On Thursday 11 January 2001 00:08, Todd Cary wrote:

> <<<
> Did I completely miss the point?
> Yes and No.  I have my Win 2K system in my office on which I do PHP
> development.  However, sometimes I am on the road with a "simple"
> Notebook computer (450 MHz and 6 GHz drive).  It would be nice to "play
> around" with PHP and see if it will run.

*simple* ????
I have PHP running nicely on a Pentium 90 with 48MB RAM which also 
happens to be the file-/mail-/smb-/cvs-/... server in my house. So don't 
worry about your "simple" notebook being too slow :)

(granted - that computer here runs on Linux without any GUI, but still...)

Christian Reiniger
LGDC Webmaster (http://sunsite.dk/lgdc/)

This is JohnC IMHO, I compaired tri-word groupings here and in his plan
and got a good match.

- /. posting discussing the likelihood that an AC post that claimed to be
posted by John Carmack during his honeymoon (and having the login info at
home) was actually from him.

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