> Hi.... My name is Bruno, I'm in Brazil and I'm new in PHP...
> I wanna know how can I roll in the records in a dataset.
> Like...
> Move First
> Move last
> Move next.....os something like this

Depends on which database you use...

Assuming it's MySQL, you have http://php.net/mysql_fetch_row and
http://php.net/mysql_fetch_array which are kinda like moveNext, only better

To move back to the first (or any) record, you can use
http://php.net/mysql_data_seek (I think it's data_seek...)  It's in there

Oh yeah -- You've now triggered a nightmare that can only be expunged by my
singing a verse from my Microsoft Sucks song:

"Can't moveFirst in an empty record set.
Microsoft Sucks.  Microsoft Sucks."

It's a very long song.  Many, many verses.  I used to sing it aloud at work.

By Day:                                |By Night:
    Don't miss the Zend Web Store's    |   There's not enough room here...
    Grand Opening on January 23, 2001! |   Start here:
    http://www.zend.com                |   http://l-i-e.com/artists.htm

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