Hmmm. I did:

        $timestamp = mktime(0,0,0,$month,$date,$year);
        $day = date("1", $timestamp);

and it returns 1, no matter what the contents of $month, $date and $year
are. Did I miss something?

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Rush [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 16 January 2001 16:03
To: Jon Haworth
Subject: Re: [PHP] Working out the name of the day given a date

On Tuesday, January 16, 2001, at 10:56 AM, Jon Haworth wrote:

> Just a quickie. Does anyone have a code snippet for calculating the day of

> the week given a date? I was hoping I could feed a string like "20010116"
> a function and have it return "Tuesday" - it doesn't have to be exactly
> date format that is used for the input, but I do need the name of the day
> the output! 

covert your date string to a unix timestamp and then use date("l",
have a great day,

:: Andrew Rush :: Lead Systems Developer :: ::
"Crippled but free, blind all the time, i was learning to see"

- J. Garcia / R. Hunter

The  views expressed herein are not necessarily those of my employer, but
they let me have them anyway.

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