>Has anyone used PHP to connect to a FileMaker database?

This may not be appropriate to your circumstances, but I would seriously
consider exporting the information from the FMP database and importing it
into mySQL. This may take a little more time initially (defining the
tables, recreating the relationships, etc) but the PHP->mySQL functionality
is built-in and well documented, and will therefore be easier and faster to
code. You will probably save time later on.

mySQL is a much more serious database application than FMP and has many
features (like proper relationships) that you may find useful - it will
also be much, much faster than FMP or FMP Server. Another thing that you
may wish to bear in mind is the extortionate cost charged by web hosting
companies to host FMP databases (mySQL hosting, on the other hand, ranges
from free to cheap). Even if you are willing to pay for FMP hosting, you
may find it difficult to find one that offers both FMP and PHP.

Hope that this helps,

Andy Clarke

                   Andy Clarke
      78 West Kensington Court, Edith Villas,
             London, England  W14 9AB

            phone:  44 (0)20 7602 3382
              mobile:  07947 418177

          Freelance Lingo/PHP Programmer

                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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