I have a question about session_register(), and the following is the

When I read a tutorial about session. I know that, once the
"session_start()" is called, it will check the session id. If it's not
valid, create a new one, and it will responible to retrieve the variable.
I also learns about the usage of session_register(). It is a function to
register a variable which will be used throughout a session.

My question is, when the user first visit, a session created, and I register
the variable. On the second, or following hits, to use the session variable,
I also need "session_start", but should I still need to call
session_register() for each hit?

e.g. in script 1, I have a $foo, which should be a session variable, then

in script 2, I still have to use that "$foo", as what I have read from the
tutorial, a session_start() is already prepare that sesson variable for me,
when the script is being parsed,
    //should I still have to add such a statement?

I know my english is poor, so I use a lot of words to show my question, pls

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