php-general Digest 8 Apr 2007 11:38:57 -0000 Issue 4722

Topics (messages 252225 through 252241):

Re: MD5 & bot Question
        252225 by: Jim Lucas
        252238 by: Tijnema !
        252239 by: Tijnema !
        252241 by: benifactor

Re: PHP4 vs PHP5
        252226 by: Yves Arsenault
        252227 by: Robert Cummings
        252228 by: Travis Doherty
        252230 by: Travis Doherty

ribs (rsync) problem
        252229 by: Sebe

xdebug with Quanta
        252231 by: vuthecuong

Re: Bind IP with fsockopen
        252232 by: Tom Rogers
        252237 by: Tom Rogers

Re: Design Dilemma - Database Data Abstraction
        252233 by: Paul Novitski

Re: Simple question on simplexml
        252234 by: Haydar TUNA

Re: read only texbox to html with php
        252235 by: Haydar TUNA

Re: form validation
        252236 by: Haydar TUNA

Re: spl DirectoryIterator
        252240 by: Tijnema !


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Stut wrote:
tedd wrote:
Okay, I think I figured out a fix -- try it again. :-)

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

Give up now, while you're still sane.

Think about what you're trying to do. You're trying to do something different on the client every time, but without letting that client know something is different.

It really really really can't be done. Something needs to be visually different, therefore something in what the client gets needs to be different. Do you see why it's not possible now?


ah, but it is possible, if he could change the color of the background and arrow on each page refresh, then it would be pretty damn hard to cache all the possible combinations of that, plus toss in a few random degrees of difference with say 3 arrows that point to the right, but one is at 90 deg's while another is at 88 and another yet at 92.

This would make things almost impossible for a computer to see, but the chances of a human screwing it up would be almost impossible.


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On 4/8/07, tedd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Well, I cracked it for you :)
>>At the bottom it shows you the MD5 code of your arrow image, and it
>>shows you which way it points to :)
>>If you're interested in the code:


Okay, I think I figured out a fix -- try it again. :-)

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.



Looks interesting. It generates a different MD5 each time....
I'll take a deeper look at it today, and hope to find a way to crack it :)


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On 4/8/07, Tijnema ! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 4/8/07, tedd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>Well, I cracked it for you :)
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>At the bottom it shows you the MD5 code of your arrow image, and it
> >>shows you which way it points to :)
> >>
> >>If you're interested in the code:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>Tijnema
> Tijnema:
> Okay, I think I figured out a fix -- try it again. :-)
> A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
> Cheers,
> tedd

Looks interesting. It generates a different MD5 each time....
I'll take a deeper look at it today, and hope to find a way to crack it :)


You can't stop me :)

It's cracked again :)

and of course i show you the code:

Waiting for your next try :P


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hmm, why don't you md5 more then once..

for example, use a condition that will change with every visitor. like the third num in $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; or something of the sort. then make a loop..

say the third num in my ip address is 5

the person that visits after me would get my value, and say you were right before me and yours was a 7

the md5 check for me would look like


and for the person right after me


this way for each visitor, a piece of the puzzle is changed. just an idea, and have no idea if it would even work for what your doing...

Tijnema ! wrote:
On 4/8/07, Tijnema ! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 4/8/07, tedd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>Well, I cracked it for you :)
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>At the bottom it shows you the MD5 code of your arrow image, and it
> >>shows you which way it points to :)
> >>
> >>If you're interested in the code:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>Tijnema
> Tijnema:
> Okay, I think I figured out a fix -- try it again. :-)
> A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
> Cheers,
> tedd

Looks interesting. It generates a different MD5 each time....
I'll take a deeper look at it today, and hope to find a way to crack it :)


You can't stop me :)

It's cracked again :)

and of course i show you the code:

Waiting for your next try :P


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Although I rarely post here (mostly lurking)...

I would think that the mere fact that support for PHP4 ends in 8 months
should be in and of itself a strong argument for the server admins.

In my current position, I code and am responsible for a few different

It's certainly a strong argument in my eyes.

I'm also kind of surprised that with the amount of time that PHP5 has now
been out that this is still a question for some people. (not directed at you
but maybe the server admins)

Once again, pretty strong argument is, if support for PHP4 is being
dropped..... that must mean that there is much confidence that PHP5 is
mature enough... to be the only supported version in being rolled out in
production environments.

That's my 2 cents worth.


On 4/7/07, Fernando Cosso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am making a new project, so if you are telling me that php5 is mature
enough I will code for that version.
I'm sure Mambo is ready for php5.
The thing is that I have to give pretty good arguments (like some page at
zend or or whatever) to the guys that install the server. I also
know that debian wait until the last moment to  put new versions.
Best regards

Yves Arsenault

"Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend".
--Martin Luther King, Jr.

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On Sat, 2007-04-07 at 21:15 -0300, Yves Arsenault wrote:
> Although I rarely post here (mostly lurking)...
> I would think that the mere fact that support for PHP4 ends in 8 months
> should be in and of itself a strong argument for the server admins.
> In my current position, I code and am responsible for a few different
> servers.
> It's certainly a strong argument in my eyes.
> I'm also kind of surprised that with the amount of time that PHP5 has now
> been out that this is still a question for some people. (not directed at you
> but maybe the server admins)
> Once again, pretty strong argument is, if support for PHP4 is being
> dropped..... 

> that must mean that there is much confidence that PHP5 is
> mature enough...

The above line does not follow from any kind of logical reasoning. A in
no way implies B as you have ascertained from thin air.

>  to be the only supported version in being rolled out in
> production environments.

Or... there's some strong arming happening to force the move. PHP4
userbase greatly outnumbers the PHP5 userbase. I think the userbase
speaks louder than the support timeframe.

| InterJinn Application Framework - |
| An application and templating framework for PHP. Boasting  |
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| also provides an extremely flexible architecture for       |
| creating re-usable components quickly and easily.          |

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Myron Turner wrote:

> Travis Doherty wrote:
>> What about the argument that PHP4 is dead.  It's done.  It's over.
>> There is no reason anyone should be using it, less perhaps a lack of
>> time to tweak scripts for an upgrade from 4 to 5.  Even if that is the
>> case, get to work :p
>> "Support for PHP 4 will be dropped at the end of the year, 8 months from
>> now. So now is the time to start upgrading all your scripts as we won't
>> be releasing new versions after December 31st, 2007."
>> Travis Doherty
> This is fine, as long as the newer versions are backwardly
> compatible.  If , in particular, if the next version or version 6 does
> not support the PHP 4 object oriented model, it could present real
> problems for some software.  PHP isn't used only for "scripts" but for
> large projects.  For example, I just began to configure a DokuWicki
> installation, writing code for various features which are not included
> in the install.  DokuWicki uses the PHP 4 object oriented model
> throughout, and user plugins, such as mine, are written to the same
> model.  DokuWicki contains over 300 php files and more than 3 megs of
> code.  It would be no small task to convert such a project over to the
> PHP 5 OO model.

DokuWiki should run just fine under PHP5.  It may throw some E_STRICT
errors warning of things that will be deprecated in a later major PHP
release.  I doubt DokuWiki needs register_globals, and magic_quotes
shouldn't be a question.  Use the strict level warnings as hints to help
you find what needs to be modified in your own code.

Travis Doherty

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Robert Cummings wrote:

>Or... there's some strong arming happening to force the move. PHP4
>userbase greatly outnumbers the PHP5 userbase. I think the userbase
>speaks louder than the support timeframe.

Damien Seguy's latest stats showing the adoption rates of PHP5 show what
Rob said.

I'm sure many of the polled domains are shared hosts, who have users,
which exponentially complicates the task of migration.

Travis Doherty

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anyone here using the ribs php rsync script?

i keep getting:

rsync: link_stat "/home/site" failed: No such file or directory (2)

does the directory structure need to match on both local/remote servers? example, i'm trying to back up /home/site to /home/backup not sure if the remote backup server has to be /home/site as well.. or if the problem is in the php script as i'm running php5.
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   Does anyone use xdebug with QUanta?
Could you give a tutorial to use it?
Or give me a website link about this?

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Sunday, April 8, 2007, 6:51:46 AM, you wrote:
cac> Hi is it possible to socket_bind with fsockopen? im using this with all my 

cac> $fs = fsockopen('', 2043, $errno, $errstr, 60);
cac> if (!$fs) {
cac> fclose($fs);

cac> and I need the remote conection to see me as one of my other IP's

cac> Ive read through socket_bind

cac> but cant see how to use it with my above code

cac> Thanks

You will have to do it using the socket api something like this but
with error checking:

$sourceip = ''; // ip you want to bind to
$sock = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
socket_bind($sock, $sourceip);
socket_connect($sock, '', 2043);
// Write
$request = 'GET / HTTP/1.1'."\r\n".'Host:'."\r\n\r\n";
socket_write($sock, $request);
//Read reply
// Close



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TR> You will have to do it using the socket api something like this but
TR> with error checking:

TR> <?php
TR> $sourceip = ''; // ip you want to bind to
TR> $sock = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
TR> socket_bind($sock, $sourceip);
TR> socket_connect($sock, '', 2043);
TR> // Write
TR> $request = 'GET / HTTP/1.1'."\r\n".'Host:'."\r\n\r\n";
TR> socket_write($sock, $request);
TR> //Read reply
TR> // Close
TR> socket_close($sock);

Another option using streams (php5):

$opts = array(
        'bindto'=>'' //any port will do
$context = stream_context_create($opts);
$html = file_get_contents('', false, $context);


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At 4/7/2007 09:49 AM, Martin Alterisio wrote:
The solution I presented is to access, and act upon, a database as if they
were PHP arrays, meaning that a table is presented as an array of records.

This implies to me that you'll read a series of tables into arrays, modify the arrays, then update or recreate the database tables from the arrays. I can't really see how this can work for multiple users because as soon as a second user reads and starts modifying the data there will be obvious discontinuities between the two data snapshots, and updating the tables from one user will erradicate changes made by others. Is this a single-user application you're working on?

I could index by the order as they are presented by the DB:

$DB['users'][0] is the first user from the query "SELECT * FROM users"
$DB['users'][1] is the second user from the query "SELECT * FROM users"

But this have many cons. First, without a deterministic order, the array can
change its logic order on the whim of the DB, nobody assures that the order
will be kept after a modification is made to the data, and this can be
confusing and error prone:

$name1 = $DB['users'][3]['name'];
$name2 = $DB['users'][5]['name'];
$DB['users'][3]['name'] = $name2;
$DB['users'][5]['name'] = $name1;

The last sentence may not be writing to the adequate record.

Hmm. I don't see why this wouldn't work -- you're not changing the keys (3 & 5) required to point to those unique records. I can see a problem if $name1 and $name2 were themselves the keys, but you're not doing that in this example.

If that were the problem, though, you could simply mandate a rule that you can never change the key of an array element that represents a data record, so that the record sequence remains what it was originally. However, making your program logic depend on the record sequence as it was read from the database seems quite iffy anyway [especially in a multi-user system]; I'd just use the data table's primary key as the array key and leave it at that. Random access rocks!

From what you write, it almost seems as though you're assuming that these statements:

$DB['users'][3]['name'] = $name2;
$DB['users'][5]['name'] = $name1;

actually modify the database records they represent. If so, what system are you using? I just don't see this happening using simple PHP and MySQL. When you read a data record into a PHP array [with, for example, mysql_fetch_array()] that array is just a static copy of the data and doesn't possess any dynamic updating power over the database. Or are you using an I/O class that you're not showing in your example code that executes a modifying query each time an "array element" is changed?

Another possible indexation could be by the value of the PK, but this also
have some problems. First, it can be confusing if the PK is an autonumeric
int, as this might be seen as a numeric indexation.

You can prefix an autonumber field with alphabetic characters to force it away from numeric indexing:

$sKey = str_pad($aDataRecord['recno'], $iPadLength, 'pk_00000000000000', STR_PAD_LEFT);
        $aArray[$sKey] = $aDataRecord;

        e.g., recno 12345 becomes array key 'pk_00000000012345'

Using str_pad(...LEFT) ensures that the array keys will be in the same sequence as the data records even though the autonumber values will be composed of differing numbers of digits. You just have to choose a pad length that equals the longest series of digits your database will generate for an autonumber field.

Second, not all tables
have only one field as PK (I can ask that all tables have at least a PK, but
I can't ask that the PK is made of only one field).

You can construct a single array key from multiple database fields:

$aArray['pk_' . $aDataRecord['fieldA'] . '_' . $aDataRecord['fieldB']] = $aDataRecord;

unset($DB['users'][$userid]); // delete

Unsetting the array element, rather than retaining it with a deletion marker, implies that you're intending to recreate the database tables rather than update them atomically. Is this correct?



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.
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--- Begin Message ---
         You can use following example:)

  $xml = simplexml_load_file("test.xml");
  $xml->body[0]->addChild("book", "Atatürk The Rebirth Of A Nation");

Republic Of Turkey - Ministry of National Education
Education Technology Department Ankara / TURKEY

"Timothy Murphy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, haber iletisinde sunlari
> I have a catalog in XML format:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
> <catalog>
>  <book>
>    ...
>  <book>
>  <book>
>    ...
>  <book>
>  ...
> </catalog>
> Now I want to add another book,
> which I have as a SimpleXMLElement:
>        $book = new SimpleXMLElement($string);
> where $string reads
>  <book>
>    ...
>  <book>
> Can I add this new entry to the catalog
> using SimpleXML functions,
> or do I have to introduce a DOMDocument?
> As may be obvious, I am very new to PHP programming;
> and advice or suggestions gratefully received.
> -- 
> Timothy Murphy
> e-mail (<80k only): tim /at/
> tel: +353-86-2336090, +353-1-2842366
> s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
         If you use read only textbox in HTML, you can use like a following 
HTML code.:)

<input type="text" name="txtYourname" value="Haydar" disabled>

Republic Of Turkey - Ministry of National Education
Education Technology Department Ankara / TURKEY

""Ross"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, haber iletisinde þunlarý 
>I have a readonly textbox that gets mailed as a newsletter. The text is a 
>standard covering letter. The problem is when I try and convert it to html 
>it doesn't work  It is inserted into a variable via a form textarea 
> "....available on the web site <a 
> href="";></a> so you can see who is 
> doing....."
> I tried this
> htmlentities((stripslashes($mail_text)));
> Any ideas?
> R. 

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
         You can use javascript and Ajax together. If you use the ajax, you 
can validate your data with PHP code. Please visit the web site below. You 
will find information about PHP and Ajax::)

Republic Of Turkey - Ministry of National Education
Education Technology Department Ankara / TURKEY

"al phillips" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, haber iletisinde sunlari 
> I''ve tried !preg_match and !eregi to validate my form. I get back 
> whatever the user inputs into the textboxes. I would like to validate each 
> textbox before submitting and redirect the user after submission?  Here's 
> part of the code
>  <?php // Script 1 handle .html
> // Should accept First & Last Name email address phone city state
> // Validate input from textfields
> if (!preg_match("/[^a-zA-Z\.\-\Ä\ä\Ö\ö\Ü\ü\
>   ]+$/s",$firstname)); {
> print '<p>Please enter Letters from A to Z</p>';
> }
> ---------------------------------
> 8:00? 8:25? 8:40?  Find a flick in no time
> with theYahoo! Search movie showtime shortcut. 

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On 4/8/07, itoctopus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
After some testing and reading, I think this function is still experimental.
Anyone else has some thoughts on this?

I agree with you, this function seems not working correctly. From what
i see of my testing is that this makes an array, with some iterators
inside it. But all these iterators are the same iterator i started
with. Meaning i get an array of all duplicate iterators. This is not
what it should do i think, but there's no documentation on the
fuction, so i can't compare with the "expected output".

itoctopus -
"Matthew Dellar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I have a problem,
> I need to turn an iterator into an array, but when I do, some methods I
> need to use stop working.
> Take a look at the following example:
> $dir = 'c:/';
> $files = new DirectoryIterator($dir);
> //$files = iterator_to_array($files);
> foreach ($files as $file) {
>      echo "{$file->getFileName()}<br>";//works
>      echo "{$file->getPath()}<br>";//works
> }
> It works as expected. However, when the iterator is turned into an array:
> $dir = 'c:/';
> $files = new DirectoryIterator($dir);
> $files = iterator_to_array($files);
> foreach ($files as $file) {
>      echo "{$file->getFileName()}<br>"; //does not work
>      echo "{$file->getPath()}<br>";//works
> }
> It stops working. Can someone please help me, as a have tried and failed
> to find the cause of the problem.

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