php-general Digest 25 May 2006 18:33:49 -0000 Issue 4148

Topics (messages 236872 through 236899):

Re: calling JS function from php
        236872 by: Ryan Creaser
        236873 by: David Tulloh
        236874 by: Rabin Vincent
        236882 by: Mindaugas L

Re: captcha or other recommendations
        236875 by: Angelo Zanetti

Re: preg_replace learning resources? Regex tuts? Tips? (and yes, I have been 
        236876 by: Kevin Waterson
        236899 by: Micky Hulse

Slow query-building function
        236877 by: George Pitcher

Re: Generating thumbnails from tiff images
        236878 by: mbneto
        236879 by: mbneto
        236883 by: Jay Blanchard

Re: storing single and double quote in MySQL
        236880 by: Mindaugas L
        236884 by:

help needed with pager
        236881 by: Ross
        236885 by: Rabin Vincent

Monitoring Remote Server Services using php !!!
        236886 by: Phil Martin
        236888 by: chris smith
        236890 by: Rabin Vincent

        236887 by: zfe

PHP halts after calling non-existing socket
        236889 by: Artzi, Yoav \(Yoav\)

Re: Upload File (binary files?)
        236891 by: Michelle Konzack
        236892 by: Michelle Konzack

syntax highlighting for Shell scripts and C?
        236893 by: Michelle Konzack

str_replace(), and correctly positioned HTML tags
        236894 by: Dave M G
        236896 by: Adam Zey
        236897 by: tedd

Can the pic include be based on a variable?
        236895 by: Tristan
        236898 by: tedd


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--- Begin Message ---
suresh kumar wrote:

I am facing one problem in my project.I am trying to call a javascript function 
from php.but it not executing.this is my code.
function clientTime() { var cNow = new Date();
       var cHour = cNow.getHours();
      var cMin  = cNow.getMinutes();
      var hour= cHour + ":" + cMin;
      return hour;
      } //End function clientTime
     function clientDate() {
            var cDate  = new Date();
     var clientYear = cDate.getFullYear();
     var clientMonth = cDate.getMonth();
     var clientDay   = cDate.getDate();
     var year= clientYear + "-" + clientMonth + "-" + clientDay;
     return year;
} //End function clientDate
<? print "<span style=padding-left:14.2cm><font size=2 face=Arial color=#555555><script type=\"text/javascript\">";
       print "clientTime()";
       print "clientDate()</script></font></span>"; ?>
i need help from u.

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Hi Suresh

Unfortunately you cannot call a javascript function from directly within php. What you are doing is generating a web page that has invalid javascript. Try looking at your output with "view source" for clues.


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suresh kumar wrote:
> I am facing one problem in my project.I am trying to call a javascript 
> function from php.but it not executing.this is my code.

This is not a php problem, php produces a text file which is interpreted
by the browser as html and javascript.  Have a look at your
html/javascript (view source) and figure out the problem.  The use of
php is completely incidental.


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On 5/25/06, suresh kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am facing one problem in my project.I am trying to call a javascript function 
from php.but it not executing.this is my code.

You can't "call" a javascript function from php. What you can
do is output javascript code that calls a javascript function.

   function clientTime() {

        var cNow = new Date();
        var cHour = cNow.getHours();
       var cMin  = cNow.getMinutes();
       var hour= cHour + ":" + cMin;
       return hour;
       } //End function clientTime
      function clientDate() {
             var cDate  = new Date();
      var clientYear = cDate.getFullYear();
      var clientMonth = cDate.getMonth();
      var clientDay   = cDate.getDate();
      var year= clientYear + "-" + clientMonth + "-" + clientDay;
      return year;
} //End function clientDate

  <? print "<span style=padding-left:14.2cm><font size=2 face=Arial color=#555555><script 
        print "clientTime()";
        print "clientDate()</script></font></span>"; ?>

Your functions are returning values, but you aren't printing out
those values. Try:

   print "document.write(clientTime());";


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print needs escaping, so fix style=\"\". Read XHTML requirements.
"<span style=padding-left:14.2cm><font size=2 face=Arial
color=#555555><script type=\"text/javascript\">";

I see you are missing semicolon when calling clientDate(); The same for
clientTime(); Javascripts need semicolons at the end of statement.

in the beginning style must be

On 5/25/06, Rabin Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 5/25/06, suresh kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am facing one problem in my project.I am trying to call a javascript
function from php.but it not executing.this is my code.

You can't "call" a javascript function from php. What you can
do is output javascript code that calls a javascript function.

>    function clientTime() {
>         var cNow = new Date();
>         var cHour = cNow.getHours();
>        var cMin  = cNow.getMinutes();
>        var hour= cHour + ":" + cMin;
>        return hour;
>        } //End function clientTime
>       function clientDate() {
>              var cDate  = new Date();
>       var clientYear = cDate.getFullYear();
>       var clientMonth = cDate.getMonth();
>       var clientDay   = cDate.getDate();
>       var year= clientYear + "-" + clientMonth + "-" + clientDay;
>       return year;
> } //End function clientDate
>   <? print "<span style=padding-left:14.2cm><font size=2 face=Arial
color=#555555><script type=\"text/javascript\">";
>         print "clientTime()";
>         print "clientDate()</script></font></span>"; ?>

Your functions are returning values, but you aren't printing out
those values. Try:

   print "document.write(clientTime());";


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tedd wrote:
Hi all.

I've been playing with captcha for one of my sites. It works well but have had a few issues integrating it into the site and sometimes it appears not to work/show the textfield and graphic.

Anyway are there any other suggestions for something with similiar functionality as captcha and what are your experiences with these code bases?


Angelo Zanetti
Z Logic


Read this:

While not prefect by any means (i.e., blind can't see it), you may want to review my "click the circle" solution:

If you want the code, I'll provide -- BUT -- try to find another way.


thank Tedd, very interesting, and I agree its not nice to eliminate the 
visually impaired. However my client is getting bombed with posts so I need to 
put something in place to prevent this.
Is it possible for me to get the captcha code for that link you sent me? 
preferabbly off list.

thanks in advance

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This one time, at band camp, Micky Hulse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have been rtfm on preg_replace, and I am a bit turned-off by how 
> complex reg-exing appears to be.... anyway, I would like to spend some 
> time learning how I would convert a file full of links that look like:

Try this quicky


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. 
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."

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Koen Martens wrote:
You might be better off then by parsing the html file with DOM:

Whoa, that is cool, I had no idea this was something PHP could do! Thanks for the links. :D


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Last year I switched from using FileMaker Pro to MySQL. One of FileMaker's
quirks was that if, in a text field, you searched for say, 'free ass boo',
it would find any records with those three substrings in that field (in this
example, its 'Free Association Books').

I want to have this quirkiness on my site, along with the option of adding +
or ! before substrings.

I've got it working using the following function:

function sql_fltr($sql,$field,$input){
  $input = addslashes($input);
    if(substr_count($input,"*")>0 || substr_count($input,"!")>0 ||
substr_count($input,"^")>0 || substr_count($input,"+")>0){
/* search for substring conditions */
      $tempy = str_replace(" +","|+",str_replace(" !","|!",str_replace("
*","|*",str_replace(" ^","|^",($input)))));
      $temp = explode("|",$tempy);
      while($i < sizeof($temp)){
          $temp[$i]=" and ".$field." LIKE
          $output.= $temp[$i]."|";
          $temp[$i]=" and ".$field." NOT LIKE
          $output.= $temp[$i]."|";
          $temp[$i]=" and ".$field." LIKE
          $output.= $temp[$i]."|";
          $temp[$i]="and ".$field." LIKE '%".strim($temp[$i])."%'";
          $output.= $temp[$i]."|";
      $output = strim(substr($output,0,strlen($output)-1));
        $output = str_replace("|"," ",$output);
      } else {
        $output = substr($output,4,strlen($output)-1);
/* search for whole string conditions */
    } elseif(substr($input,0,1)=="*"){
      $output=$field." LIKE '%".strim(str_replace("*","",$input))."%'";
    } elseif(substr($input,0,1)=="!"){
      $output=$field." NOT LIKE '%".strim(str_replace("!","",$input))."%'";
    } elseif(substr($input,0,1)=="="){
    } else {
      $input = str_replace(" ","|",$input);
      $output ="";
/* search for all substrings */
        $temp = explode("|",$input);
        while($d < sizeof($temp)){
          $temp[$d]=" and ".$field." LIKE '%".rtrim($temp[$d])."%'";
          $output.= $temp[$d]."|";
      } else {
        $output=$field." LIKE '%".rtrim(str_replace("|", " ",$temp))."%'";
  } else {
    $query = str_replace("|"," ",$output);
  } else {
    $query = substr($output,4,strlen($output)-1);
  $output = str_replace("|"," ",$query);
  return str_replace("and and","and",$output);

For info the strim() function combines ltrim() and rtrim().

My usage example is:

$sqlp = "select supplier_id from suppliers where (supplier_id>0 ";
$sqlp.= sql_fltr($sqlp, 'imprint', $pubname);
echo "<br><br><br>".$sqlp."<br><br><br>";

I just add extra sql_fltr() lines for additional fields.

The main problem with this function is that takes 12 seconds on my XP
laptop, to build the query (I'm not even hitting the DB, but pasting that
into my DB front end gives a quick result.

I'm running PHP5.1RC on the laptop (PHP5.0.2 on my server) - both with
Apache 2.

Can anyone suggest a solution that will improve performance while retaining
the functionality?


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I am not quite sure if you've made sarcastic comments but to make things
more clear...

I'd like to use GD instead of ImageMagick beacuse I would not want to
install extra packages if I can.

When I mentioned that I use convert I said 'when GD is not available...'  So
I have alternatives: if there is no GD support go with ImageMagick.  If
there is support use GD.

On 5/22/06, Jay Blanchard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I know the imagemagick tools. I use convert when I need to perform
operations on images and gd is not available.

I'd like an alternative without having to install any extra packages
specially that in this case the scripts will be hosted in a win32 machine
(windows xp).

Ah. Well. You could have saved me the effort by being more descriptive in
your first post.

1. Doesn't want to use GD. Check.
2. Doesn't want to use Imagemagick. Check.
3. Doesn't want to install extra packages. Check.
4. SOL. Check.

--- End Message ---
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Is this a non documented api?  does not show this.

On 5/23/06, Richard Lynch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mon, May 22, 2006 5:10 pm, mbneto wrote:
> I am looking for sample code/class that can generate a thumbnail (can
> be a
> png/jpeg) image from a tiff image.  So far I've only found examples
> using
> png/jpg/gif as input.

In those examples, change the line that reads:

That's pretty much it...

Like Music?

--- End Message ---
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I'd like to use GD instead of ImageMagick beacuse I would not want to
install extra packages if I can.

GD is an extra package.

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Yesterday I read this discussion and looked at php manual for
mysql_real_escape... There is good example with extra function to check php
magic quotes status. I like the idea, because the code is more portable. You
don't have to add .htaccess files nor configre php..

Beginner Mindaugas

On 5/24/06, tedd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

At 8:14 PM +0200 5/24/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>if magic_quotes_gpc is On, does it add slashes in front of quotes when
>submit through form?
>Mean, if I submit in input form (text) afan's "crazy" web, after
>echo $_POST['record'];
>I'll get afan\'s \"crazy\" web. Is this because of magic_quote_gps is On?


You're getting the idea. Whatever is in your mysql dB should look
just like it would in print with quotes and all -- and without any
escape characters preceding them.

So, if your records in mysql (when viewed via something like
myphpadmin) have something like this "O\'Mally", then the data is
wrong. It should be "O'Mally" and thus somewhere you, or
magic_quotes, have added slashes.

So, backup to your original data, turn magic_quotes OFF, use
mysql_real_escape_string to prepare the data and then add that data
to your mysql.

Upon retrieval of the data from mysql -- if -- you want to show it to
a browser, then use htmlentities. Remember mysql_real_escape_string
IN and htmlentities OUT and the world will be well.

I don't know if you are working in the same type of environment as
me, but I fixed mine by adding a ".htacess" file to my root. The code
is simply a text file like so:

php_value magic_quotes_gpc 0
php_value magic_quotes_sybase 0
php_value magic_quotes_runtime 0

That might work for you -- others on this list may have more detailed

In any event, IMO do everything you can to turn magic_quotes OFF
because after that, then everything will be easier and you'll never
have to worry about when, or if, you should add_lashes, strip_lashes,
and other such confusing stuff.




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--- End Message ---
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I have an access as root user to the server and it shouldn't be a problem
to turn Off magic quote, but I really CANNOT do it right now because, as I
said earlier, just put live our new (pretty big) web site and there is no
chance to put it again "under construction" for a next couple of weekls
(redo site and test it again). As far as I can see, the only "solution" is
make on extra server whole thing and then, once it's finished and tested,
replace the old one? Also, there is a lot of info with slashes i DB - that
has to be cleaned too, right?
But, as sombody mentioned earlier, the whole php development goes in that
direction (like global's Off/On before) and one day I will have to do it
anyway. But, at least I can "wait" for version 2.0 of the web site :).



> At 8:14 PM +0200 5/24/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>if magic_quotes_gpc is On, does it add slashes in front of quotes when
>>submit through form?
>>Mean, if I submit in input form (text) afan's "crazy" web, after
>>echo $_POST['record'];
>>I'll get afan\'s \"crazy\" web. Is this because of magic_quote_gps is On?
> afan:
> You're getting the idea. Whatever is in your mysql dB should look
> just like it would in print with quotes and all -- and without any
> escape characters preceding them.
> So, if your records in mysql (when viewed via something like
> myphpadmin) have something like this "O\'Mally", then the data is
> wrong. It should be "O'Mally" and thus somewhere you, or
> magic_quotes, have added slashes.
> So, backup to your original data, turn magic_quotes OFF, use
> mysql_real_escape_string to prepare the data and then add that data
> to your mysql.
> Upon retrieval of the data from mysql -- if -- you want to show it to
> a browser, then use htmlentities. Remember mysql_real_escape_string
> IN and htmlentities OUT and the world will be well.
> I don't know if you are working in the same type of environment as
> me, but I fixed mine by adding a ".htacess" file to my root. The code
> is simply a text file like so:
> php_value magic_quotes_gpc 0
> php_value magic_quotes_sybase 0
> php_value magic_quotes_runtime 0
> That might work for you -- others on this list may have more detailed
> information.
> In any event, IMO do everything you can to turn magic_quotes OFF
> because after that, then everything will be easier and you'll never
> have to worry about when, or if, you should add_lashes, strip_lashes,
> and other such confusing stuff.
> hth's
> tedd
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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the pager in this page works except try and choose aberdeen from the area 
dropdown. You should get 18 answers which is fine except when page 2 is 
pressed at the bottom the query seems to be scrubbed and it returns the full 

any ideas how I can 'save' the query and not create a new blank query every 
time the page is slef submitted? 

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
On 5/25/06, Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

the pager in this page works except try and choose aberdeen from the area
dropdown. You should get 18 answers which is fine except when page 2 is
pressed at the bottom the query seems to be scrubbed and it returns the full

any ideas how I can 'save' the query and not create a new blank query every
time the page is slef submitted?

Get your variables, like 'area', from $_GET if they're not in $_POST.
And then you can change your page navigation links to something

echo $pager->get_prev('<a href="{LINK_HREF}&area=' . $area . '"


--- End Message ---
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Hi everybody,

     I'm new to the list and also new to php, I hope I can learn many
things from here.
     My first doubt is the following: I'm trying to create a small monitor
system, just to suit my needs in monitoring some services in my application.
I've found some functions that return to me the service by port, name and so
on (getservbyport, getservbyname). What I need is to monitor remote server
services, I mean, lets suppose I have a server with a ssh server
running. I'd like to see the status (up/down) of that server from another
machine, like I don't want to use some monitoring softwares out
there in the web, i know they exist and in fact I use many of them like
nagios, cacti and so on, but I'm planning to do my own small solution.
    What I need is some function that asks me a remote IP, port and
protocol as input data and results TRUE/FALSE (any boolean value), just to
see if the service is up. I did that making a function using nmap, but i
don't want to hold that solution to linux, I'd like to use it at other OS.
My function's syntax is like this

    $ssh_status=service_status (, 22, tcp);
    if ($ssh_status==TRUE); {
            echo "Service UP";
    } else {
            echo "Service DOWN";

  Does anyone know if there is a similar function in PHP ? I'd be very
happy if somebody knows about a function like that.

Thanks in advance

Felipe Martins

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
On 5/25/06, Phil Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi everybody,

      I'm new to the list and also new to php, I hope I can learn many
things from here.
      My first doubt is the following: I'm trying to create a small monitor
system, just to suit my needs in monitoring some services in my application.
I've found some functions that return to me the service by port, name and so
on (getservbyport, getservbyname). What I need is to monitor remote server
services, I mean, lets suppose I have a server with a ssh server
running. I'd like to see the status (up/down) of that server from another
machine, like I don't want to use some monitoring softwares out
there in the web, i know they exist and in fact I use many of them like
nagios, cacti and so on, but I'm planning to do my own small solution.
     What I need is some function that asks me a remote IP, port and
protocol as input data and results TRUE/FALSE (any boolean value), just to
see if the service is up. I did that making a function using nmap, but i
don't want to hold that solution to linux, I'd like to use it at other OS.
My function's syntax is like this

     $ssh_status=service_status (, 22, tcp);
     if ($ssh_status==TRUE); {
             echo "Service UP";
     } else {
             echo "Service DOWN";

   Does anyone know if there is a similar function in PHP ? I'd be very
happy if somebody knows about a function like that.

No such function exists.

You should check out - it's not php but it does
what you want.

Postgresql & php tutorials

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
On 5/25/06, Phil Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi everybody,

      I'm new to the list and also new to php, I hope I can learn many
things from here.
      My first doubt is the following: I'm trying to create a small monitor
system, just to suit my needs in monitoring some services in my application.
I've found some functions that return to me the service by port, name and so
on (getservbyport, getservbyname). What I need is to monitor remote server
services, I mean, lets suppose I have a server with a ssh server
running. I'd like to see the status (up/down) of that server from another
machine, like I don't want to use some monitoring softwares out
there in the web, i know they exist and in fact I use many of them like
nagios, cacti and so on, but I'm planning to do my own small solution.
     What I need is some function that asks me a remote IP, port and
protocol as input data and results TRUE/FALSE (any boolean value), just to
see if the service is up. I did that making a function using nmap, but i
don't want to hold that solution to linux, I'd like to use it at other OS.
My function's syntax is like this

     $ssh_status=service_status (, 22, tcp);
     if ($ssh_status==TRUE); {
             echo "Service UP";
     } else {
             echo "Service DOWN";

   Does anyone know if there is a similar function in PHP ? I'd be very
happy if somebody knows about a function like that.

You can use


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After calling a non existing socket PHP halts and doesn't return. It
happens when we do it through our web server (AppWeb) or through the
command line. The problem is with socket_recvfrom. (see code below)
Is this a known bug? a mistake I make in accessing sockets? installation
error on my side?
unlink ("/tmp/local_domain");
$addr = "/tmp/main_adaptor_sock";
$socket = socket_create(AF_UNIX, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
if (!$socket)
  echo "problem in creating socket";
if (!socket_bind($socket, "/tmp/local_domain"))
  echo "problem in binding socket";
$buffer = "Update";
socket_sendto($socket, $buffer, strlen($buffer), 0, $addr);
socket_recvfrom($socket, $buffer, 100, 0, $from);
echo "message recv $buffer \n";

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Am 2006-05-15 20:06:06, schrieb Richard Lynch:

> After you start working for the CIA and actually write a function that
> *DOES* something with the blob data to search for common facial
> features or something, you can use this argument...
> Until then, it's really rather empty.
> :-) :-):-)

I do not work for the CIA because I live in FR and working 
for the concurence  :-)  We have very big servers serving
the binaries (pics, docs and more but only the biometric
datas are stored in the databases...  (the guys there have
nothing to do as spidering the internet for PIC's...)

Maybe around 400.000.000 peoples allready indexed...

The CIA is maybe a little bit more crazy since they are
createing a 12-page file of each people of the world...

Which IS allready enough to make HDD sellers happy...

Oh yes, at the DGSE (where I am PMC) we are using Debian
and PostgreSQL 7.4.

My little database of 370 GByte + 1,8 TByte binaries has
only 83.000 peoples indexed.

    Michelle Konzack

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####################
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
                   50, rue de Soultz         MSM LinuxMichi
0033/6/61925193    67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

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Am 2006-05-15 17:25:05, schrieb Rory Browne:

> Bullshit. there are multiple tools for copying files from host to host,
> including ftp, scp, sftp, rsync, nfs, etc. Planning ahead, is  a better way
> to avoid breaking links than using MySQL to store your images.

Right, currently I am using a php5 script which generate temporary
tables and references where to find the binaries and the I dump the
temporary table.  After this I put the dump plus the images into a
tar-ball and transfer it.

The receiver has an equivalent script which can import the table dump
and install the "binaries correctly.

> I notice you've misspelt the most important word there. He says the lookup
> _MAY_ become slow. This behavour is dependent on the filesystem you are
> using. You will encounter this problem with ext3 if you have too many files
> in the same dir. You're less likely to encounter it with reiser. This comes
> down to the competance of the administrator. An incompetantly setup mysql
> table ( without indexes ) would have the same problem.

Right, I have had to create a filesystem with directory structure
where I use the md5sum of the binary and split the 32 Bytes it up
into several subdirectories (e.g. 4 Byte wise)

Now this has speed up my binary-server over the factor 3-5

Oh yes, one thing:

For some years as I begun to use PostgreSQL (I think it was 6.5)
I have stored *.doc, *.xls and such stuff into the PostgreSQL which
gaved me a performance as the hell...

Since I do not realy like the hell and found many usefull *NIX-Tools
I have extracted the Data into text/plain of for the *.xls stuff into
XLM-Tables which can very good stored into the Database and searching
is working perfectly...

The original are always stored on my binary-server.

Having infos about JPEG's?  I extract teh EXIF data and store it in
the Database...

    Michelle Konzack

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####################
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
                   50, rue de Soultz         MSM LinuxMichi
0033/6/61925193    67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

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since I include source sniplets into some of my webpages I like
this syntax highlighting for php scripts...   because it make
scripts more readable.

My question is:  Does such thing exist for Shell scripts and C?

(It would be realy nice)

    Michelle Konzack

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####################
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
                   50, rue de Soultz         MSM LinuxMichi
0033/6/61925193    67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

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PHP list,

This may be a simple matter. Please feel free to tell me to RTFM if you can direct me to exactly where in the FM to R. Or, alternately, please use simple explanations, as I'm not an experienced PHP coder.

I'm building a simple content management system, where users can enter text into a web form. The text is stored in a MySQL database. The text should be plain text.

When the text is retrieved from the database for display, I want to add some HTML tags so I can control the format with an external CSS.

I'm assuming the best way to do this is with str_replace(). But there are some complications which make me unsure of its usage.

First, here is the code I initially made:
$content = "<p>" . str_replace("\r\n", "</p>\n<p>", $text) . "</p>\n";
echo $content;

The problem is that I want to give the users the ability to add text that will be converted to <h3> tags. I figure the best and easiest way to do this is give them some text markers, like "--++" and "++--" that can be converted to <h3> and </h3> respectively.

So I guess I do:
$content = str_replace("--++", "<h3>", $text);
$content1 = str_replace("++--", "</h3>", $content);
$content2 = "<p>" . str_replace("\r\n", "</p>\n<p>", $content1) . "</p>\n";
echo $content2;

But of course a user is likely to put their <h3> heading at the beginning of their text. Which would generate:
<p><h3>Heading</h3>text text text</p>

That's not good. What I need is:
<h3>Heading</h3><p>text text text</p>

And figuring out how to do that was where my brain stopped.

I need to be able to account for circumstances where it may not be appropriate to arbitrarily put a <p> tag at the beginning.

As well as <h3> tags, there may also be things such as images and <hr> lines, but they are all similar in that they will take some text code and convert into an HTML entity.

I need to be able to separate those out and then be able to place opening and closing <p> tags at the right place before and after paragraphs.

Is there a way to do this? Is there a good tutorial available?

Any advice appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Dave M G

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Dave M G wrote:
PHP list,

This may be a simple matter. Please feel free to tell me to RTFM if you can direct me to exactly where in the FM to R. Or, alternately, please use simple explanations, as I'm not an experienced PHP coder.

I'm building a simple content management system, where users can enter text into a web form. The text is stored in a MySQL database. The text should be plain text.

When the text is retrieved from the database for display, I want to add some HTML tags so I can control the format with an external CSS.

I'm assuming the best way to do this is with str_replace(). But there are some complications which make me unsure of its usage.

First, here is the code I initially made:
$content = "<p>" . str_replace("\r\n", "</p>\n<p>", $text) . "</p>\n";
echo $content;

The problem is that I want to give the users the ability to add text that will be converted to <h3> tags. I figure the best and easiest way to do this is give them some text markers, like "--++" and "++--" that can be converted to <h3> and </h3> respectively.

So I guess I do:
$content = str_replace("--++", "<h3>", $text);
$content1 = str_replace("++--", "</h3>", $content);
$content2 = "<p>" . str_replace("\r\n", "</p>\n<p>", $content1) . "</p>\n";
echo $content2;

But of course a user is likely to put their <h3> heading at the beginning of their text. Which would generate:
<p><h3>Heading</h3>text text text</p>

That's not good. What I need is:
<h3>Heading</h3><p>text text text</p>

And figuring out how to do that was where my brain stopped.

I need to be able to account for circumstances where it may not be appropriate to arbitrarily put a <p> tag at the beginning.

As well as <h3> tags, there may also be things such as images and <hr> lines, but they are all similar in that they will take some text code and convert into an HTML entity.

I need to be able to separate those out and then be able to place opening and closing <p> tags at the right place before and after paragraphs.

Is there a way to do this? Is there a good tutorial available?

Any advice appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Dave M G

It seems like your life would be a lot easier with break takes instead of paragraph tags. Break tags behave like newlines, so work rather well for a 1 to 1 correspondance when turning \r\n into <br />. This way, you don't have to worry about the opening tags.

The fastest way to do this may be the function nl2br(), which takes only one parameter, your string, and returns your string with the newlines replaced by break tags.

Another piece of advice is that you are creating a lot of strings. Do you need the string $text to be unmodified? Why don't you do this:

$text = str_replace("--++", "<h3>", $text);
$text = str_replace("++--", "</h3>", $text);
$text = "<p>" . str_replace("\r\n", "</p>\n<p>", $text) . "</p>\n";
echo $text;

Remember that PHP works by value, not by reference. So what happens in that first line is that it makes a copy of $text, does the replacement on that copy, and then overwrites $text with that copy. With your method you are creating a bunch of strings that I would imagine go unused later in your script.

Since you seem to want to maintain a newline in the HTML source, nl2br might not be exactly perfect for you. Here is your original code modified to work with break tags:

$text = str_replace("--++", "<h3>", $text);
$text = str_replace("++--", "</h3>", $text);
$text = str_replace("\r\n", "<br />\n", $text);
echo $text;

And here is the same code using arrays and one single replace instruction to do it, since replacement order doesn't matter:

$text = str_replace(array("--++", "++--", "\r\n"), array("<h3>", "</h3>", "<br />\n"), $text);
echo $text;

And of course, if you never do anything with your formatted string except echoing it out, don't store it, just echo it:

echo str_replace(array("--++", "++--", "\r\n"), array("<h3>", "</h3>", "<br />\n"), $text);

So, to sum up my advice:

1) Don't create extra variables that you will never use
2) Consider using break tags instead of paragraph tags, they're easier to deal with in your situation.
3) Use arrays for replacement when appropriate
4) Don't store data if you're only ever going to echo it out right away and never use it again.

I think that's it, unless I missed something.

Regards, Adam Zey.

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At 12:53 AM +0900 5/26/06, Dave M G wrote:
PHP list,

This may be a simple matter. Please feel free to tell me to RTFM if you can direct me to exactly where in the FM to R. Or, alternately, please use simple explanations, as I'm not an experienced PHP coder.

I'm building a simple content management system, where users can enter text into a web form. The text is stored in a MySQL database. The text should be plain text.

When the text is retrieved from the database for display, I want to add some HTML tags so I can control the format with an external CSS.

I'm assuming the best way to do this is with str_replace(). But there are some complications which make me unsure of its usage.


RTFM -- yeah, unfortunately, there's a lot of that going around -- most justified, some not.

In any event, I think this is where you're going wrong -- don't use str_replace() to alter the *content* at all !

If you know css, then keep the content separate from presentation. Content comes from your mysql and you should be able to place it within html markup where its presentation is controlled by css.

For example, if I have a text paragraph ($my_paragraph) that's been pulled from mysql and I want to show that paragraph in html, then I would do something like this:

<?php echo($my_paragraph); ?>

That way I use use css to control how that paragraph will look with those <div> and <p> tags and, at the same time, make the content easy to handle.

If you want to allow users to enter html tags themselves, then you're asking for a bit of trouble IMO because you are relying upon them to do the mark-up correctly.

For example, if someone entered "<h1>This is what I want to say</h1" -- how would you handle it? Also note that if that was entered "as-is" your page would not longer be well formed and would probably cause problems with the rest of your page, not to mention not validating.

If you think you can write code to fix their mistakes, then I think that's a mistake for users can screw up code even more than programmers can. :-)

Additionally, if you don't handle the input right, then there's a security concern, such as mysql injection.

If you want to give your users the option of having "headlines" and "body of work", then provide a Headline box and Body of Work box and then manage those entries in your markup.

I think you get the idea.

I'm sure there are other ways to do this, but this is the way I've done it.




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Can the pic include be based on a variable?

my client asked me this question. I have a movie that is the header to
the site and it pulls in a swf that calls a picture from pic00.jpg.
I'm not sure exactly what he means by this. I'm assuming he wants to
pass flash a variable name instead of a hardcoded file name but, I'm
not sure exactly how to do this. Am I on the right track? Can someone
show me an example or point me in the right direction?


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At 9:54 AM -0600 5/25/06, Tristan wrote:
Can the pic include be based on a variable?

my client asked me this question. I have a movie that is the header to
the site and it pulls in a swf that calls a picture from pic00.jpg.
I'm not sure exactly what he means by this. I'm assuming he wants to
pass flash a variable name instead of a hardcoded file name but, I'm
not sure exactly how to do this. Am I on the right track? Can someone
show me an example or point me in the right direction?



If I understand you correctly, you just create a variable for the first part of the image and then add on ".jpg" or whatever and then place it in your html <img> tag.

The following is an example taken from my:


$flag = "flags/".strtolower($country_code).".png";


<fieldset class="bgblue">
<legend>Your location</legend>
<?php echo ("Country: $country_name - $country_code &nbsp; <img src=\"$flag\" >");?>

What this does is pull in a flag image of the county and show it to the user. I have no idea who the user is, but their IP gives me an indication that I then lookup in a dB. From there, I pull out the corresponding flag and assemble the <img src"<whatever>" call.

Get the idea?



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