php-general Digest 20 Oct 2006 06:50:39 -0000 Issue 4411

Topics (messages 243360 through 243371):

Re: User question for PHP
        243360 by: Christian Heinrich
        243361 by: Al
        243362 by: Andy Hultgren
        243369 by: Chris

Weird stack trace in error_log from PDOException
        243363 by: Russ Brown

[ANNOUNCE] php|tek
        243364 by: Richard Lynch

ENV vars
        243365 by: jekillen
        243366 by: Ed Lazor

Re: Creating Tree Structure from associative array
        243367 by: Larry Garfield
        243370 by: Robert Cummings

Re: Problems with open_basedir
        243368 by: Chris

Setting try and catch to use my own error handler
        243371 by: Dave M G


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--- Begin Message ---
try suPHP :-)

Is it possible to have a PHP script execute as the user of the domain instead of the webserver? So when I upload files through a PHP script they are owned by me and not "wwwrun" or "nobody"?

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Christian Heinrich wrote:
try suPHP :-)

Is it possible to have a PHP script execute as the user of the domain instead of the webserver? So when I upload files through a PHP script they are owned by me and not "wwwrun" or "nobody"?

Sounds like it could be a big security issue if not very carefully.

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To whoever was asking this (sorry didn't see the original email):

Is it possible to have a PHP script execute as the user of the domain
instead of the webserver? So when I upload files through a PHP script
they are owned by me and not "wwwrun" or "nobody"?

I was recently exchanging on this list about that very topic.  It's in the
archives for this list.  Go to and set the dropdown menu in the
upper right corner of the page to "general mailing list", then type "File
Upload Security and chmod" into the search field and hit enter.  The
conversation is within the first few hits on this search.
The server hosting my site runs with php executing as "me" (the owner of the
domain), and we covered some of the potential security pitfalls of such a
situation (mainly centered on the fact that this makes any php script far
too powerful).  In my situation I couldn't change how the server was set up;
however, the general consensus was that this situation created a number of
serious security concerns that had to be very carefully addressed.  I would
avoid this configuration if you have the choice, based purely on the advice
I received.

Hope that helps,


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Andy Hultgren wrote:
To whoever was asking this (sorry didn't see the original email):

Is it possible to have a PHP script execute as the user of the domain
instead of the webserver? So when I upload files through a PHP script
they are owned by me and not "wwwrun" or "nobody"?

I was recently exchanging on this list about that very topic.  It's in the
archives for this list.  Go to and set the dropdown menu in the
upper right corner of the page to "general mailing list", then type "File
Upload Security and chmod" into the search field and hit enter.  The
conversation is within the first few hits on this search.
The server hosting my site runs with php executing as "me" (the owner of the
domain), and we covered some of the potential security pitfalls of such a
situation (mainly centered on the fact that this makes any php script far
too powerful). In my situation I couldn't change how the server was set up;
however, the general consensus was that this situation created a number of
serious security concerns that had to be very carefully addressed.  I would
avoid this configuration if you have the choice, based purely on the advice
I received.

Actually you have that the wrong way around.

If php is running as "www" or "nobody" then any files or directories that a php script creates will be done as the web server user.

That means (potentially) that if domain 'a' creates a file, domain 'b' can read and write to that file and even delete it.

If php is running as you instead, you can control this with appropriate chmod commands (at least removing the risk of deleting of files / updating of files).

A shared user (like "www" or "nobody") is a *much* bigger risk than separate users.

Postgresql & php tutorials

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I have a pretty simple bit of code that looks like the following;

// Prepare a statement. This will actually call a stored procedure
$objStatement = $objDB->prepare($strInsert);


    error_log("ABOUT TO fetchColumn");

    $intID = $objStatement->fetchColumn();

    error_log("AFTER fetchColumn");

catch (PDOException $objEx)
    // Actually handle the exception

The query runs a stored procedure which sometimes results in an
(expected) error condition which the catch block handles. It all works
perfectly, with one exception: Inbetween the call to fetchColumn and the
catch block being invoked, PHP dumps a stack trace to the error log
complaining about the exception, and I can't for the life of me figure
out why or how to stop it. I have the PDO connection configured to throw
exceptions when it encounters and error, and apart from this the code
works perfectly: the exception gets handled and the rest of the code
continues as it should without any other issues.

Does anybody have any thoughts on what might be the cause of the problem
or any pointers on how I could go about debugging it?




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As many of you know, I've been planning to host a PHP-General
Gathering in Spring 2007.

It's just been announced that php|architect is hosting a php|tek
Conference MAY 2007 in CHICAGO!

Now, I'm not dumb enough to butt heads with Marco :-)

So we decided to work together on his conference this year:

I'm still up for the first couple kegs and a round of appetizers at an
"After Party" in conjunction with php|tek, so be sure not to miss

And the Chicago PHP User Group is sponsoring php|tek -- Look for us at
the Conference!

This is going to be a GREAT Event, and I'm ecstatic that a PHP
Conference is being hosted in Chicago!

Go register now for the best deal -- And because last year's php|tek
SOLD OUT.  Don't put it off and be left outside in the cold :-)

More details in this thread in a few weeks!

In case you thought I was serious about butting heads with Marco, I
want to publicly THANK MARCO TABINI for taking the time to call me and
allowing me to help out to make this a "win-win" for all!

Some people have a "gift" link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some starving artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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Hello again;
I'm wondering if it is possible to create an $_ENV var with a php
script running under a web server. I'm not sure where to look
in the manual or other documentations for this. Isn't there a
set_env() function or something like it? (would apply to php 4 0r 5x)
Thanks in advance.

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--- Begin Message --- How are you running PHP? What are you trying to accomplish with setting the env var?

On Oct 19, 2006, at 8:16 PM, jekillen wrote:

Hello again;
I'm wondering if it is possible to create an $_ENV var with a php
script running under a web server. I'm not sure where to look
in the manual or other documentations for this. Isn't there a
set_env() function or something like it? (would apply to php 4 0r 5x)
Thanks in advance.

PHP General Mailing List (
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That depends on what your data structure is, exactly, and what sort of tree 
structure you want on the other side.  Please be more specific.

On Thursday 19 October 2006 09:08, Angelo Zanetti wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have an associative array, which contains parent and child
> relationships. I've searched the web for creating a tree structure from
> this and found a few good sites but doesnt help 100% perhaps someone can
> point me in the correct direction? I've started to code it got to a
> point where I cant go any further, the code is pseudo code and dont want
> to reinvent the wheel.
> any suggestions would be really appreciated.
> Thanks in advance
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Angelo Zanetti
> Systems developer
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *Telephone:* +27 (021) 469 1052
> *Mobile:*       +27 (0) 72 441 3355
> *Fax:*            +27 (0) 86 681 5885
> *
> Web:*

Larry Garfield                  AIM: LOLG42
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               ICQ: 6817012

"If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of 
exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an idea, 
which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps it to 
himself; but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into the possession 
of every one, and the receiver cannot dispossess himself of it."  -- Thomas 

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On Thu, 2006-10-19 at 23:58 -0500, Larry Garfield wrote:
> That depends on what your data structure is, exactly, and what sort of tree 
> structure you want on the other side.  Please be more specific.
> On Thursday 19 October 2006 09:08, Angelo Zanetti wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I have an associative array, which contains parent and child
> > relationships. I've searched the web for creating a tree structure from
> > this and found a few good sites but doesnt help 100% perhaps someone can
> > point me in the correct direction? I've started to code it got to a
> > point where I cant go any further, the code is pseudo code and dont want
> > to reinvent the wheel.
> >
> > any suggestions would be really appreciated.

It's kinda simple...


//        6           5
//      /   \       /   \
//     2     7     9     3
//   / | \
//  1  4  8

$list = array
        'id'    => '1',
        'pid'   => '2',
        'value' => 'Value Foo 1',
        'id'    => '2',
        'pid'   => '6',
        'value' => 'Value Foo 2',
        'id'    => '3',
        'pid'   => '5',
        'value' => 'Value Foo 3',
        'id'    => '4',
        'pid'   => '2',
        'value' => 'Value Foo 4',
        'id'    => '5',
        'pid'   => '0',
        'value' => 'Value Foo 5',
        'id'    => '6',
        'pid'   => '0',
        'value' => 'Value Foo 6',
        'id'    => '7',
        'pid'   => '6',
        'value' => 'Value Foo 7',
        'id'    => '8',
        'pid'   => '2',
        'value' => 'Value Foo 8',
        'id'    => '9',
        'pid'   => '5',
        'value' => 'Value Foo 9',

// Set up indexing of the above list (in case it wasn't indexed).
$lookup = array();
foreach( $list as $item )
    $item['children'] = array();
    $lookup[$item['id']] = $item;

// Now build tree.
$tree = array();
foreach( $lookup as $id => $foo )
    $item = &$lookup[$id];
    if( $item['pid'] == 0 )
        $tree[$id] = &$item;
    if( isset( $lookup[$item['pid']] ) )
        $lookup[$item['pid']]['children'][$id] = &$item;
        $tree['_orphans_'][$id] = &$item;

// WooooooohoooooooooOO!
print_r( $tree );


| InterJinn Application Framework - |
| An application and templating framework for PHP. Boasting  |
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| also provides an extremely flexible architecture for       |
| creating re-usable components quickly and easily.          |

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Patrik Jansson wrote:
I'm having some difficulties with open_basedir. If I include the prefix /home/web25637/ in open_basedir shouldn't it include every directory within this? We're getting this error:

Warning: file_exists() [function.file-exists]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/web25637/domains/

The // might cause a problem, if you fix that does it work?

Postgresql & php tutorials

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PHP List,

I have a system where the code parses the URL and creates objects based on the classes named in the link.

In order to prevent a user typing in a URL that contains an object that doesn't exist, and getting an error, I'm trying to set up an error handler class, called ErrorHandler, that will handle it.

I set the error handler to be my own, and then put a Try and Catch around the part of the code that

object = new $urlParts[0]();
if (!empty($urlParts[2]))
catch (Error $e)
echo "Sorry, the web page you are looking for can not be found.";

Inside my ErrorHandler, I have this:
public static function handleError($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline)
echo "Hey dude! Error! " . $errno . $errstr . $errfile . $errline ;

However, I get errors saying that the arguments for handleError don't exist.

Shouldn't they be automatically passed to my own error handler?

Thank you for any advise.

Dave M G
Ubuntu 6.06 LTS
Pentium D Dual Core Processor
PHP 5, MySQL 5, Apache 2

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