My understanding is :

1. <?= is essentially php4+ specific
2. Will not work if short_tags_open setting is off (in php.ini) because of
   the fact that <? is a short tag.

Regarding its relation to the ASP counterpart, it is not directly related
to <%= as that is an ASP tag which refers to the asp_tags setting which if
on, <%= will work, if not on, it will not.  Information and references to
this can be found here :

I've personally never tried asp tags.  Earlier within this thread , the
following php internals were posted by Jim Winstead :

All in all, if others will be playing with your scripts, don't use asp
style as usually this is usually turned off.  Use of <?= is mildly
dangerous (and debated, my view is 'bad') to use given the reasons above.

Philip Olson

On 13 Jan 2001, Arcady Genkin wrote:

> I have noticed that <?= works just as well as <%=.  Since this is not
> in documentation, how safe is it to use it?
> Many thanks,
> -- 
> Arcady Genkin
> Don't read everything you believe.
> -- 
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