php-general Digest 3 Apr 2005 22:21:40 -0000 Issue 3376

Topics (messages 212107 through 212139):

Re: How to insert and select images from postgres db
        212107 by:
        212108 by:
        212133 by: Josip Dzolonga

Re: link problem - Apache or PHP?
        212109 by: BAO RuiXian

Re: image_type
        212110 by:
        212131 by: Josip Dzolonga

eregi problem
        212111 by:
        212112 by:
        212114 by:
        212116 by: M. Sokolewicz
        212119 by: BAO RuiXian
        212130 by: Josip Dzolonga

Re: PHP 5 Status
        212113 by: Jason Barnett

Re: Signal 11 - php-5.0.1-dev - cygwin
        212115 by: Jason Barnett

Using header(0 to manage user inactivity
        212117 by: C Drozdowski

Multiple Select Field
        212118 by: Robb Kerr
        212128 by: Marek Kilimajer
        212139 by: Tom Rogers

users online
        212120 by: Ryan A
        212121 by: Ewout de Boer

very good resource
        212122 by:

(noob) listing folder content
        212123 by: p80
        212124 by: Justin Gruenberg
        212125 by: Jason Barnett
        212126 by: Justin Gruenberg

HUMAN CHECK without url/session cookie/hidden input, etc.
        212127 by: nime
        212129 by: Marek Kilimajer
        212132 by: nime
        212135 by: Ryan A
        212136 by: Josip Dzolonga
        212137 by: nime
        212138 by: nime

Re: Recommendation for a MySql wrapper class
        212134 by: Kevin Coyner


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--- Begin Message ---
i have done this before, but with mysql
here is the way:

// you'l have to make file imageCreator.php
// with this content
// do not leave any content or blan spaces befor <?
// at he begining of the code!!!
// because of header information

 function createImageFromDatabase($someID){
     $host = "host";
     $user = "root";
     $pass = "";
     $dbName = "imageDB";
     $conn = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die(mysql_error());
     mysql_select_db($dbName, $conn);
     $qry = "select img.rowdata from rowdata where imgID = $someID";
     $result = mysql_query($qry, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
     $data = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);

     $imageContent = $data['rowdata'];
     $image = imagecreatefromstring($imageContent);

     header("Content-type: image/png");

now your link in other file , whitch will display a picture, would be
<img src="imageCreator.php?imageID=76187"/>

"J.F.Kishor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Hi,
> I am having a problem in storing and selecting images in and
> from postgres.
> My requirement is I have to select the image from the database
> and display it in User Interface.
> Can anyone help me through this problem, I'am in need of this
> solution by today.
> Regards,
> - JFK
> kishor
> Nilgiri Networks 

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
same thing for inserting, or similar
but youl have to read file s
something like:
$file = "path/file.jpg";
$handle = $fopen ($file, "r");
$size = filesize($file, $handle);
$content = fread($handle, $size);
$content = mysql_escape_string($content);

// and now you can insert it into database

"J.F.Kishor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Hi,
> I am having a problem in storing and selecting images in and
> from postgres.
> My requirement is I have to select the image from the database
> and display it in User Interface.
> Can anyone help me through this problem, I'am in need of this
> solution by today.
> Regards,
> - JFK
> kishor
> Nilgiri Networks 

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message --- Well take a look here and here , so before you put the image in database encode it first to get a string (with base64_encode), and when you pull the image from the MySQL database, after you get the string value decode it with base64_decode .

Josip Dzolonga

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
germ germ wrote:

In my HTML file the HREF tag is: <A
HREF="" TARGET="_blank"></A>

When clicked, the link in then directed to:

Basically it seems like it appends the link to the URL

Yes, guess you have a base tag on the page, which reads Please try use the absolute link, that is

   HREF=""; TARGET="_blank"></A>

Good luck

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
I realy dont understand what are you saying :)

"William Stokes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Hello,
> I was under impression that php automatically gives values to image_type 
> and image_name if one tries to upload image from a web form if the name of 
> the uploaded image field is image.
> If I do this I can see that there is a path for the uploaded image in a 
> variable but the echo won't print anything. Where I am mistaken here?
> var_dump($_GET);
> echo $image_name;
> Thanks
> -Will 

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message --- William Stokes wrote:
> I was under impression that php automatically gives values to image_type and
> image_name if one tries to upload image from a web form if the name of the
> uploaded image field is image.

You mean it automatically gives values to variables $image_type and $image_name ? No, it doesn't. You can get the type (MIME) and the name of the file with $_FILES['filename']['type'] for the MIME-type and $_FILES['filename']['name'] for the filename. I encourage you to take a better look here : and you can also print_r/var_dump($_FILES);

Hope that helps,

Josip Dzolonga

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
I m trying to check $GP[sifre] variable, $GP[sifre] must consist of alpha
numeric chars only. here, how I check the variable:

    echo 'true';
    echo 'false';

It works if variable starts with alphabetic chars only.
for example this returns 'ok'
but this does not work: (if variable starts with numeric chars)

second one returns false, couldnt figure out the problem here. any help ?

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
i'm not familliar with regular expresions but i think that  ^a-z - means 
that variable must start witx a-z characters
you can chek it  here:

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>I m trying to check $GP[sifre] variable, $GP[sifre] must consist of alpha
> numeric chars only. here, how I check the variable:
> if((eregi("[^a-zA-Z0-9]",$GP[sifre])
>    echo 'true';
> else
>    echo 'false';
> It works if variable starts with alphabetic chars only.
> for example this returns 'ok'
>    $GP[sifre]='blabla234243';
> but this does not work: (if variable starts with numeric chars)
>    $GP[sifre]='3243242blabla';
> second one returns false, couldnt figure out the problem here. any help ? 

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
I really dont know :)

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>I m trying to check $GP[sifre] variable, $GP[sifre] must consist of alpha
> numeric chars only. here, how I check the variable:
> if((eregi("[^a-zA-Z0-9]",$GP[sifre])
>    echo 'true';
> else
>    echo 'false';
> It works if variable starts with alphabetic chars only.
> for example this returns 'ok'
>    $GP[sifre]='blabla234243';
> but this does not work: (if variable starts with numeric chars)
>    $GP[sifre]='3243242blabla';
> second one returns false, couldnt figure out the problem here. any help ? 

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
you'd be better off with something like
if(preg_match('#^[a-z0-9]+$#i', $GP['sifre'])) {
        echo 'contains only alphanumeric chars';
} else {
        echo 'contains characters which are not alphanumeric';

- tul

I really dont know :)

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I m trying to check $GP[sifre] variable, $GP[sifre] must consist of alpha
numeric chars only. here, how I check the variable:

  echo 'true';
  echo 'false';

It works if variable starts with alphabetic chars only.
for example this returns 'ok'
but this does not work: (if variable starts with numeric chars)

second one returns false, couldnt figure out the problem here. any help ?

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---


I m trying to check $GP[sifre] variable, $GP[sifre] must consist of alpha
numeric chars only. here, how I check the variable:

Try this:


The above say that between the beginning of the string "^" and the end of the string "$", there are only alpha-numeric characters but at least one. Note, your following code has syntax error.



   echo 'true';
   echo 'false';

It works if variable starts with alphabetic chars only.
for example this returns 'ok'
but this does not work: (if variable starts with numeric chars)

second one returns false, couldnt figure out the problem here. any help ?

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---


I think that the ^ anchor is your problem, it shall be out of the brackets :

if (eregi("^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$", $GP['sifre'])) echo 'true';
else echo 'false';

(the above is tested and works perfect)

P.S. Take a look here

Josip Dzolonga

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Colin Ross wrote:
> Now, as far as I know though, there are still issues with Apache 2 and
> PHP-libraries, correct?

Yes, there are potential threading problems unless you use the pre-fork
version of Apache2.

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--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Jason Barnett wrote:
> OK, so I built php-5.1.0-dev from source using cygwin / gcc.
> - buildconf ran ok
> - configure ran ok
> - make ran ok
> - make install failed.  Output was:
> Installing PHP SAPI module:       cgi
> Installing PHP CGI into: /usr/local/bin/
> Installing PEAR environment:      /usr/local/lib/php/
> Signal 11
> make[1]: *** [install-pear-installer] Error 139
> make: *** [install-pear] Error 2
> Any tips on what's going on here?  I haven't built PHP from source
> before so I would appreciate any tips / links.

Anyone have any ideas on this problem?  I'm still searching for an answer.

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Description: OpenPGP digital signature

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message --- I'd like to be able to "timeout" a user if they are inactive for X minutes. Say, if they walk away from the browser leaving sensivive data in plain view.

Is there any reason that using the header() function as below wouldn't be a reliable way to do this (albeit user-unfriendly)? It "works for me" on my Mac with various browsers, but I wonder how universally it will work.

$timeout = 900;  // 15 minutes

header('Refresh: ' . $timeout . ';');
--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Please excuse the length and complexity of this post. I am facing a 
complicated problem and need to find a solution. Also, I have posted this 
on both PHP and MySQL boards so please overlook the possibly slightly 
off-topic subject.

I have got one table that contains personal information about users. 
Another table consists of a list of many interests. This table is composed 
of simply 2 fields – an ID and the interest. (see below)

I can build an HTML form which includes a multiple select list out of which 
the user can select their interests. I have the list configured so that it 
displays the “interest” while the value stored is the “ID”. PHP stores this 
entry as an Array which I can easily turn into a comma delimited list 
before storing in the database.

Here’s my problem. If I store a comma-delimited list in a text field in the 
Users table, how do I query to determine anyone that has selected specific 
interests? If I use a full-text search and someone selects “1” for their 
search criteria, the query will return anyone who selects 1, 10, 11, 12, 
13, 14, etc. as their interest.

This problem has surely occurred for others. It would affect how you store 
newsletters for which one might subscribe, keywords in a clipart system, 
interests the user has, anything from which you want your users to select 
multiple entries from a long list of choices.

Table = Interests
Fields = ID, int, auto-increment
        Interests, text

Table = Users
Fields = ID, int, auto-increment
        Name, text
        Address, text
        Interests, text

Thanx in advance for any help you might provide. If anyone knows of 
anything written on configuring this type of system, please include a link.

Digital IGUANA

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
    Returns a value 1 to N if the string str is in the string list
strlist consisting of N substrings. A string list is a string composed
of substrings separated by `,' characters. If the first argument is a
constant string and the second is a column of type SET, the
FIND_IN_SET() function is optimized to use bit arithmetic. Returns 0 if
str is not in strlist or if strlist is the empty string. Returns NULL if
either argument is NULL. This function will not work properly if the
first argument contains a comma (`,') character.

mysql> SELECT FIND_IN_SET('b','a,b,c,d');
        -> 2

Robb Kerr wrote:
> Please excuse the length and complexity of this post. I am facing a 
> complicated problem and need to find a solution. Also, I have posted this 
> on both PHP and MySQL boards so please overlook the possibly slightly 
> off-topic subject.
> I have got one table that contains personal information about users. 
> Another table consists of a list of many interests. This table is composed 
> of simply 2 fields – an ID and the interest. (see below)
> I can build an HTML form which includes a multiple select list out of which 
> the user can select their interests. I have the list configured so that it 
> displays the “interest” while the value stored is the “ID”. PHP stores 
> this 
> entry as an Array which I can easily turn into a comma delimited list 
> before storing in the database.
> Here’s my problem. If I store a comma-delimited list in a text field in the 
> Users table, how do I query to determine anyone that has selected specific 
> interests? If I use a full-text search and someone selects “1” for their 
> search criteria, the query will return anyone who selects 1, 10, 11, 12, 
> 13, 14, etc. as their interest.
> This problem has surely occurred for others. It would affect how you store 
> newsletters for which one might subscribe, keywords in a clipart system, 
> interests the user has, anything from which you want your users to select 
> multiple entries from a long list of choices.
> Table = Interests
> Fields = ID, int, auto-increment
>       Interests, text
> Table = Users
> Fields = ID, int, auto-increment
>       Name, text
>       Address, text
>       Interests, text
> Thanx in advance for any help you might provide. If anyone knows of 
> anything written on configuring this type of system, please include a link.
> Robb
> Digital IGUANA

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

Monday, April 4, 2005, 2:58:36 AM, you wrote:
RK> Please excuse the length and complexity of this post. I am facing a
RK> complicated problem and need to find a solution. Also, I have posted this
RK> on both PHP and MySQL boards so please overlook the possibly slightly
RK> off-topic subject.

RK> I have got one table that contains personal information about users.
RK> Another table consists of a list of many interests. This table is composed
RK> of simply 2 fields – an ID and the interest. (see below)

RK> I can build an HTML form which includes a multiple select list out of which
RK> the user can select their interests. I have the list configured so that it
RK> displays the “interest” while the value stored is the “ID”. PHP stores 
RK> entry as an Array which I can easily turn into a comma delimited list
RK> before storing in the database.

RK> Here’s my problem. If I store a comma-delimited list in a text field in the
RK> Users table, how do I query to determine anyone that has selected specific
RK> interests? If I use a full-text search and someone selects “1” for their
RK> search criteria, the query will return anyone who selects 1, 10, 11, 12,
RK> 13, 14, etc. as their interest.

RK> This problem has surely occurred for others. It would affect how you store
RK> newsletters for which one might subscribe, keywords in a clipart system,
RK> interests the user has, anything from which you want your users to select
RK> multiple entries from a long list of choices.

RK> Table = Interests
RK> Fields = ID, int, auto-increment
RK>     Interests, text

RK> Table = Users
RK> Fields = ID, int, auto-increment
RK>     Name, text
RK>     Address, text
RK>     Interests, text

RK> Thanx in advance for any help you might provide. If anyone knows of
RK> anything written on configuring this type of system, please include a link.

RK> Robb
RK> Digital IGUANA

Create a third table which links the other two, it will make life
easier for searches and stats and be a lot quicker.

table = user_interests
fields userid int, interestsid int

primary index would be on both fields


--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
I have been searching the archives with little luck so I need a reminder
I remember a little while ago someone asked how  to implement the "users
online" functionality
that some sites i have been asked to do exactly that but with a
small twist:
instead of displaying "xx number of users online" they want me to display
all the usernames who are online
with a link to their profile.

I have a few ideas on how this can be done, but I would like advise from
people who have already done this
or thought of doing it (i think there was also a class that does something
like this i'll check while waiting for a reply from you guys) so i can
compare it with my ideas (which are in the infancy stage ;-)  )


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--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Ryan A schreef:
> Hi,
> I have been searching the archives with little luck so I need a reminder
> here,
> I remember a little while ago someone asked how  to implement the "users
> online" functionality
> that some sites i have been asked to do exactly that but with a
> small twist:
> instead of displaying "xx number of users online" they want me to display
> all the usernames who are online
> with a link to their profile.
> I have a few ideas on how this can be done, but I would like advise from
> people who have already done this
> or thought of doing it (i think there was also a class that does something
> like this i'll check while waiting for a reply from you guys) so i can
> compare it with my ideas (which are in the infancy stage ;-)  )

Easiest way of doing this is adding a 'last seen' field to your user
profiles and updating that record with the current timestamp every time
the user requests a page.

Al you need to do when displaying the 'users online' info is getting al
profiles with the 'last seen' record on a time between now and x minutes
ago (depending on what you consider to be an 'online' user).

If you're using a database like mysql or postgresql for profile storage,
use a field type that the database software can handle internaly, this
can speed up the query.


--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message --- 

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
I have a folder let's call it "/rep" and would like to list all files in it 
and for each file $f I would like to check if "$f == $some_value" and if it 
does "echo $f" any idea how to do that?

thanx in advance


--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
On Apr 3, 2005 3:32 PM, p80 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a folder let's call it "/rep" and would like to list all files in it
> and for each file $f I would like to check if "$f == $some_value" and if it
> does "echo $f" any idea how to do that?
> thanx in advance
> Pat

See the directory functions:

See the examples for readdir, which is going to be very similar to
what you're trying to do.

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---


$some_value = 'some_value';
$dir = './rep';
$fh = opendir($dir);

while(false !== ($file = readdir($fh))) {
  if ($file == $some_value) {
    echo $file;


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--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
On Apr 3, 2005 3:32 PM, p80 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a folder let's call it "/rep" and would like to list all files in it
> and for each file $f I would like to check if "$f == $some_value" and if it
> does "echo $f" any idea how to do that?
> thanx in advance
> Pat

See the directory functions:

See the examples for readdir, which is going to be very similar to
what you're trying to do.

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Is there any way to do a human check without sending any url/session 
cookie/hidden input value
from server to browser?

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message --- nime wrote:
Is there any way to do a human check without sending any url/session 
cookie/hidden input value
from server to browser?

Do you mean telepathy?
--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
A kind of  :-)

I mean what sort of data remembers the pass code here?
I see no hidden input value/url value/session cookie/nothing.
It means telepathy!

"Marek Kilimajer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> nime wrote:
>> Is there any way to do a human check without sending any url/session 
>> cookie/hidden input value
>> from server to browser?
> Do you mean telepathy? 

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
check up on CAPTCHA on google or your favourite search engine


On 4/3/2005 11:35:03 PM, nime ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> A kind of  :-)
> https://nokiags.wdsglobal.
> I mean what sort of data remembers the pass code here?
> I see no hidden input value/url value/session cookie/nothing.
> It means telepathy!
> "Marek Kilimajer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:42505D1E.
> > nime wrote:
> >> Is there any way to do a human check without sending any url/session
> cookie/hidden input value
> >> from server to browser?
> >>
> >
> > Do you mean telepathy?
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, visit:

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--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
nime wrote:

A kind of  :-)

I mean what sort of data remembers the pass code here?
I see no hidden input value/url value/session cookie/nothing.
It means telepathy!

Well take a look at for generating images also here . See this random number generating function too :-) Too many links, nah ? :) Store the number in a session variable and check if both match or not (you can store the md5 value too in a Cookie).

Hope that helps,

Josip Dzolonga

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
I've already checked CAPTCHA thing. I have no clue how server remembers
the image. Imagine that you open two browser pages then go to captcha page.
You see two diffrerent numbers at both browsers. How does server decide which
connection established with two or more different browser pages (in this 

Is there any hidden browser ID behind the HTTP protocol?

I repeat url is:

"Ryan A" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> check up on CAPTCHA on google or your favourite search engine
> -Ryan

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
I know the mechanism. Did you examine the url? In this situation I wonder how 
they did coz
there is no cookie/no session cookie/no hidden input field.

"Josip Dzolonga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> nime wrote:
>>A kind of  :-)

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

On Sat, Apr 02, 2005 at 01:08:30PM +0200, Marek Kilimajer wrote......

> >If anybody (with more experience) than I thinks I am wrong...please
> >tell me so and most prolly go with PEARs solution, another one high
> >on my list is the ADODB as I remember someone else talking about it
> >on the list some time back.
> You can pack PEAR classes with your project and set up include_path
> accordingly.

Like Ryan (original post), I too am about to embark on a new website
project and have the opportunity to do it differently.  In the past I
did the basic php/mysql connects, etc.  But since reading this post,
have looked into adodb and pear.

Pear looks very interesting and I've given it a go.  I like the looks of
DB_Table, and how it integrates with HTML_QuickForm.  I also like how
pear has the commandline interface to search, install and update.  But
this makes me wonder ... are newer releases of classes always compatible
with pages/scripts that I might have written earlier?  If I update a
class package, might it break my existing pages?  And finally, does the
pear project have enough momentum, and contributors, such that I can
feel comfortable that it will be around for a while?

I guess I'm asking these questions because the whole pear package
repository seems very dynamic (in a good way).  I'm just wondering if it
does make sense to 'pack' up the pear classes, with versions related to
my webpages, rather than assume the classes that get updated will always
work with my stuff.

Kind of a long winded question.  Apologies.



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