Hello Jon, 

(JR == "Jon Rosenberg") [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

JR> I know this is kinda silly. but, if I have the following, will the
JR> file only be included when the case is matched or does require
JR> always bring in the file regarless?

That is *supposed* to be the way it works. That is *supposed* to be one
of the differences of require() and include(). You'd use include(),
for example, within a conditional.

I can only speak for PHP 3.0.18, but yes. require() includes it
regardless. include() only includes it if 'blah' is met.

JR> case blah:
JR>     require('include.php');
JR>     do something....
JR> break;

Everything should be built top-down, except the first time.

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