php-general Digest 17 Nov 2009 03:07:56 -0000 Issue 6446

Topics (messages 299869 through 299878):

Re: Shoutbox suggestion needed
        299869 by: Stuart
        299871 by: Paul M Foster
        299872 by: Ashley Sheridan

Cambios de la cuenta de correos
        299870 by: Deivys Delgado Hernández

Re: this has got me baffled: imagesx() andimagesy()reporting the wrong size?
        299873 by: Jason Young

Re: Lightweight web server for Windows?
        299874 by: Daevid Vincent

[php] & [mysql] select and subselect
        299875 by: Allen McCabe

PHP httpd debug question
        299876 by: John Beaulaurier -X (jbeaulau - Advanced Network Info at 

How to make the PHP know the real SCRIPT_FILENAME?
        299877 by: Dong Wang

Ask about printer_open()
        299878 by: agus priy


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--- Begin Message ---
2009/11/15 Cemal Eker <>:
> I just want to implement a shoutbox script for an e-learning application.
> Searched Google for possible solutions but I just want to know what other
> developers use.
> AJAX and GPL is a must.

Strange requirements, but whatever.

A shoutbox is pretty rare on anything except sites aimed at teenagers
so I'm not surprised you haven't had many people jump in and tell you
what they're using, because they're not.

If this is for chatting with the site admin you may want to look into
one of the live support options rather than a shoutbox. They're
private (although I'm sure some have a public option) and they will
provide a much better system for the admin to track multiple
conversations. I really think a shoutbox is the wrong solution for
this particular problem.



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On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 02:46:45PM +0000, Ashley Sheridan wrote:

> I don't know of anything you can use like this, especially that runs
> purely on Ajax. Just take a look at Facebook chat. That's Ajax, and
> fails and falls over on a constant basis to the point where it is almost
> useless. Imho, Java seems to be pretty good at this sort of thing, and
> there are plenty of free options out there that you could use.

It's often been argued back and forth whether people have Javascript
turned off. I suspect the vast majority of people have Javascript turned
on. However, Java is another story. You may find that many more have it
turned off.


Paul M. Foster

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On Mon, 2009-11-16 at 12:06 -0500, Paul M Foster wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 02:46:45PM +0000, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
> > 
> > I don't know of anything you can use like this, especially that runs
> > purely on Ajax. Just take a look at Facebook chat. That's Ajax, and
> > fails and falls over on a constant basis to the point where it is almost
> > useless. Imho, Java seems to be pretty good at this sort of thing, and
> > there are plenty of free options out there that you could use.
> It's often been argued back and forth whether people have Javascript
> turned off. I suspect the vast majority of people have Javascript turned
> on. However, Java is another story. You may find that many more have it
> turned off.
> Paul
> -- 
> Paul M. Foster

Yeah, but then, generally, you can tell the people visiting this site
what they need enabled, as it looks like the visitors are going to be a
select few. Java is available on all the main browsers, and generally
only needs one to accept the applet. For a chat application to be
written using only Ajax technology, well, like I said before, if
Facebook tried it and still can't get it right with all the financial
backing they have, what hope for someone to release this sort of thing
open source and Facebook not be aware of it?


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Hola, debido a cambios en los servidores de salud he tenido que cambiar mi 
cuenta de correos, la nueva cuenta es la siguiente:

La cuenta vieja sera cancelada dentro de mas o menos 15 dias
René y Deivys

Este mensaje ha sido analizado por MailScanner Nodo Finlay, Camaguey, Cuba
en busca de virus y otros contenidos peligrosos,
y se considera que está limpio.

Visite nuestro sitio

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message --- Indeed. Using ImageMagick's 'identify' command, the first layer is 30x24 on a 32x32 canvas.

radioactive-bread-eek.gif[0] GIF 30x24 32x32+2+6 8-bit PseudoClass 256c 2.11kb radioactive-bread-eek.gif[1] GIF 32x27 32x32+0+4 8-bit PseudoClass 256c 2.11kb

If getimagesize() works on the canvas, then you might want to use that, instead. gd and gifs don't really have a steady relationship, anyway.

Ashley Sheridan wrote:

It does indeed seem to be some sort of bug. I've just tested it with
your image on my machine here and for imagesx() and imagesy() it gives
30 and 24 respectively. getimagesize() does return the correct
dimensions though.

The same image saved as a flat single layer gif from the Gimp behaves
exactly the same way.

This might not be a proper bug as such, as the image itself might be
32x32, but the first layer (the first frame in the animated version) is
30x24 when you remove the dead, unused, transparent background. Perhaps
GD is meant to report on the *actual* size of the image, rather than the
dimensions of the frame?


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Out of curiosity, if this is just for coding, and you're already a Linux
guy, why not just install a lightweight linux flavor on the laptop instead
of WF/XP?

You didn't mention the specs, but any computer of the past few years is
pretty powerful. I used to rock a Dell i8200 (P4/1GB) and XP with a VMWare
workstation of Gentoo. SAMBA mount it and use NAT and it works awesome. So
you could try that. and there are a
ton of pre-built VMs to download there Or
you could also go with Sun's too.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: O. Lavell [] 
> Sent: Sunday, November 15, 2009 1:00 PM
> To:
> Subject: [PHP] Lightweight web server for Windows?
> What do people on this list use as an ultra-lightweight web 
> server (with 
> PHP capability of course) on Windows? I have an old but still well 
> functioning laptop that I have just given a second life by installing 
> Windows Fundamentals (a stripped down version of XP). This works 
> surprisingly well. So now I am looking for the necessary 
> software, so I 
> can do some local programming.
> Some requirements I can think of:
> - Extremely small memory footprint and fast efficient code. 
> This laptop
>   still works well but it can certainly use some help!
> - Both free as in beer and free as in speech would be my preference.
> - Be able to run as a "service" in XP.
> - Be able to run PHP (obviously) and perhaps a few other nice server
>   features, like SSI and name based virtual hosts.
> Any suggestions? I have not seriously used Windows for years 
> now, so my 
> knowledge of that platform is not exactly up to date anymore. 
> I am used 
> to dealing with Debian/Ubuntu Linux and Apache but not much else, 
> frankly. Apache does seem to heavy for this. My initial 
> thought was to 
> install Lighttpd under Cygwin, but perhaps I would be missing 
> out on some 
> great little server program that I have not yet heard about.
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, visit:

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
I have a page on my site where I can optionaly filter by certain fields
(order by filesize or file category), but I am implementing a shopping cart
type of idea where users can submit an order.

As administrators, my coworkers and I need to be able to filter orders by
their contents. For example:

View all orders for "Jack and the Beanstalk," where an order may have Jack
and the Beanstalk and other items.

I have an order table that keeps track of the order_id, the date, the
status, etc. I also have an order_lineitem table that is the contents of the
order. This has a one-to-many structure (without foreign keys because it is

I was baffled as to how to filter the orders by the item_id that appears in
the order_lineitem table.

I just came up with this, but I'm not sure how the mysql_queries will handle
an array. Do I have to do some extensive regular expression management here
to get this to work, or will it accept an array?


if (isset($_POST['showid']))
   $showid = $_POST['showid'];
   $subSQL = "SELECT order_id FROM afy_show_lineitem WHERE show_id =
   $subResult = mysql_query($subSQL);
   $where = "WHERE";
   $extQuery = 'order_id = {$subResult}';

$resultOrders = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM afy_order {$where} {$extQuery};")
or die(mysql_error("Could not query the database!"));


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phpMyAdmin crashes when access is attempted each time, and I need to run
an httpd backtrace. I have a question though.


There is another httpd instance running on the same host. If I run httpd
-X will it interfere with the other httpd process running, or will

it be a separate process?




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I am trying to use PHP as backend, which communicate with apache-2.3's

But I have noticed that the SCRIPT_FILENAME has been changed to
"proxy:balancer://xxxxxx", it cann't be recognized by  the remote PHP
backend. So the request failed.
In my opinion, the remote PHP backend use the SCRIPT_FILENAME to find the
script file. But the PHP and the Apache may be in different computer, so the
Document Root may be different. is that means the PHP shouldn't rely on the

how can I configure the PHP to know the real script file to execute?

Thank you

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I want to ask about function printer_open(). I have error Call to
undefined function printer_open(), but php_printer.dll was copied in
windows-system32 and php.ini has been setting. can you help me to
solving this problem.

Please reply soon. thank you.


On 11/17/09, agus priy <> wrote:
> Dear,
> I want to ask about function printer_open(). I have error Call to
> undefined function printer_open(), but php_printer.dll was copied in
> windows-system32 and php.ini has been setting. can you help me to
> solving this problem.
> Please reply soon. thank you.
> Regards,
> Priyagus

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