On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, Michael Zornek wrote:

> ok so i set up a multidimensional array with the following code:
> <?PHP
> // departments.inc
> //
> // This file defines the switches. All the forms, and return displays are
> // based on this table (multidimential array). The first index is the
> switch number,
> // then each department has three proporties.
> // 1, Can the website use this depatement?
> // 2, Can this department be used in the admin pages?
> // 3, Its name.
> // The idea being when you want to introduce a new department you can turn
> // it on for admin editing, make sure enough stories, vendors,
> events, were related,
> // then open it to the public a few weeks later.
> $departments = array ("s1" => array("On", "On", "The Seybold Report"),
> "s2" => array("On", "On", "Publishing Systems"),
> "s3" => array("On", "On", "Internet Publishing"),
> "s4" => array("On", "On", "The Bulletin"),
> "s5" => array("Off", "Off", ""),
> "s6" => array("Off", "Off", ""),
> "s7" => array("Off", "Off", ""),
> "s8" => array("Off", "Off", ""),
> "s9" => array("On", "On", "Broadband"),
> "s10" => array("On", "On", "Business"),
> "s11" => array("On", "On", "Color Management & Proofing"),
> "s12" => array("On", "On", "Content & Asset Management"),
> "s13" => array("On", "On", "CTP & On-press Imaging"),
> "s14" => array("On", "On", "Digital Presses & Variable Data"),
> "s15" => array("On", "On", "Digital Rights Management"),
> "s16" => array("On", "On", "E-Books"),
> "s17" => array("On", "On", "Personalization"),
> "s18" => array("On", "On", "Print Workflow"),
> "s19" => array("On", "On", "Standards"),
> "s20" => array("On", "On", "Wireless"),
> "s21" => array("Off", "Off", ""),
> "s22" => array("Off", "Off", ""),
> "s23" => array("Off", "Off", ""),
> "s24" => array("Off", "Off", ""),
> "s25" => array("Off", "Off", ""),
> "s26" => array("Off", "Off", ""),
> "s27" => array("Off", "Off", ""),
> "s28" => array("Off", "Off", ""),
> "s29" => array("Off", "Off", ""),
> "s30" => array("Off", "Off", ""),
> "s31" => array("Off", "Off", ""),
> "s32" => array("Off", "Off", ""),
> "s33" => array("Off", "Off", ""),
> "s34" => array("Off", "Off", ""),
> "s35" => array("Off", "Off", ""),
> "s36" => array("Off", "Off", ""),
> "s37" => array("Off", "Off", ""),
> "s38" => array("Off", "Off", ""),
> "s39" => array("Off", "Off", ""),
> "s40" => array("Off", "Off", "")
> );
> ?>
> Now I am creating forms and tables and need to retrieve this info I'd
> like to say something like:
> if switch s23 is availbe to the admin pages do this, else do that.

if ($departments["s23"][1]=="On")

> and
> echo switch 34's name

echo $departments["s34"][2];

> Little help?
> Mike

Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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