php-general Digest 18 Sep 2012 12:36:55 -0000 Issue 7968

Topics (messages 319114 through 319119):

Re: tricky code problem
        319114 by: Matijn Woudt
        319116 by: shiplu

PHP from ASP using AJAX?
        319115 by: Girish Talluru
        319117 by: Ashley Sheridan

Re: Programmers and developers needed
        319118 by: agbo onyador

Highlight Search Results
        319119 by: Floyd Resler


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--- Begin Message ---
On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 11:12 PM, Jim Giner
<> wrote:
> This is a tricky one but let's see if I can explain it.
> 1 - using a menu screen I have a link that calls a js function that opens a
> popup with a form in it;
> 2 - the form receives some user input (a login) and then the user clicks a
> submit button;
> 3 - the button has an onclick that calls a js func that does an
> xmlhttprequest to a php script using a GET with some parms;
> 4 - the php script called above returns a true/false value back to the js
> function;
> 5 - the js function returns the true/false value back to the html <input>
> tag that triggered it;
> 6 - the form in the html containing the input tag gets submitted if the
> return was true, calling a different php script with a POST and definitely
> no parms in the action value of the <form> tag.
> What shows up on my address bar (ie) is a composite of the script name
> called in item 6 along with the parms (ie, GET values) from the js
> xmlhttprequest string in item 3 appended to it.  Now all of my scripts have
> a header that eliminates caching, so that's not it afaik.  I've actually
> closed my session and come back an hour later and this still occurs.
> Can anyone see how this can possibly be happening?

If you post some code maybe.. Sounds like a type or something to me.

- Matijn

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Without relevant code and what have you tried
<> your
questions don't make any sense.

-- | A dynamic signature machine
Innovation distinguishes between follower and leader

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Hi There,

Can we able to call PHP script from ASP using AJAX?



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On Mon, 2012-09-17 at 23:03 -0700, Girish Talluru wrote:

> Hi There,
> Can we able to call PHP script from ASP using AJAX?
> Thanks,
> Girish

AJAX is just Javascript making a call to a remote web service, so it
doesn't really matter what that web service is written in.


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The growing power of the internet and global networks.
(on the world’s politics, economies and even on daily life of ordinary
people) Programmers and developers needed:

We are living in an age in which social networks are getting more and more
powerful. They are not only creating a virtual future but they are pushing
people to create the real future. The Arab Spring for example would not
have started if it wasn’t for facebook or twitter. Economies would die
without the internet. Everything that happens in society has it’s
reflection on the internet and, more important, all that happens on the
internet has it’s reflection on society!!! How can we use this to push the
world into the right direction? What can we do to influence the future and
higher the possibilities of our world to achieve global peace.

Here is what we are planning to do: create a Think Tank, a group of
programmers and developers, and brainstorm together on a new social network
that will complete the existing one’s and can integrate with them
perfectly. a social network easy to use and so appealing that it will
become a must for all internet users to be part of it. A social network
with a specific goal: let people make their choices towards global peace.
Such a network is possible, such a network is fun and such a network works!
it will open the way to a better world! Every programmer and developer
interested to be part of this Tink Tank please contact me.

Together we will create a better world.


On Friday, September 14, 2012, Tim Dunphy <> wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 3:00 PM, Robert Cummings <
>> On 12-09-13 06:10 PM, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
>>> On Thu, 2012-09-13 at 16:48 -0400, Tedd Sperling wrote:
>>>  On Sep 13, 2012, at 3:45 AM, agbo onyador <> wrote:
>>>>  Hello there! We are looking for programmers and developers to create a
>>>>> world wide system. Your comments are welcome.
>>>> Wow!
>>>> I'm looking for world wide money.
>>>> tedd
>>> Join the queue...
>> There's a queue? Bah humbug... I've been waiting for delivery all this
>> time.
>> Cheers,
>> Rob.
>> --
>> E-Mail Disclaimer: Information contained in this message and any
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>> PHP General Mailing List (
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>  I hear that there's this thing-a-ma-jig called the world wide web.. do we
> really need a world WIDER web? maybe that's what they have in mind! <holds
> cup out to african royalty>
> --
> GPG me!!
> gpg --keyserver --recv-keys F186197B

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I want to highlight the word searched in search results.  I know I can use 
str_ireplace to do a case insensitive search and replace.  However, is there an 
easy way to maintain the case of the word found when I do the replace?


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