php-general Digest 26 Feb 2008 11:02:50 -0000 Issue 5315

Topics (messages 270129 through 270142):

Re: temprorary error
        270129 by: Matty Sarro
        270131 by: Warren Vail
        270135 by: tedd

session id
        270130 by: Łukasz Wojciechowski
        270132 by: Daniel Brown

Re: When to use design patterns?
        270133 by: tedd
        270134 by: tedd
        270140 by: Wolf

Re: Deleting all rows in a database every 24 hours?
        270136 by: Daevid Vincent

Re: Mysql vs. Mysqli crash handling
        270137 by: Larry Garfield

PHP cuts download process prematurely
        270138 by: Manuel Barros Reyes
        270139 by: Shawn McKenzie
        270141 by: Andrés Robinet

Re: insert text with no specific format into database table
        270142 by: jeffry s


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--- Begin Message ---
So, if God begat Rasmus, and Rasmus begat PHP... that means PHP is like a
gift from God right? Kinda like the Transformers? And microwave burritos?

On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 3:09 PM, Wolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ---- tedd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > At 11:18 AM -0500 2/25/08, Daniel Brown wrote:
> > >     I didn't think Quakers could use computers.  Or electricity.
> > >
> > >--
> > ></Dan>
> >
> >
> > No, that's the Amish.
> >
> > Quakers are the one's who make cereal.
> >
> Except for Joseph who run the underground power cable through the field
> one day and has the computer which hides in the hidden chamber behind the
> roll-top desk that is activated via a hidden release/tumbler system.
> There are definitely days when the power being missing are fun though...
> ;)
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, visit:

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That sound like the lineage to me. (Don't you hear the voices?)

Warren Vail

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matty Sarro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, February 25, 2008 2:50 PM
> To: Wolf
> Subject: Re: [PHP] RE: temprorary error
> So, if God begat Rasmus, and Rasmus begat PHP... that means PHP is like a
> gift from God right? Kinda like the Transformers? And microwave burritos?
> On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 3:09 PM, Wolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > ---- tedd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > At 11:18 AM -0500 2/25/08, Daniel Brown wrote:
> > > >     I didn't think Quakers could use computers.  Or electricity.
> > > >
> > > >--
> > > ></Dan>
> > >
> > >
> > > No, that's the Amish.
> > >
> > > Quakers are the one's who make cereal.
> > >
> > Except for Joseph who run the underground power cable through the field
> > one day and has the computer which hides in the hidden chamber behind
> the
> > roll-top desk that is activated via a hidden release/tumbler system.
> >
> > There are definitely days when the power being missing are fun though...
> > ;)
> >
> > --
> > PHP General Mailing List (
> > To unsubscribe, visit:
> >
> >

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At 5:49 PM -0500 2/25/08, Matty Sarro wrote:
So, if God begat Rasmus, and Rasmus begat PHP... that means PHP is like a gift from God right? Kinda like the Transformers? And microwave burritos?

I'm glad that someone get's it. :-)


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Hi, I'm using SWFUpload JavaScript for my upload in my logged part of
website. I'm passing session_id in every post request from flash
object. In my script I set forwarded id with
session_id($_POST['passed_id']) but I got logout on that request (it's
redirecting me to login page) and I'm also logged out in my browser
(not flash). Then I need to relog. Everything is working fine when I'm
not touching session_id() id setting. Any clues?

Łukasz Wojciechowski

--- End Message ---
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On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 5:51 PM, Łukasz Wojciechowski
> Hi, I'm using SWFUpload JavaScript for my upload in my logged part of
>  website. I'm passing session_id in every post request from flash
>  object. In my script I set forwarded id with
>  session_id($_POST['passed_id']) but I got logout on that request (it's
>  redirecting me to login page) and I'm also logged out in my browser
>  (not flash). Then I need to relog. Everything is working fine when I'm
>  not touching session_id() id setting. Any clues?

    Try this instead:

$_SESSION['passed_id'] = $_POST['passed_id']; // Sets the server-side
session variable
$_COOKIE['PHPSESSID'] = $_POST['passed_id']; // Names the session
whatever data was POST'ed



Daniel P. Brown
Senior Unix Geek
<? while(1) { $me = $mind--; sleep(86400); } ?>

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At 4:27 PM -0500 2/25/08, Jason Pruim wrote:
On Feb 25, 2008, at 4:18 PM, tedd wrote:
I do everything from basic design to back-end stuff and everything in between -- all with the newest buzz-words applied (i.e., graceful degradation, unobtrusive code, accessible, functional, secure, and it validates).
Can you do web 2.0? Because it just HAS to be web 2.0... anything else is soooooooo last version.... :)

No, I'm already doing Web 3.0.

In this biz, you have to stay ahead of the game.




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At 9:58 PM +0000 2/25/08, Stut wrote:

Not disagreeing with you, but just to be clear Joomla is a fork of Mambo.


Oh, I thought everyone was talking about dances and all along it's been silverware.

Damn, I'm never going to get this design pattern thing.  :-)




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It depends on the size and scope of your project.  For the most part, you 
should know what you have coded before and when encountering something new, the 
previous work should help in doing the new work.



-----Original Message-----
From: skylark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2008 5:16 AM
To: PHP General List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [PHP] When to use design patterns?

Hi all,

Design patterns are really hot today.
And I am really interested when and how often they are used.

It is said that 99% of the projects don't need them.

Any opinion appreciated.


PHP General Mailing List (
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Or make a 'truncate.sql' file with the tables in it to truncate:


Then in the crontab "mysql mydatabase < truncate.sql" 

No PHP needed.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daniel Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, February 22, 2008 6:59 AM
> To: Zoran Bogdanov
> Subject: Re: [PHP] Deleting all rows in a database every 24 hours?
> On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 1:28 AM, Zoran Bogdanov 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The title says it all, how do I perform an action every 24 hours?
>     Another question better answered on Google.
> PHP Script:
> <?
> $sql = "TRUNCATE TABLE `tablename`";
> mysql_query($sql);
> ?>
> Crontab Entry:
> 40 3 * * * `which php` /path/to/your/script.php
>     That will run every morning at 3:40a server time with the
> path-preferred PHP.  If you're on Windows, look up Scheduled Tasks.
> -- 
> </Dan>
> Daniel P. Brown
> Senior Unix Geek
> <? while(1) { $me = $mind--; sleep(86400); } ?>
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, visit:

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
On Monday 25 February 2008, Daniel Brown wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 3:07 PM, Larry Garfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> >  Hi folks.  I've an odd issue.
>     Only fair.  You're an odd bird, and we're an odd bunch.  ;-P
> >  If I connect to a MySQL DB using ext/mysql, and for whatever reason the
> > process dies (uncaught exception, fatal error, etc.) the connection is
> > garbage collected and closed.  If, however, I use ext/mysqli, the
> > connection remains open forever and just eats up resources, eventually
> > resulting in hitting the connection limit.  Same app, same database, same
> > server.
>     What version of PHP and MySQL (client extension and server) are you
> using?

Yeah, I should have mentioned that...

PHP 5.1.6, MySQL 5.0.48 (client and server I think; I'm not the sysadmin).

>     What do your mysqli_query() command and SQL query string look like?

I'll have to ask our sysadmin for the test scripts he ran.  (We're running the 
site on Drupal, which can handle either, but has a lot of DB abstraction 
involved.  He tested it sans-Drupal, but I am not sure what his scripts 

> >  Any idea why mysqli behaves that way, and how to make it clean up
> > properly?  (Yes I should of course try to avoid fatals in the first
> > place, but when they do happen I don't want them to bring the whole
> > server to its knees.)
>     I may not be able to help you, since I've only recently started
> switching myself over to mysqli (I know, as always I'm late to adopt),
> but with more information, maybe someone like Richard Lynch can come
> in and work a miracle.

Hi Rich! :-)

Larry Garfield                  AIM: LOLG42
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               ICQ: 6817012

"If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of 
exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an idea, 
which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps it to 
himself; but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into the possession 
of every one, and the receiver cannot dispossess himself of it."  -- Thomas 

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
I am building a report application that generates some text files for
download and when the download starts it stops prematurely.

The file sizes are currently in the order of the mega bytes and when I
try the script that generates and sends the file in a test server the
process goes smoothly no matter the size of the file but as soon as I
move the script to the production server dowloads cut at 300kb aprox.
My current workarround is to gzip the files and that is giving me some
extra time but the files are growing and sooner or later my
workarround will become useless.

I guess the download is stoped by some timeout and not because of the
amount of kb downloaded because the size varies slightly. If that
timeout exists it should be of apox. 5-10 seconds.

I use this function to perform the upload $contenido is the content of
the file and to that variable I assign the big chunk of output from
the report, $nombre_archivo is the optional name for the file. I can
paste more code but I think the problem is here.

function enviarArchivo($contenido, $nombre_archivo = "") {


        if($nombre_archivo == "") {

                $nombre_archivo = date("dmyHi").".csv";


        header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");

        header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$nombre_archivo");

        header("Content-Length: ".strlen($contenido));

        echo $contenido;



Thanks in advance

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Manuel Barros Reyes wrote:
> I am building a report application that generates some text files for
> download and when the download starts it stops prematurely.
> The file sizes are currently in the order of the mega bytes and when I
> try the script that generates and sends the file in a test server the
> process goes smoothly no matter the size of the file but as soon as I
> move the script to the production server dowloads cut at 300kb aprox.
> My current workarround is to gzip the files and that is giving me some
> extra time but the files are growing and sooner or later my
> workarround will become useless.
> I guess the download is stoped by some timeout and not because of the
> amount of kb downloaded because the size varies slightly. If that
> timeout exists it should be of apox. 5-10 seconds.
> I use this function to perform the upload $contenido is the content of
> the file and to that variable I assign the big chunk of output from
> the report, $nombre_archivo is the optional name for the file. I can
> paste more code but I think the problem is here.
> <?php
> function enviarArchivo($contenido, $nombre_archivo = "") {
>       if($nombre_archivo == "") {
>               $nombre_archivo = date("dmyHi").".csv";
>       }
>       header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
>       header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$nombre_archivo");
>       header("Content-Length: ".strlen($contenido));
>       echo $contenido;
> }
> ?>
> Thanks in advance
> Manuel

What does your error log say when this happens?


--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shawn McKenzie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, February 25, 2008 11:19 PM
> Subject: [PHP] Re: PHP cuts download process prematurely
> Manuel Barros Reyes wrote:
> > I am building a report application that generates some text files for
> > download and when the download starts it stops prematurely.
> >
> > The file sizes are currently in the order of the mega bytes and when I
> > try the script that generates and sends the file in a test server the
> > process goes smoothly no matter the size of the file but as soon as I
> > move the script to the production server dowloads cut at 300kb aprox.
> > My current workarround is to gzip the files and that is giving me some
> > extra time but the files are growing and sooner or later my
> > workarround will become useless.
> >
> > I guess the download is stoped by some timeout and not because of the
> > amount of kb downloaded because the size varies slightly. If that
> > timeout exists it should be of apox. 5-10 seconds.
> >
> > I use this function to perform the upload $contenido is the content of
> > the file and to that variable I assign the big chunk of output from
> > the report, $nombre_archivo is the optional name for the file. I can
> > paste more code but I think the problem is here.
> >
> > <?php
> > function enviarArchivo($contenido, $nombre_archivo = "") {
> >
> >
> >
> >     if($nombre_archivo == "") {
> >
> >             $nombre_archivo = date("dmyHi").".csv";
> >
> >     }
> >
> >
> >
> >     header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
> >
> >     header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$nombre_archivo");
> >
> >     header("Content-Length: ".strlen($contenido));
> >
> >     echo $contenido;
> >
> > }
> >
> > ?>
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> > Manuel
> What does your error log say when this happens?
> -Shawn

Though this is not likely to solve the problem, try adding the following two
lines at the beginning of the script (even before you query the database and do
all your logic)


If this solves the problem you should read this and this carefully and then
choose more rational settings. PHP has a default execution time of 30s.

However, this is not likely to solve the problem as execution time should not be
affected by streaming and we are assuming the user/browser is not aborting the
connection. On the other hand you could support download resuming (it involves
some tricky headers and if you are willing to dig deeper into this read the
manual notes at But this won't
solve your problem... at least for IE as it doesn't support resuming :(.

You need the log files to know exactly what the problem is. And, even if you are
not solving this issue using compression as a workaround, you may also want to
add at the beginning of the script:


Or... you can use "zlib.output_compression" INI setting in an .htaccess file or
in php.ini.

Compressed files will require more server processing but will download way
faster. ob_gzhandler and zlib compression are transparent to the end user, so
they will think they've got the uncompressed file, no need to gzip the files



Andrés Robinet | Lead Developer | BESTPLACE CORPORATION 
5100 Bayview Drive 206, Royal Lauderdale Landings, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 |
TEL 954-607-4207 | FAX 954-337-2695 | 
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | MSN Chat: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  SKYPE: bestplace |
 Web:  | Web:

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
thank you all.
it is a great help..

On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 1:15 AM, Shawn McKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Shawn McKenzie wrote:
> > jeffry s wrote:
> >> i have text file and a table created with
> >>
> >> create table word(
> >> id int not null auto_increment primary key,
> >> word varchar(50),
> >> definition text
> >> )
> >>
> >> the text contain list of words but not really in specific format
> >>
> >> word, some text definition
> >> word, some text definition, some text definition, etc
> >>
> >>
> >> i want to read the file line by line,
> >> take the first word before comma (,) and insert into the word column in
> the
> >> database
> >> whatever after follow the first comma(,) will be inserted into the
> >> definition column in the word table database.
> >>
> >> i am not sure how to read the file line by line in php.
> >> and how to separate the line of  text into two. divided by the 1st
> comma (,)
> >> ..
> >> my idea is using the explode(',' $text) function. but this one will
> separate
> >> everything between a comma(,) into an array.
> >> i wan't to know if there is another better way to do it..
> >>
> >>
> >> any idea?
> >> thank you!
> >>
> >
> > Read about the file() function and also read about the explode()
> > function's limit parameter.
> >
> > -Shawn
> >
> >
> > if(($lines = file("file.txt"))) {
> >     foreach($lines as $line) {
> >         list($word, $definition) = explode($line, ',', 1);
> >         //insert word and definition SQL stuff here
> >     }
> > }
> Maybe I should read up on the limit parameter also :-0
> list($word, $definition) = explode($line, ',', 2);
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, visit:

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