
> function CUP (
>     if ((!$alias) || (!$password)) {
>         header("Location: login.php");
>         exit;
>     }
> );

usually a function has the following structure:

function <name> ( <arguments> ) { <code> }

of course you can put any whitspace inside:

function <name> ( <arguments> )

which makes it easy to read.

You can put anything you want inside a function, but you must know, that you
cannot directly access a variable, that is defined outside the function.

$name = "mOrP";

function print_name()
        echo $name;


will not work.

Then you must 'get' the global variables (like $name):

$name = "mOrP";

function print_name()
        global $name;
        echo $name;


But it's better to work with the function arguments:

$name = "mOrP"

function print_name($name_arg)
        echo $name_arg;


notice, that there is no ";" behind the { ... } and the ( ... ) block in the
definition of the function.

Hope it helps,


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