate parameter input can be removed, though in order to comply with the
spec, they must also ensure that they add return type hints at the minimum
for a new MAJOR version (this is documented as part of the Evolution
by-laws anyways). Assuming passage of the specification, Diactoros, at the
very least, can be updated within a day as I've already got patches
prepared for new minor and major versions, and the changes result in a net
removal of code, and fewer errors flagged by Psalm. I consider this a net

The other ecosystem concern will be PSR-15, PSR-17, and PSR-18. Each of
these consumes PSR-7, so at the minimum, they will need to release new
minor versions that allow usage of either ^1.0 or ^2.0 of the
psr/http-message package. I've already notified Woody Gilk so he can track
the updates.

At this point, I'm opening a 2 week comment period before calling a vote.

Matthew Weier O'Phinney

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