Im nearly posative this isnt what your looking for, but I thought I would
see if maybe it was :)

compile php as a cgi so you can run it from the command prompt. then just
run the php file from the command prompt through exec ()


exec("php -q somephpfile.php &");


untested of course.

Chris Lee

"Dylan McNamee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> There are occasions when I'd like to execute some long-running task
> in the background, in response to some user action.  It seems that
> PHP has all the neccesary mechanisms to allow me to do this, but
> in my perusing of the manuals/FAQ's/digests, etc, I don't see such
> a facility.
> For example, I'd like to do something like this:
> function long_running_background_task()
> {
> ...
> }
> function handle_some_action()
> {
> ...
> fork (long_running_background_task);
> }
> In the cases I'd like to do this, I can manage synchronization
> externally...
> (i.e., implement join by waiting for a /tmp file to appear or
> something),
> so I'm not asking for a join, or any sychronization facilities.
> Does anyone agree that this would be useful?  Is there another way to
> accomplish this? Better yet, does this function already exist, but has
> managed to hide for all this time...?
> thanks,
> dylan
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