At 14.54 -0500 01-01-15, Tim Zickus poked the keyboard as follows:
>  > Wow, I never thought of using the remote IP!  Thanks for the tip. I
>>  am going to use it today for an authentication system I'm building.
>Please note that remote IP is NOT reliable.  For clients behind the proxies
>& gateways of large ISP's (AOL is the prime example) you can see the remote
>address bounce around from number to number, even within the same session,
>depending on which path the data takes.
Ach, oy vey! Then, having looked at AOL's info, it seems to me that 
perhaps one could build a function or class that could evaluate 
against a known list of alternate proxies. So, if the request came 
from 152.163.197, it would recognize that as an AOL proxy and just 
code the current proxy as "AOL" or something. Each subsequent request 
(from 152.163.* etc.) would go through the same filter.

Obviously, this means that the system could be vulnerable to being 
compromised by someone working through a large ISP such as AOL, but I 
think it's unlikely that people with the expertise to sniff cookies 
and such would be using AOL. And anyway, the system would still be 
more secure than if I weren't using IP verification at all.

Does anyone one know of a class or function that's been already built 
to do this?


Kristofer Widholm
Web Pharmacy
191 Grand Street, Brooklyn  NY  11211

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