I'm seeing strange behavior with Magic Quotes in PHP on my ISP hosted 
accounts. Basically, it's not consistently removing the escaped backslashes 
before displaying.

For instance, take the following piece database text (stored in, say, a 
character field)....

It's fun to be a penguin.

If I do a simple retrieve and echo on a webpage, I will get the following 
80% of the time..

It's fun to be a penguin.

But, the other 20% of the time I get

It\'s fun to be a penguin.

There's something inconsistent about the way MagicQuotes are removed by the 
system...it's as if the system gets "busy" or the cache gets flushed before 
PHP gets the opportunity to unescape the single quotes.

Is anyone else seeing this behavior and has any suggestions on how to make 
it work more consistent? Yes, I've been including "stripslashes" to try to 
make SURE that these slashes get removed, but that doesn't work all the 
time EITHER.


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