php-general Digest 12 Sep 2006 12:56:28 -0000 Issue 4343

Topics (messages 241638 through 241656):

Re: Is SOAP not really enabled?
        241638 by: Ryan Creaser
        241641 by: Paul Scott

Help with OpenSSL Function
        241639 by: Shanon Swafford

        241640 by: Christopher Weldon

register globals on
        241642 by: Zbigniew Szalbot
        241643 by: Chris
        241644 by: Zbigniew Szalbot
        241645 by: Larry Garfield
        241646 by: Chris
        241647 by: J R
        241648 by: J R
        241655 by: Ford, Mike

Mirror url
        241649 by: Peter Lauri
        241650 by: Stut
        241651 by: Peter Lauri

Built-in Interface to rewrite empty() ?
        241652 by: Norbert Wenzel

Re: DOM - parse HTML document
        241653 by: Satyam

undefined function bindtextdomain()
        241654 by: Zbigniew Szalbot

mail() help
        241656 by: suresh kumar


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--- Begin Message ---

Brian Dunning wrote:
The techs at Rackspace just enabled SOAP for me. I have a command:

$soap = new SoapClient('');

which works fine on my PHP 5.1.6 development server, but it won't run on my 4.3.9 server at Rackspace. The only place 'soap' appears in phpinfo() is '--with-soap' up in the Configure Command section. There is no Soap section further down on the page, as there is on my dev server (which, I notice, says '--enable-soap' instead).

Sorry to say, but there is no native soap extension in php4, it was introduced with php5.
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> Sorry to say, but there is no native soap extension in php4, it was 
> introduced with php5. 

Yeah, in PHP4 you may want to go with one of two routes:

1. NuSOAP 

AFAIK Pear Soap was used as a basis for the native C extension, so would
probably provide the easiest space for you to work with if you are using
the native SOAP stuff in PHP5. I do (did) prefer NuSOAP though, at the
time it provided all of our SOAP needs in PHP4. It can be downloaded as
a lib from Sourceforge IIRC.


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Hi guys,

I am trying to use Apache, PHP 4.3, and PHP's Openssl functions to encrypt a

Currently, I can successfully use the following command to encrypt an
existing file and create a new one:

openssl aes-256-cbc -e -in plain_file.xml -out encrypt_file.xml -k

Is it possible to use the openssl functions in PHP 4.3 without having to use
the file system?

Can sombody help with the syntax to mimick the above to create a variable
with encrypted data from a plain text variable?

Here is a test I'm running:

It takes the following XML file: 

Here is the page:

Here is the source: 

1.  It spits out different data every time you refresh the test.php page.
Why?  Seems every so often, the encrypted data will be correct.

2.  I would like to get rid of shell_exec and the test.xml file.

3.  If this is not possible, how can I pass the plain variable to the
shell_exec command?

I also found mcrypt functions, but it is not available on my production

Is there a better way to do this?

Thanks and have a good day,

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Hash: SHA1

BBC wrote:
>> What types of images are these? JPG, PNG, GIF?
> Its jpg. Look... I don't know exactly what your point, I'm just asking you 
> about the function to resolve the size of image like the
> codes below:
> if (file_exists($img_path)){
> list($width,$height) = getimagesizes($img_path);
> }else{
> $width = $ height = $max_size;
> }
> So is there any other option to replace file_exists();?

Well, if I do remember correctly, then you are uploading a file. If
that's the case, then rather than using file_exists() you should be
using is_uploaded_file. Once you've verified that is_uploaded_file()
returns true, then use move_uploaded_file() to move the file to
someplace on your filesystem. If that returns true, then you should not
have to check file_exists again and just be able to use get getimagesize().

So, a good function for this would probably be:

function getUploadedImageSize($image, $to_path) {
        global $max_size;

        $width = $height = $max_size;

        if (is_uploaded_file($image)) {
                if (move_uploaded_file($image, $to_path)) {
                        list($width,$height) = getimagesize($to_path);

        return array($width, $height);

list($width, $height) = getUploadedImageSize($tmp, '/the/final/path');

BTW, I don't know if you did a copy and paste from your code or if you
just typed it in really quickly, but you do have a few syntactical
errors in the code above. First, the image sizing function is
getimagesize - singular, not plural. Second, in your assignment
statement, you have a space where there should not be one:

$width = $ height = $max_size;

Just wanted to make sure you knew about that in case it was copied and

- --
Christopher Weldon, ZCE
President & CEO
Cerberus Interactive, Inc.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


--- End Message ---
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Hello again,

Can I ask a general question? One of the website that we have built was
constructed using register globals. Thanks to that we set the language for
browsing the website by determining user's browser language and then also
(I think) it is used to remember some other choices users make while on
the website (especially the language for browsing).

Anyway, our ISP asks us to stop using register globals. They are right. We
should. However, the programmer we have been using to help us, insists
that without register globals on, we will have to revert to using cookies.
This - he claims - is not an option because if a user blocks cookies, site
as such will become useless (many options on the website are a consequence
of setting the language first).

I thought I would ask your opinion before we make any decision. Is it
really so that without register globals, such things as displaying
information from databases based on the initial choice of languages is not
an option? I am not a programmer so I just need general guidance.

Thank you very much in advance!

Zbigniew Szalbot

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Zbigniew Szalbot wrote:
Hello again,

Can I ask a general question? One of the website that we have built was
constructed using register globals. Thanks to that we set the language for
browsing the website by determining user's browser language and then also
(I think) it is used to remember some other choices users make while on
the website (especially the language for browsing).

Anyway, our ISP asks us to stop using register globals. They are right. We
should. However, the programmer we have been using to help us, insists
that without register globals on, we will have to revert to using cookies.
This - he claims - is not an option because if a user blocks cookies, site
as such will become useless (many options on the website are a consequence
of setting the language first).

I thought I would ask your opinion before we make any decision. Is it
really so that without register globals, such things as displaying
information from databases based on the initial choice of languages is not
an option? I am not a programmer so I just need general guidance.

Complete rubbish. He's being lazy.

Postgresql & php tutorials

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Hello again,

On Tue, 12 Sep 2006, Chris wrote:

> > I thought I would ask your opinion before we make any decision. Is it
> > really so that without register globals, such things as displaying
> > information from databases based on the initial choice of languages is not
> > an option? I am not a programmer so I just need general guidance.
> Complete rubbish. He's being lazy.

Thanks a lot! Any hint what to use instead? I mean I will tell him to
re-think things but with techi guys I would simply feel better saying we
need to rework the website using...???

Thank you again!

Zbigniew Szalbot

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
On Tuesday 12 September 2006 01:16, Zbigniew Szalbot wrote:
> Hello again,
> Can I ask a general question? One of the website that we have built was
> constructed using register globals. Thanks to that we set the language for
> browsing the website by determining user's browser language and then also
> (I think) it is used to remember some other choices users make while on
> the website (especially the language for browsing).
> Anyway, our ISP asks us to stop using register globals. They are right. We
> should. However, the programmer we have been using to help us, insists
> that without register globals on, we will have to revert to using cookies.
> This - he claims - is not an option because if a user blocks cookies, site
> as such will become useless (many options on the website are a consequence
> of setting the language first).
> I thought I would ask your opinion before we make any decision. Is it
> really so that without register globals, such things as displaying
> information from databases based on the initial choice of languages is not
> an option? I am not a programmer so I just need general guidance.
> Thank you very much in advance!

Your programmer is (a) lying (b) completely and totally clueless (c) both.  
(Choose one.)  

In any vaguely recent version of PHP, you get five super-global array 

$_GET - any parameters passed in the GET string.
$_POST - any parameters passed in the body of a POST query.
$_REQUEST - The two above merged.  I forget which takes precedence.
$_COOKIE - Any values sent by the browser as a cookie.
$_SESSION - Any values that you have saved to the session array, which is 
(usually) persisted on the client's browser as a session cookie.

All register globals does is take the contents of those arrays and dump them 
into the global namespace.  (Again, I forget off hand what the precedence 
is.)  You can very easily simulate register globals (which you should never 
do) with:

for ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) $GLOBALS[$$key] = $value;
for ($_COOKIE as $key => $value) $GLOBALS[$$key] = $value;

Disabling register globals does not in any way keep you from using cookies.  
Of course, 90% of the time if you're using cookies, you REALLY mean to be 
using a session instead.  Remembering a user's setting, such as what language 
they want, is a text-book example of where you want to be using sessions.  
Register globals is not required for that in any way shape or form.

It may well be the case that refactoring your code to not depend on register 
globals will be difficult, time consuming, or annoying.  That's quite 
possible.  But that has nothing to do with cookies.  Nor is there any way for 
you to persist data between page loads using register globals in the first 
place.  Your programmer is full of it.  

As for a user disabling cookies, my honest opinion is that it's fucking 2006, 
if someone is so paranoid that they're blocking on-site session cookies then 
they shouldn't be allowed to use a web browser in the first place. :-)

Larry Garfield                  AIM: LOLG42
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               ICQ: 6817012

"If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of 
exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an idea, 
which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps it to 
himself; but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into the possession 
of every one, and the receiver cannot dispossess himself of it."  -- Thomas 

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Zbigniew Szalbot wrote:
Hello again,

On Tue, 12 Sep 2006, Chris wrote:

I thought I would ask your opinion before we make any decision. Is it
really so that without register globals, such things as displaying
information from databases based on the initial choice of languages is not
an option? I am not a programmer so I just need general guidance.
Complete rubbish. He's being lazy.

Thanks a lot! Any hint what to use instead? I mean I will tell him to
re-think things but with techi guys I would simply feel better saying we
need to rework the website using...???

No real hint about what to use instead, we don't know the code.

At a guess he's doing something like:


$lang_file = $lang . '.php';


What he should be doing:

$default_language = 'en';
$valid_languages = array('en', 'fr');

if (isset($_GET['lang'])) {
  $lang_chosen = $_GET['lang'];
} else {
  $lang_chosen = $default_language;

if (!in_array($lang_chosen, $valid_languages)) {
  $lang_chosen = $default_language;

include($lang_chosen . '.php');


What that does is checks to see if there is a 'lang=' in the url.

If there is, it makes sure it's valid (in this case either 'en' or 'fr').

If it's not set or it's not valid, then it uses the default language ('en').

Postgresql & php tutorials

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
there are many ways you can keep information.

now if you must really use global. you can still use global even if the
server is set to global off by using $_GLOBAL or using globals decleration.

$test = 'i'm global';

function f1()
  echo $_GLOBAL['test']; // should display i'm global

function f2()
  global $test;
  echo $test; // should display i'm global

now for your forms. i'm not sure is the above will work (to lazy to verify
:)) use the other predefined variables like $_POST, $_GET, $_REQUEST thats
where data from your forms are stored when the page is submited. and if you
want to keep your data when your user move from one page to the other, store
it in a session "$_SESSION". remeber to always start session
"session_start()" on every page.

read more:

my advice, avoid using globals. It leads to lots of error that are hard to
debug and reproduce.


On 9/12/06, Zbigniew Szalbot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello again,

On Tue, 12 Sep 2006, Chris wrote:

> > I thought I would ask your opinion before we make any decision. Is it
> > really so that without register globals, such things as displaying
> > information from databases based on the initial choice of languages is
> > an option? I am not a programmer so I just need general guidance.
> Complete rubbish. He's being lazy.

Thanks a lot! Any hint what to use instead? I mean I will tell him to
re-think things but with techi guys I would simply feel better saying we
need to rework the website using...???

Thank you again!

Zbigniew Szalbot

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:

GMail Rocks!!!

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
correction: $GLOBALS not $_GLOBAL



On 9/12/06, J R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

there are many ways you can keep information.

now if you must really use global. you can still use global even if the
server is set to global off by using $_GLOBAL or using globals decleration.

$test = 'i'm global';

function f1()
   echo $_GLOBAL['test']; // should display i'm global

function f2()
   global $test;
   echo $test; // should display i'm global

now for your forms. i'm not sure is the above will work (to lazy to verify
:)) use the other predefined variables like $_POST, $_GET, $_REQUEST thats
where data from your forms are stored when the page is submited. and if you
want to keep your data when your user move from one page to the other, store
it in a session "$_SESSION". remeber to always start session
"session_start()" on every page.

read more:

my advice, avoid using globals. It leads to lots of error that are hard to
debug and reproduce.


On 9/12/06, Zbigniew Szalbot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello again,
> On Tue, 12 Sep 2006, Chris wrote:
> > > I thought I would ask your opinion before we make any decision. Is
> it
> > > really so that without register globals, such things as displaying
> > > information from databases based on the initial choice of languages
> is not
> > > an option? I am not a programmer so I just need general guidance.
> >
> > Complete rubbish. He's being lazy.

Thanks a lot! Any hint what to use instead? I mean I will tell him to
> re-think things but with techi guys I would simply feel better saying we
> need to rework the website using...???
> Thank you again!
> --
> Zbigniew Szalbot
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, visit:

GMail Rocks!!!

GMail Rocks!!!

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
On 12 September 2006 08:18, Larry Garfield wrote:


> In any vaguely recent version of PHP, you get five super-global array
> variables: 
> $_GET - any parameters passed in the GET string.
> $_POST - any parameters passed in the body of a POST query.
> $_REQUEST - The two above merged.  I forget which takes precedence.
> $_COOKIE - Any values sent by the browser as a cookie.


  $_GET - any parameters passed in the GET string.
  $_POST - any parameters passed in the body of a POST query.
  $_COOKIE - Any values sent by the browser as a cookie.
  $_REQUEST - The *three* above merged.

I'm not sure whether $_REQUEST is affected by the variables_order configuration 
setting, but this could potentially affect both presence and precedence of the 
GPC variables in $_REQUEST.



Mike Ford,  Electronic Information Services Adviser,
Learning Support Services, Learning & Information Services,
JG125, James Graham Building, Leeds Metropolitan University,
Headingley Campus, LEEDS,  LS6 3QS,  United Kingdom
Tel: +44 113 283 2600 extn 4730      Fax:  +44 113 283 3211 

To view the terms under which this email is distributed, please go to

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---


My client wants an affiliate system developed. I already have an affiliate
system that works, but I need to extend it a little.


My client want that the affiliate like should be something like: where rosegarden is the affiliates choosen
affiliate tracking. 


1.      I have a script that creates the folder rosegarden and copy
index.php file into that folder that contains the tracking script and then
just redirect them back to <> 
2.      I can use ModRewrite or something like that. But I have never used
that before, and I am curious of how difficult it would be to create a
dynamic system for this.


When the affiliate signs up they can choose their subfolder and the system
will automatically create necessary files and copy them.


Am I clear of what I want to accomplish?


Best regards,

Peter Lauri




--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Peter Lauri wrote:
My client wants an affiliate system developed. I already have an affiliate
system that works, but I need to extend it a little.
My client want that the affiliate like should be something like: where rosegarden is the affiliates choosen
affiliate tracking.
1.      I have a script that creates the folder rosegarden and copy
index.php file into that folder that contains the tracking script and then
just redirect them back to <> 2. I can use ModRewrite or something like that. But I have never used
that before, and I am curious of how difficult it would be to create a
dynamic system for this.

When the affiliate signs up they can choose their subfolder and the system
will automatically create necessary files and copy them.

Ok, 1 is pure evil, 2 is overkill. My suggestion would be multiviews. If you're using Apache (I assume you are since mod_rewrite is an option), enable multiviews on the vhost and then create a file called a.php in the root of the site. Affiliates link to (as your example) /a/rosegarden. In a.php, grab $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], remove the /a/ from the start of it, what's left is the affiliate identifier. Process as you like.


--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
-----Original Message-----
From: Stut [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 3:11 PM
To: Peter Lauri
Subject: Re: [PHP] Mirror url

Peter Lauri wrote:
> My client wants an affiliate system developed. I already have an affiliate
> system that works, but I need to extend it a little.
> My client want that the affiliate like should be something like:
> where rosegarden is the affiliates choosen
> affiliate tracking. 
> 1.    I have a script that creates the folder rosegarden and copy
> index.php file into that folder that contains the tracking script and then
> just redirect them back to <> 
> 2.    I can use ModRewrite or something like that. But I have never used
> that before, and I am curious of how difficult it would be to create a
> dynamic system for this.
> When the affiliate signs up they can choose their subfolder and the system
> will automatically create necessary files and copy them.

Ok, 1 is pure evil, 2 is overkill. My suggestion would be multiviews. If 
you're using Apache (I assume you are since mod_rewrite is an option), 
enable multiviews on the vhost and then create a file called a.php in 
the root of the site. Affiliates link to (as your example) 
/a/rosegarden. In a.php, grab $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], remove the /a/ 
from the start of it, what's left is the affiliate identifier. Process 
as you like.



That sounded simple, will take a look at it.

Best regards,

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

I think I once knew a PHP5 interface, which forces a class to implement a function empty(). If an object $myObject implements this interface, it should be possible to call empty($myObject) as it seems to work with the interface "Countable", which does the same for count().

The problem is I didn't find such an interface in any doc I found so far. Does anyone of you know such an interface, or did it ever exist?


--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message --- ----- Original Message ----- From: "Leonidas Safran" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

By the way, because I found it strange to have more than one field with the same id, I looked on the famous selfhtml tutorial website which says that unique id is only mandatory for css, but not for javascript actually. I was surprised...
(english translation is a little different)

That is correct but it is not complete. Everything that relies on a unique id would fail, CSS amongst others(which is what this article covers), but not the only one.

Basically there are two functions to get elements by id or name: getElementById and getElementsByName. Notice the first one returns a single element since there cannot be more than one, the second one returns a collection of elements, since duplicates are allowed. Thus, if you put an id in an element, it is because you want to reach it, but if the id is duplicated then you cannot reach it any longer.


--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

I am trying to setup vexim (admin panel for handling domains in exim) and
I am getting an error that I thought I would ask you to help me
troubleshoot if possible.

Namely, when I start apache and try to open vexim panel, apache shows no
errors (just a blank page) but in the error log I read this:

PHP Fatal error:  Call
 to undefined function bindtextdomain() in
vexim2/vexim/config/i18n.php on line 6

I googled the problem and found out that I need gettext compiled as php
module, so I reinstalled php and made sure gettext is included.
Unfortunately, it has not helped. I have:

and (among many other php extenstions/modules) gettext-0.14.5_2.

It might be that it is a vexim issue, but if you have seen such a problem
before, I would appreciate your comment/advice.

Thank you very much indeed!

Warm regards,

Zbigniew Szalbot

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
      I  am using php mail function to send mails to our customers.but when i 
send mail to is getting received in customers bulk folder .i want mail 
to get received in customers inbox.i dont know the reason why its getting 
stored in bulk folder.
       i attached the code.below,any one help me
          $to='[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
        $subject='Password from MyAdTV';
        $headers  = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
        $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
        $headers .= 'From: MyADTV <asureshkumar_1983'">>' . "\r\n";
        $headers.= 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(). "\r\n";
        $sendmessage = "<br>Here is the information you requested<br><br>Your 
Logon name and Password details for MyADTV Account<br><br><b> your LogonName is 
</b>: suresh <br><br><b> your Password is </b> rajays<br><br>If You Want To 
Login into Your MyADTV Account,<a 
href=\"Click'>\";>Click Here</a><br><br>";

Christopher Weldon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hash: SHA1

suresh kumar wrote:
> Hi to all,
> i am having one doubt regarding php mail function.i am using php mail() 
> function to send mail to the users.but when i send mail throught php its 
> going to the users bulk folder but not to the user inbox.i dont know the 
> reason.
> Is there any setting that is requried in the php.ini file (or) the user have 
> to change their setting in their mail (or) is there any option available to 
> send mail to the user inbox.tnxs for reply
> A.suresh
> ---------------------------------
> Find out what India is talking about on - Yahoo! Answers India 
> Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Yahoo! Messenger Version 8. Get it 

There are several things you need to check for, and probably add to your
emails that you're sending.

Number one, add additional headers to make SPAM / Bulk filters realize
the message is not SPAM or should not be considered SPAM. IE:

$headers = "From: Suresh Kumar \r\n".
"X-Mailer: PHP 4.3.2\r\n".
"X-Sender: $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']\r\n".
"X-Comment: If you can put a comment here, do it.\r\n";

mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers);

The above is considering you have already declared the $to, $subject,
and $body variables. Also, make sure your $subject is not
'undisclosed-recipients;' or something like that - it's a big no-no and
will definitely flag some SPAM filters. Put a valid e-mail address - but
you can still use the BCC-headers and everything should go just fine.
Alternatively, if your list is not too large, it looks better to run a
for / while loop to send each recipient a message directly (ie: not
using BCC) as that will cut down on the SPAM probability.

Second, if you are making MIME emails, make sure you are doing so
correctly. You can learn about creating multipart/alternative MIME
emails more at

Finally, if none of the above works, it would be helpful for us to see
the headers of the received message from one of your recipients where
the message was put in the BULK folder.

- --
Christopher Weldon, ZCE
President & CEO
Cerberus Interactive, Inc.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:

 Find out what India is talking about on  - Yahoo! Answers India 
 Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Yahoo! Messenger Version 8. Get it 

--- End Message ---

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