Greeting all,
Just now I asked about to tie string values together and would like to thank
Jason for that. Anyway one more thing, after I have tied string values
together and assigned that to a virables. can I used the value from that
variables to compare with another date value? Say another date value I will
use is also retrieved from a field in table which is in Date data type as
well. So it will be like

$query = "select myBirthdate from date where userId='1' ";
$dateResult =mysql_query($query);
$myBirthDate = (mysql_result($dateResult,0,"myBirthdate"));

$thisBirthdate = "$year"."$month"."$day";

if ($thisBirthdate < $myBirthdate) {
do something
} else {
 do some other thing

Is it the correct way to do that?
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